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Everything posted by Wraithofdoom

  1. yeah continuity to the civil war storyline is really needed, the thalmor could declare war after you completed the civil war questline and you have to deal with their invasion of Skyrim, if you helped Ulfric then we should see what happens when he is crowned, etc. Other than that i really want to visit some other daedric plane like in SI, and extra provinces are always awesome, though that would be too much work since they need to fill it with quests, locations, true scale and all.
  2. omg !! wow really ? very interesting, maybe they'll pop up in future Skyrim dlc and reveal their true purpose then, thanks for the info man. :thumbsup: but still its all just speculation right ? or has bethesda confirm that ?
  3. I like Winterhold (not the city the hold) since its so artic, it feels like you've reached the end of the world you feel so lonely and lost in the heavy snow storm its an awesome feeling, specially with the realistic lighting mod at night and the Inmersive Hud mod (ie: pitch black nights in a snow storm carrying a toch around without a compass). Other than that i love most of the voice acting, the combat animations, magic is way more fun too. I dont like the fact they completely erased classes, since it gave a sort of identity to your character, but anyway this thread is for the good things. Lets see... I like the daedric quests a lot more this time, at least those i've done. Most of all i love the freedom and the fact that no quest has a timer.
  4. Does anyone else know what are the other objectives of the Thalmor ? apart from conquering everything and probably enslaving humans and beast races like the Ayleids and banning Talos, what else is in their agenda ? is the banning of talos really all they pursue ?
  5. nothing in bethesda (edit: oops, meant skyrim) can be compared to real life, at all. But just to mention it the nords do hate the elves a lot, and Ulfric has confined the dunmer into the gray quarter for instance, i think other jarls dont want them in their cities at all, but need to tolerate them because its politically correct.
  6. The divines are actually pretty powerfull, but they are the forces of creation and the Daedra are the forces of change, so the Daedra take a more direct involvement in "changing" Nirn. As for Talos he is definetly a divine, this is supported by the armor of tiber septim being "blood of a divine" as stated before. And the thalmor are just annoying.
  7. True. Skyrim's guilds main quests felt incredibly short, resulting in me believing that Bethesda didn't take their time in developing them. I think the guild with the most disappointing main quest-line is the College of Winterhold. The game's main quest-line was also disappointing. It never really felt like dragons were a real threat and Alduin was a pushover who should have died long ago. At least in Oblivion, Mehrunes Dagon seemed like a real threat. I was expecting an Armageddon-like climax involving Alduin gathering a few of his best dragons and attacking a major city like Solitude, then being forced to retreat to Sovngarde with the Dovahkiin pursuing him. I second that, all of the guilds i've done felt incredibly short with the exception maybe of the thieves guild, but i dont know if thats just an illusion since i spent tons of time doing thieve side quests in between main thieves guild missions. The companions felt very short, the DB was a shadow of its former self and i havent played the collegue yet so i cant tell, but i expect something about half the length of the Mages guild in oblivion. The radiant quests at the end are a good addition and they keep the game sort of alive but seriously we need more substantial guild questlines, very dissapointed . But i just cant hate skyrim, its so much fun.
  8. thats true but they should include the fact that no one will pay for mods and that many modders wont mod for them into their thought process, their game will die out if they try to pull this. I personally think Valve/Steam is the one behind this idea, not bethesda. sorry i assumed by premium you meant "huge and polished" or something along those lines.
  9. 'tis sad, but this also applies to real life where only white people can be racists :\ absolutly, black people can do or say things extremely racists and its ok but a white person is inmediatly the worst guy or girl in earth for a minor thing, for instance that "professor" that said they need to exterminate white people and still black people defended him (!!!) and apparently they are "justified" and its not racist. As true and absurd as this is, how did we end up talking about this lol. Edit: just to clarify i dont like white racism at all im just saying it would be good if blacks and other races would also be considered racists when they do or say extremely racist things on a daily basis like all the time. Anyway this is way off topic.
  10. "Premium" mods already exist, what about Nehrim ? thats as premium as it gets, and it was for free. The very concept of a mod and the worderfull modding community is destroyed if it isnt free, it becomes a DLC.
  11. well yeah its optional, but you have to understand how people can get upset at Steam when they try to pull something so low.
  12. I killed her when i crafted Frostmourne for RP lol :confused:
  13. I dont understand how Bethesda could kill the nexus if the mods are "property" of the modder, right ? if someone makes lets say a weapon from scratch its their work, not bethesda, so they couldnt just kill it (?). Furthermore i dont think its in their best interest to do so, lets face it, even if we didnt have the nexus and any other way to download mods we would still not pay for them (at least the vast majority of us) because its ridiculous, we would just move on to another game and bye bye Skyrim, so this would only "kill" Skyrim's longevity and that kills Bethesda's sales for their next Elder scrolls game (because we all know if it wasnt for mods Oblivion would have been long forgotten and Skyrim would have received less than half the hype & sales), they would also be incredibly hated by the community, i think bethesda knows all this, or if they dont then they should. Wrong, any content created with either parts of content, or the engine used in the game becomes the property of the games parent company. Meaning simply that by making a mod with a custom designed and added sword to Skyrim, makes that mod the property of Bethesda. Didnt know that guess im just not aware of all the legal stuff, thanks for the info, i still dont think bethesda would be so dumb to do that. lol exactly.
  14. I dont understand how Bethesda could kill the nexus if the mods are "property" of the modder, right ? if someone makes lets say a weapon from scratch its their work, not bethesda, so they couldnt just kill it (?). Furthermore i dont think its in their best interest to do so, lets face it, even if we didnt have the nexus and any other way to download mods we would still not pay for them (at least the vast majority of us) because its ridiculous, we would just move on to another game and bye bye Skyrim, so this would only "kill" Skyrim's longevity and that kills Bethesda's sales for their next Elder scrolls game (because we all know if it wasnt for mods Oblivion would have been long forgotten and Skyrim would have received less than half the hype & sales), they would also be incredibly hated by the community, i think bethesda knows all this, or if they dont then they should. thanks, reading all that really gives me hope, :thumbsup:
  15. i would side with the imperials because the stormcloaks SPOILER replace Balgruuf and his lot who are awesome and i like a lot, with Vignar and the grey haired "strong nord woman" (as she puts it) SPOILER END. Other than that your actions dont really have a consequence on wether the Thalmor do something in the actual game, but if we were to inmerse ourselves in the game world i would say Ulfric is not the hero he appears to be, he does respect nord traditions but he is a double faced man who just wants political power, and the thalmor would destroy Skyrim if the empire wasnt there, they would also destroy the empire because it would be weakened, so what are you left with ? 10 or 20 years of Ulfric running the goold old Nord skyrim, and then a Tamriel ruled by the Thalmor and men would be slaves if not killed. So yeah i would go with the Empire. Other than that be wary that ingame the cities you attack are left with "scars" of the battle, so if you want your cities pretty i would suggest just dont start the civil war, lol.
  16. Ok so i was looking at some other forum and i found a link to this, very disturbing, piece of information: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/workshoplegalagreement Read 3 "payment" if you dont wanna go through the whole thing. Now just what is this ?! are mods gonna stop being about sharing with the community just for the joy of feedback and to show your work and start being a business ? will each mod we download be like buying a dlc ? are modders for or against this ? I dont know if people already were aware of this and im just late on news, but since i just found out i wanted to discuss it here in the big TES modding site. What do you think of all this ?
  17. i would rather have the nazgul out asap but this is cool too.
  18. Jojjo will probably make this. I totally agree with the request, i want it. I hate WoW as a game but the lore is damn good and the Lich King has a place in Skyrim. But i wouldnt worry, Jojjo has you covered.
  19. i disagree about everything you said, i dont think they copied anything. But i would like the armor very much.
  20. Anybody knows of any mod for Warcraft 3 that adds a model of Diablo ? i've seen mods like Diablo warcraft 3 but i dont know if they add a Diablo model (the demon himself) since really thats all im after just to make my own custom maps. So is there a diablo unit model mod out there for WC3 ? be sure to post if you know or have a hint. Thanks a lot !
  21. Is there a HUNGER mod out ther (that makes you hungry). Same for thirsty.
  22. the werewolf already looks pretty good as it is. red glowing eyes and oversized teeth and hands gives it a cartoon feel (like WoW) which i personally dont like at all.
  23. ok so is anyone doing this yet or what ?
  24. Why are they Dark elves with hornes ? whats up with that ?! in oblivion they were distinct creatures now you just stick a couple of horns on a dark elf and call it a day ? why ? any explanation for this ?.
  25. ok is this real or some kind of strange trolling ? if you honestly have those kinds of neighbours get out of there. About the guy knocking on your door, i used to have this old lady always knocking on my door because something went wrong with her apartment, and for some reason i had something to do with it, the third time she did it i answered the door, looked at her really pissed off and irritated, acted like an douchebag (she went on a rant and i stood there looking over my shoulder at the tv and when she was done after like 2 straight minutes of ranting i told her "what ? sory didnt catch that" and closed the door). anyways she never came again, and i heard she was annoying another one of my neighbours on a regular basis recently, guess she just needs someone to annoy, nothing personal. About the guy that killed your cat, lets just say if i were to say what i would do to him i might get in trouble, so lets leave that for the imagination. Edit: nice one to the guy with the rifle ! that dude was gonna steal from you for sure.
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