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Posts posted by RazaCovek

  1. I have come across amulet/rings that are more than fifteen grand and yet no merchants (vanilla/modded) that have the money for selling. I was also thinking about the lack of gold mines that would justify the existence of gold nuggets. Why not combine the two. The Imperial Department of Commerce operates say, half a dozen gold mines. The mines could be associated with their own merchants and the quantity of money available would be dependant upon the amount of gold mined. There could be quest(s) to keep the mines operating, strikes even rescue miners from cave-ins.
  2. The best looking decayed skeleton concept I've seen is from the mod Hircine Resurrected. They retain their original armor after they have been eaten by the werewolves. Alternatively, there be several traveling undertakers leading a horse cart who stop next to corpses, do the weapon pick up, the corpse disappears, a coffin/corpse shows up on the cart, the carts go to various burn pits. The undertakers do the weapon pick up at the bonfire, coffin/corpse disappears and a temporary charred corpse appears in the fire.
  3. Imagine all the previous Elder Scrolls upgraded to Skyrim. But, then again, I would be just as content if expansions were downgraded to Morrowind. I am impressed by the graphics of the latest game, but it is cold, unhappy and dead-face serious like a daytime soap opra, not as lite-hearted and funny as the previous Elder Scrolls.
  4. For the past week a member sent me a request to share the giant land mod ELSWEYR, THE DESERTS OF ANEQUINA. 1 The whole package comes to 727m, 2 I don't know how to do it. But, it made me think about the conflicts that comes with province type mods (Valenwood/Morroblivion/Elsweyr). I would love to wonder the entire continent but, all the potential problems, conflicts and CTD of a complete seamless major landscape (say, Tamriel Complete) would cause to the game if it all of it had to load to play.

    While I was in the Imperial City, it had occurred to me that just as the IC is divided up into seven individual segments accessed by doors, could it be possible to create all the provinces of Tamriel as Expansion like SI that are accessed say, by tunnels or gate houses? This way you could travel through all the province expansions of Tamriel one self-contained province at a time. Just something for future team modders to think about.

  5. I have Bandits in Cities and the bandit in the Elven Gardens District started a fight with the guards that resulted in the massacre of all the Sintavs that were standing outside of Iniel Sintav's door. Are there any quest associated with them that could have been voided?
  6. The Topic Description pretty well explains it all. The bandit mods that I have plunks them down in stationary locations that can be avoided. But, bandits that wander all over Cyrodiil would result in unpredictable encounters even in the wilderness.
  7. Unless someone is willing to script this out for you, I highly suggest simply investing in CM partners.

    Isn't it the point of this sub-forum 'Oblivion mod request'? In Morrowind I used 'NPC Commands' (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8135). I had half-a-dozen vanilla/MCA 'body guards' with me all the time. They did all the fighting and I made off with all the loot. Like Morrowind, Oblivion npcs are already running in auto-pilot mode (think Command Humanoid spell during combat). It is also evident in the above request that I am not looking for some cumbersome partner mod but, just a simple two word command (catch/release), simpler than 'NPC Command'. You bribe or cast a charm/command beast/humanoid spell, two words show up in dialogue option say, 'Catch' and 'Release' that locks them into following you forever until they either get kill fighting enemies or until you release them. Useful in drafting guards or bandits.

  8. I know that there are companion share/recruit mods. Some come with special partners or a fine detail of specialized command list (Companion Share and Recruit). Is it possible to create just a simple two word list (follow/release) calm/recruit any vanilla npc and lock them into a permanent auto-follow and defend mode (body guards) until they are killed or released by the player?
  9. You don't seem to get it. It is a choice at the beginning, a fork in the road, either work for the Fox or work for Lex to rid the city of him. His torment is not know to the police and justice must be served regardless of his condition. The outcome of his prison sentence would be interesting.
  10. Have you ever wanted to see Wile E Coyote finally grab and beat the crap out of that 'meeping' Road Runner? How about a quest that begins with Hieronymus Lexs and ends with the imprisonment of the Gray Fox and the returning of the Gray Cowl back to Nocturnal.
  11. Wrye Bash does work well and I usually get interesting changes such Predator-like Chameleon effect instead of a flat fade or Sexy Walk (purple) that has turned all female npcs into tarts where all previous bashes it was just the player character and Golden Saints. Shake's Auto Leveling (who's absence is noticeable) is a check mark and is green but, unlike previously, I get the vanilla manual level-popup. I wondered if it was affected by load order, it is number 29 in Wrye bash.
  12. How do you manually active mods that have been merged into a patch? Example, Shake's Auto Leveling, which worked beautifully in all previous load order/patches, but is cancelled out in the present patch. It is in the list and checked.
  13. Streamline has nothing to do with the game locking up at cell transitions. "Streamline enhances the performance of Oblivion by reducing stuttering and lag, and smoothing out gameplay. It does this by maintaining much cleaner cell buffer and video ram caches while the game is running and the player is moving from place to place." It also has auto and stream save every 10 minutes. Most of the mods are performance enhancers.I have no mods that affect the towns except HGEC and increased merchant money. I have absolutely no mod problems, the game is perfect with an average of six hours before CTD (2 gig ram limit) or when I get bored. Inspite the perfect record, I lost access to every town after completing the White Stallion, so I went back and started the KoTN and lost access to Leyawiin (like Morrowind, 240 hours into the game). I decide to start over, remove some redundant mods and maximize the Streamline save slots to eliminate overwrites (60 max then delete 40 to keep clean saves) and use New Save more often. How does exiting Oblivion affect saves?
  14. I deleted all saves except the primary root save. I tried to expand Streamline to 50 slots but, that only works if you start a new game. I decided to do New Save to avoid overwrites. Unless the Mazoga quest is done to the letter, the game begins to breakdown regardless of New Saves.
  15. The game is perfect, up to eight hours without ctd. I have been playing the game for 241 hours without incident, no mods added during game. All markers uncovered. Thieve's Guild, Arena, Fighter's Guild, all misc quest done except White Stallion. I follow the quests to the letter. I use Wiki as reference. Yet, after successfully completing the White Stallion/orc knight, I found that the game would freeze to a point that I had to turn off the computer the hard way to gain control whenever I fast travel or transition from outdoors into towns. I went back to a previous primary save before the quest and the above problem becomes random. Same with Morrowind, the closer I get to the end of the game, the more it breaks down.

    Is it common for the game to fall apart after a few weeks of playing?

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