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Everything posted by Elec1

  1. Ok I'll try it as well out of curiosity.
  2. Is Dawnguard required for it? As I only have Hearthfire right now EDIT: I couldn't get the mod you suggested to work so I tried this one instead: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11370 I was able to move him to my house. Not sure if the mod was the reason I was able to or whether the game finally decided to cooperate with me but I accomplished what I wanted either way.
  3. Ok. So I married Scouts-Many-Marshes awhile back and decided to just live in the Assemblage with him until I saved up for Breezehome (I typically use money cheats but this time I decided not to). Now, even though I've bought Breezehome the "move somewhere else" option doesn't come up in the dialogue. All the other options are there. I'm wondering if it's related to Hearthfire... Does anyone else have this problem and/or know if there's a fix for this? Seriously, Bethesda, I would be perfectly ok with you delaying the release of your DLC while you tested it to make sure it didn't screw up already-existing features.
  4. I reanimated one corpse if that counts. I might do it again sometime, but I actually prefer my atronachs and familiars.
  5. Not to be rude but I said at the very beginning that I removed his essential tag which means I did that already. However I attacked him as did Madesi, Grelka Brand-Shei, and others. No problem though as there's a temporary fix that gives me the satisfaction of watching him fall to the ground dead. However, based on my observations, it seems that it's not just me who wants him to die but so does the entire Riften Marketplace.
  6. Actually you don't have to talk to him at all, nor do you have to do the little chore he assigns you. You just have to know where to go. Anyway thanks :) This will hold me until the CK comes out and someone makes a mod that removes his invincible (not just essential, but invincible) tag.
  7. Thanks to knowing about it ahead of time, I was able to bail before the Blades tasked my character with such a stupid and pointless quest. But I'm all for this idea.
  8. I'm all for this. I prefer to use ranged attacks for things like Saber Cats and the like (and of course Dragons), but bows are so dang slow. So yeah. I wouldn't mind seeing this.
  9. Either Black Marsh or Elyswer would be cool. As for when, I don't know.
  10. Has doing that worked consistently? As if it does that could be the workaround we've been looking for.
  11. Exactly. Unrelenting Force counts as cruelty for animals and makes the guards get onto you and take you all the way to the jarl's palace. So I want something that will let you tip cows without getting in trouble.
  12. I've had the same problem several times. I have no idea what causes it but it's irritating because when I hear the music I get all tense and start attacking things. Yeah, it gives me an excuse to go on a killing spree until I bring myself to exit to the desktop re-launch the game. That seems to be the only way to get it to stop playing battlemusic. I just hope that Bethesda fixes this soon as I don't like having to exit out of the game completely.
  13. I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet. It might have to wait for the creation kit (it probably will). You could tip the Brahmins in Fallout so why not here? Yeah, it would be pointless but who cares?
  14. +1 All the children are humans. There aren't even any elf or orc kids! So yeah someone should make a mod where they're added in and also add Khajiit cubs and Argonian hatchlings.
  15. Heh... I can just hear my Argonian characters saying "Stay away from my tail!" While I am perfectly fine with the tails, I do agree with what Aokomi said how it's odd how armor is automatically suitable for any race that puts it on. What? Faendal doesn't feel a breeze after I give him armor that my Argonian character has worn and on the flip side, her tail can fit through armor that was being worn by a human or an elf? So yeah. Maybe make two mods. One to remove tails and one to make armor have to be reforged to accomodate various races. Though the latter would probably not be possible without the creation kit.
  16. I think this is a good idea like I said in one other topic suggesting mounts for followers. However, please don't make it so that my female character takes a backseat to a follower just because the said follower is male. It is a follower which means that the guy follows you (Yeah... obvious I know). And besides, it's unrealistic to be able to control the horse from the back. If some people must have the guy in the front of the horse then make it optional. But don't force it on those of us who just want the convenience of being able to ride horses without having to feel guilty of having our followers eat our dust. And actually I think it would be more sense for there to be a separate horse for each individual. I mean two CHILDREN can fit on one horse but these characters are adults (well unless you use a mod, but still...)
  17. Yeah, it just looks dumb to have the quiver but no bow. +1 It seems like it would be easy enough... just have whatever coding that automatically equips the arrows when you equip the bow and there you go. of course I have no idea what I'm talking about because I have zero experience when it comes to modding. I use mods but I don't make them. In addition... could there also be a mod that equips the strongest arrows that are in your inventory and when you run out of those it transfers to the next strongest arrows? I'm tired of always being automatically equipped with those lame iron arrows or worse: falmer/forsworn arrows.
  18. Done. And no I didn't need him because I didn't wanna join the thieves guild. :P I'd still like the satisfaction of killing him though... Ah well. This is a temporary fix. Dunno why I didn't think of it.
  19. Sounds pretty cool! And ther should be a light and heavy version so that everyone can make full use of their hist armor.
  20. Brynjolf (the annoying con-artist from Riften) seems to be like kids are without the killable children mod-- he is not only essential, he also takes no damage! I even tried removing the essential tag and using the "kill" command. Nothing! He didn't even get staggered. I've never made a mod before but I think that someone who knows how can somehow make this insufferable bastard killable. No I don't want to do his stupid quest so I have no need for him.
  21. Wow... I haven't seen anything like that yet... just "Oh no! By the Gods! This can't be happening!" and they run off and are fine awhile later. Maybe soon I'll see it. Not that I want to see someone feeling sad but because of the immersion factor. And since the AI is that spohisticated I think it'd be even more appropriate to be able to bury the dead and not just let the skeever get to it. Which I assume could be a lore-friendly reason for the bodies dissappearing eventually. Especially out in the wilderness. I'm guessing this will have to wait until the creation kit gets here.
  22. If you're like me you end up with multiple quests at once and sometimes you are unwilling or unable to do a quest at a certain time. Yet the only way those quest items can be removed is by completing the quest. Some of these quest items are quite heavy when there's a lot of them and even if they aren't heavy they create clutter. Also those unusual gems.... you have to join the thieves guild in order to complete that quest. Sure they're only half a pound each but I found 4 before I realized I had to join a certain faction in order to complete the quest. That's 2 pounds of inventory I can't get rid of. When you're carrying a whole bunch of loot from a dungeon 2 pounds can make a difference.
  23. Actually an extention of this... stop the people yelling at you accidentally running into something... sometimes it's so minor, you don't even know what you did unless you look around. C'mon, guards... there are dragons about... and you're worried about someone causing a sign to swing back and forth after running into it? So yeah, a mod that removed or lessened NPC nagging would be nice.
  24. There are lots of unmarked locations that have distinctive features, like alchemy ingredients and all and it would indeed be nice to mark them. +1
  25. Just do "showracemenu" with console like XunAmarox said. As long as you don't actually change your character's race, your stats won't be messed up or anything. I tried this with my Argonian because I decided I wanted to tweak her appearance a bit :3
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