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Everything posted by ESfan2011

  1. Ok, I don't mind if you just port your mod over to the new Skyrim if it works without any issues, but could you at least update your descriptions instead of just copying it from the old Skyrim page. For instance, requirements such as Dawnguard or Hearthfire in big letters at the top of the description page tells me that someone isn't doing their homework because obviously the new Skyrim comes with all DLCs included. Also, fix your links. Don't have them linking to mods that are back in the old Skyrim section. Come on people, get with it. This is just plain laziness.
  2. That stuff I know, but thanks for trying. It's "SMPC Overwrite Fixes.esp", which according to the author is supposed to immediately follow "SMPC.esp" which I did put into the "Load After" section, but LOOT refuses to put it there. I even tried giving it a priority of -10, but it ignores that too. I noticed a mod that used two other mods to define its placement, so I tried putting in "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" and "SMPC Overwrite Fixes.esp" to try to force LOOT to place it where it's supposed to go, but no good. So far, since restarting my experience with LOOT and accepting that as long as I can get it to load db's after dg's after the main file that it doesn't matter where it places them from there I should be fine. I really don't want to use NMM because then every time I change something I have to remember to move that file. There must be a better way. Thanks.
  3. Ok, I understand now that LOOT doesn't load things the same way that BOSS did and why. I can even accept that if I tell a file to load after a file that it won't put it right after the file I tell it to put it after, but what if it needs to be right after the file I tell it to be after. Thanks
  4. Ok Ok ben, I'll give it one last chance and I'll refer to your troubleshooting mods Blog. By the way, troubleshooting is my specialty. It is the one thing I do well, probably from the ADHD. I've always found the things that others don't and maybe this is just another one. Then again it could just be me, but we'll see.
  5. Getting my mods fixed has nothing to do with the fact that they can't seem to tell the difference from dg and db and putting them out of order. Yes, I do know that it's supposed to be the same team, but it's hard to believe that the same team can be so negligent. BOSS tells you if it doesn't recognize a mod and puts it at the end so that you can figure out where it should go. LOOT just sticks it wherever it pleases leaving you with the impression that it must have stuck it in the right place. I tried using LOOT because it was going to replace BOSS, but when I have to manually number every mod because LOOT doesn't seem to have a clue and after a year and a half I have yet to get past 2nd level because of a poorly designed mod organizer then it's time to go back to the old one that knows that you don't put db before dg and that if you don't know a mod then just stick it anywhere without any notice to the user. Really bad programming.
  6. LOOT sucks!!! Plain and simple. I've discovered a simple way to tell whether my game is going to run happily or not. If you start a new game and the wagon wheels are out in front of the wagon or worse the whole screen is tumbling then you have an unhappy load order. LOOT can't even get some of the basic mods in the right order. For example, the High Res Texture Pack patch that should be right after the main files, it has put in the middle of the load order. It also can't seem to put mods in the proper order, like dg comes before db. So, I run LOOT and start a new game and my screen is flipping and flopping all over the place. I run BOSS with the exact same mods and started a new game and everything was smooth as silk. If they expect LOOT to replace BOSS then they should probably get a better grip on how the load order works because I haven't seen any real change in over a year that tells me that they have a clue.
  7. Don't trust LOOT if you want your game to work properly. LOOT sucks!!! Plain and simple. I've discovered a simple way to tell whether my game is going to run happily or not. If you start a new game and the wagon wheels are out in front of the wagon or worse the whole screen is tumbling then you have an unhappy load order. LOOT can't even get some of the basic mods in the right order. For example, the High Res Texture Pack patch that should be right after the main files, it has put in the middle of the load order. It also can't seem to put mods in the proper order, like dg comes before db. So, I run LOOT and start a new game and my screen is flipping and flopping all over the place. I run BOSS with the exact same mods and started a new game and everything was smooth as silk. If they expect LOOT to replace BOSS then they should probably get a better grip on how the load order works because I haven't seen any real change in over a year that tells me that they have a clue.
  8. Ok, I'll have him give this a try and get back to you. Thank-you I've had to do a couple of game reinstalls due to mods messing it up. :)
  9. I have tried that. I have tried downloading from a folder on the desktop so that it would be the same as a fresh download from the site. However, no matter what I do when I activate the mod it doesn't install it to the skyrim data folder and thus doesn't show up in the plugins side even though it says it was installed. The only thing I haven't tried yet and that's only because it seldom works is a rollback.
  10. Well, he's gotten the message of reading up on things before just blindly doing it. However, it would be nice to know where the hidden files and registry entries are so that I don't have to reimage his computer.
  11. Ok, I tried my old tried and true method of getting rid of a program, but there are still traces of it somewhere. Uninstalled program, checked user directories and removed instances of program left behind, searched registry for nexus and removed all instances. Rebooted and reinstalled and the same problem exists. I really hate when programs don't remove themselves completely especially when they're open source. That's a corporate trick that open source was supposed to remedy.
  12. Please throw US a bone and tell us how it's "broke". And please tell me you've updated to 0.46.0. You should ask them if they correctly updated to 0.46.0 by following the instructions. :)
  13. I don't know why everyone is having all these problems. I followed the instructions given and I was downloading again in a matter of moments. My son didn't bother to see if there was any instructions and now his is all messed up with possibly no way of fixing it, which will become my fault because I didn't help him. At his age, home computers were just starting to be a thing that you could think about having. There was no help for me, online or offline. He needs to stop looking for the easy way out.
  14. NEED SERIOUS HELP before my son kills me. Ok, I used to be a tech and still am to an extent. One of those things that you never really forget how to do. My 15 yr old son was having trouble connecting with Nexus and stupidly all I told him was he just needed to download and update to the newest version. I keep forgetting that he refuses to look up this stuff and still expects me to walk him through it. Needless to say, this has become my fault that I didn't help him and now Nexus doesn't work. When he updated he installed the new version into a subdirectory of the old version, because, and I wish you guys would fix this because it's kind of a nuisance, he selected the drive and then selected the folder and when he selected ok the setup automatically put another folder of the same name which he didn't catch. Anyway, when he went to run the program it removed all of of his mods because it couldn't find them in the current Nexus folder. I copied the folders to his desktop and then uninstalled Nexus and reinstalled it to the proper directory. I then copied the mods to the cache folder so that they would show up in the mods list. However, when we activated the mods, even though it said that they were installed successfully, they didn't show in the plugins side and they weren't installed to the Skyrim\data folder. I've tried just about everything I can think of. I've uninstalled it a couple of times and deleted the folder once after doing so. I even tried reinstalling SKSE, BOSS, and Wrye Bash just in case, but none of these have had any change either. Thank-you in advance
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