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Posts posted by RazaCovek

  1. 90%, but I don't need to fight as I made maximizing atribute Personality my priority [ALL non-scripted npc/creatures like me]. However, my three Choco Elves and Sheela the hobbit, whom I renamed Pikachoo in CS plus their clones - Quadro-twins, are not so lucky. They do the fighting and I just leisurely loot the place. If you set 'Unconscious' in Bash tweak to five minutes, they will 'follow' you around as tightly bound packages, except Xenthia, who morphs into a Walking Stick like creature glued to the ceiling.
  2. There is a Frenzy spell that causes npcs to go crazy [use in getting the ball rolling in town]



    Risk of Bandits in Cities [use with above] TES4edit if you want to fix the IC names



    Smarter Bandits




    Tamriel Travellers [share the same spawn points as above. See what happens with exploding merchants]




    Immersive Travelers [Hircine & badit food]



    ofcoarse there is Curse of Hircine - Resurrected. You can walk up to them if maximize/fortify Personality [stand and watch, front row seat to the action. Applies also to bandits and creatures]



    Curse of Hircine - Werewolf Hunters [fights bandits]



    You can create spontanious fighting by using CS to enchant silver/steel arrows with frenzy. [100% for 1000 seconds] Works best with Bandits in Cities who often start the fights.


    If you are sick of fighting wildlife

    Docile Animals and Docile Creatures for Shivering Isles



  3. I have Morrowind Interactive Map. The hovering prison appears the same size as the primary Temple. If the prison was a thousand feet in diameter [as the interior suggest], or about the same size of the Temple platform and a thousand feet above, it would only distroy St Deyn, St Olm, the Temple and Palace. The resulting sunami would smash Ebonheart, flood the other cantons, Omani Manor and purhaps Seyda Neen. The size of distruction applied in the book would be an exstinction level event. But, then again who could argue against Marvel comic type sensationalism over educated facts?
  4. You should also consider that nudity was common in the ancient world [a non issue].



    in the 'tradition' of ScionVyse454 Youtube, my Immersive Tabaxi is always HGEC guts butt naked and so is all other attractive female npc in my game [Muffinshare]. I wish there was a forum that allowed the player to post their characters pics in all their glorious assets.

  5. Incase there is no such mod, you can view Alternative Beginnings


    The main quest only starts if you check the body in Fort Ash. [enter and exit dungeon if it is missing]

    If you install Daedric Shrine Ruins


    You can swim to a nearby island from the 'Ship Wreck' [a perfect empty inventory way to start the game].

  6. I did set weather with all possible combinations, sw [000]38eef [1] everywhere and in cities the previous day. Nothing

    I would like to do away with Always Foggy as it is seldom foggy. However, if I knew the procedure for changing the CS settings of that mod to 100% stable fog weather like the picture or atleast illiminate the storms altogether, that would also be fine.

  7. Tomb crawl is the wrong word, it should be explore. Although it would be great to have all tombs modified, I would be content if the small [2 -3x] to medium size [1.5 - 2]x were expanded to justify exploring them.

    I'm not into hack'n slash, I use NPC Command and Universal Companion Share to make temperary 'partners' out of bandits. They do the fighting. My reference to creatures is to inform any potential tomb modder that they not necessarily have to plant creatures themselves, just spawn points, as MCA will populate the tombs itself.


    Qwert's House of Madness, The Undead Dungeons, The House of Six Pains, Dwemer Graveyard - I know these mods they are definitely not my scene.

  8. I have Streamline. The tweak you are refering to reduces the edge of the visible world smaller, which is horrible. It's similar effect when you are in a very long cave and the farside is a wall of grey.
  9. Refscope is a pretty good utility. Mehrunes Dagon Shrine is apart of Daedric Shrine Ruins mod which adds half dozen Morrowind type ruins around Cyrodiil. You even get a silent Dunmer companion who follows you everywhere.
  10. I love tomb crawling in Morrowind. I wish they were bigger or more twist'n turns, [say, 1.5 - 2x the original]. If you have MCA, no need to add creatures, just spawn points. MCA adds it's own leveled monsters.
  11. It's between Gottlesfon Priory and Ceyatatar. There are three hostiles there. The NoTN has no quest associated with this shrine. It could be apart of a mod as I have many. But none ever mention a shrine.
  12. Choco Elves uses corean number 4 head mesh. I took all 4 head files and renamed to the appropriate tabaxi files, replaced, started new game, nothing changed.

    What about transferring Tabaxi textures to Choco elves/corean?

    My obsession with combining these races is that they possess elements of the Frazetta Girl in their faces when they are made young and cute looking.

  13. I found it difficult to make my Imerssive Tabaxi race look like Chocolate Elves. Is there a utility that gives the Player finer control over the sliders in Face generation?


    Also a utility for editing texture files

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