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About arghTease

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    United States
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    Skyrim Fallout 4

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  1. thank you. have been playing off line now since this BS started. so now i decide to go online to possibly purchase another game i wont have to worry about this. again thank you!
  2. if skyrim se or fallout 4 there have been updates which would be one cause of the problem you are having. i betting that is it :) hope this helps you. if this is the case you will need to do a rollback to continue using it until it is updated which could be several days or weeks. R T
  3. ok, never mind. tweaked around until it quit. not to sure but think i know what it was. :) thanks if you were going to answer.
  4. character walks stiff or seems to revert back to orignal walk after arming and disarming. using girly animations. also at times fov will change as well. anyone experience same or similar if you have clues or solution would be exceptionally grateful .
  5. just happened to be passing by and got a good laugh so thank you.
  6. Travellers will mess up if you have any mod or mods changing locations, also i have heard it has some issues with UFO if you are using that that might have been the problem. who knows, this is Skyrim and sometimes it is just quirky LOL.. :) but i am happy you are up and running now!
  7. if you are using Nexus Mod Manager, go to plugin tab. untick all your esp's and esm'.s other than skyrim and your dlcs and updates if you have them. load game and play for time frame that would seem to exceed what is normal for your ctd. to happen. after that tick 1 esm or esp and repeat. i know it is tedious but even if you uninstall and reinstall the same mods you will have ctd issue. i am fairly sure you have a conflict between a few mods. if you unistall everything and reinstall don't load the dock with mods but do just a few at a time till you find the culprit. the only other thing that might be causing this that i can think of would be if you installed some script heavy mods and then uninstalled one. i know you are frustrated, been there before myself so just want to help if can.
  8. Skyrim can be great fun just roaming around in for a long long time before you have been and seen everything. Beyond Skyrim- Bruma is an excellent addition, as is the following: Darkend, Clockwork, Forgotten Dungeons, Skyrim Underground, Malog Bals Inferno, All of those will give countless hours of fun and games. also Immersive Wenches with Hateful Wenches will give you extreme battle challenges in Draugr Crypts. (loads of fun!). could list more but these are exceptional mods. hope i have been of some assistance to you in some way. now go have some High Adventure LOL. :)
  9. take a look at this vid ( ) and then do one step at a time. don't worry bout breaking something cause sounds like things can't get much worse (LOL) . but seriously, sounds like a conflict of some sort. start a game with all your esp's and esm's un-ticked except your skyrim and dlc's. if that works go t the next one and clik it start game and if all is well that mod is not the problem. you might have to go thru almost all of them to find the culprit. there also could be more than one mod causing the problem. or you can uninstalll all go thru precedure by adding a couple mods at a time till you get your ctd. that will reveal the conflicting mod. hope this has helped you some. :smile:
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