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About fisban0

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  1. I agree. The Nexus allows users to please all the whiney sticklers while the rest of us are generally happy with the game, aside from the obvious technical flaws which don't relate to personal taste and opinion, i.e poor mouse support. OK fanboy. Spare me. Fooly is right. The only point made that is an actual problem and not a design choice (that most players agree with) is the consol based interface. The game is still amazing regaurdless of this single problem. Although most of the discussion is reasonable the people claiming, you only support this cuz ur fanbois do come off as a bit ridiculous.
  2. Ya dogg they like totally wiggity whacked.
  3. I don't really get the hype around dark souls. I played demon souls and I've seen dark souls and in my opinion they're just not that fun. Imagine a scenario if you will.... Your an extreamly busy young person who spends nearly all their time constantly working their butt off at work and/or school. The end of the week comes, and you finally have a full six hour block of time to play a game and have some fun! You put in your new game create a character and enter into a cool looking gothic fantasy. Two minutes in you die... Another minute later you die... You spend the next six hours making almost no progress and still not understanding the game at all really. The next day you wake up and start work again. All of your 6 hours of fun time for the week wasted dying over and over. I suppose Dark Souls has its place in the world, but that place is definately not with me.
  4. It's not illegal. Apple has removed content that was already on their iphones with patches. Specifically, they removed tethering from certain iphones so that they could charge people for it seperately AFTER they had bought the phone with the feature. I believe Sony has done it as well with other products. Doing horrible things to screw people over is usually only illegal if not done by a large company.
  5. There are people who have already played and maybe even beaten it out there in the world... That being said, I think it would take a dayish for someone who just got it to beat it and post it.
  6. o yeah he does doesn't he, hmm, yeah I got nothing HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my god. I haven't laughed like that since gradeschool. :laugh: Thanks for making my day. no problem bro, and have fun with Skyrim in "3 days" assuming this news affects you xD I'm actually one of the few people waiting to see what other people have to say before I get Skyrim. I know, I know, I'm lame lol. I'm sure I'll get Skyrim though and it'll be awesome. :thumbsup:
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my god. I haven't laughed like that since gradeschool. :laugh: Thanks for making my day.
  8. All this talk of Morrowind being the best makes me want to try it. I remember when it first came out I wanted to play it so bad but never got a chance... Childhood memories lost lol
  9. I hate to nitpick but... the faces seem a little bit expressionless. Other than that awesome.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. This or end of a finishing move. It would be cool if it was for daggers. It gives them a more assassin feel. :ninja:
  11. So true. At least it isn't as bad as the official beth forms. :turned:
  12. As much as I like the DnD style lawful/neutral,Unlawful/evil, ect system I don't use that for games like TES. I basically play a character as myself which isn't really any specific good/evil morallity. If anything its neutral/neutral, but my characters personality changes and it's too complicated for a simple alignment. :cool:
  13. Happy early birthday! I remember when I turned 21 like it was yesterday. Of course that was only five months ago so there you go lol. A dark paladin sounds awesome. For a necro you would want a high conjure skill for the zombies and such. You could also make use of the increased conjure skill and used conjured weapons. A sword and board build with pets sounds like a great build to me. It would have a LOT of survivablity. The only downside is that you will have to spend some attribute points on increasing magic so you will have to give up some health or stamina. That shouldn't be to much of a problem though considering that you'll have pets to distract and spread out the damage, and shield for defensive damagae mitigation.
  14. But that's exactly what's going to happen. 99% of the time, you won't need it. But as soon as you come to a challenging fight, you'll turn it to EZ mode. Take a quick nap after one of those fights and it's off cooldown again. You could do that with any of the powers, Histskin, the Dark Elf ancestor thinger, Wood Elf control animal thing.. I mean if you want to sort of break the game, go right ahead. It's not like you are completely forced to use "EZ mode", as you've put it. Waiting for your power to recharge before a battle? I don't see a problem with that personally. I mean you don't have to use it and if you simply cant beat something its better than lowering the difficulty. I hate having to lower the difficulty in a game land admit defeat. :down:
  15. What's wrong with that? It doesn't need to be an impossible game(like Dark Souls). It is more about storyline than anything. It is an RPG after all. Personally I like TES way more then I liked Demon Souls (haven't played dark souls). I really liked the idea of Demon Souls and was eager to try it when I first heard about the game. But after trying it, I came to the realization that a super hard rediculously punishing RPG is not as fun as it sounds. Seriously, if you don't spend 24 hours a day on that game you will never get good enough to go anywhere or beat anything. Not a fun experience if you are a busy person who wants to enjoy the small amount of time you have to play video games. Oblivion was just the right difficulty for me. Not so hard that I didn't have fun, but difficult enough so that if I screwed around and didn't focus I would get slaughtered. I just don't get how anyone could say Oblivion was too easy. Maybe they just play so much that its easy for them? Idk
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