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Posts posted by Skyviper086

  1. I can understand that being a pain. GECK still has it's problems (still). I was editing a video last week and the program would crash every time I'd edit a single frame. So yeah. I understand your pain.


    But come on if Bethesda didn't care they wouldn't have make a CK or a GECK or anything to make mod develop somewhat manageable.


    Try modding Mass Effect, DCS, Thirdwire games. Thirdwire offers mod development. But there aren't any kits for the last two. And thirdwire games ... if you want to add new stuff you will need 3Ds Studio Max, the game won't accept anything else such as Blender Files or Nifskope or things like that. And almost all of the tools for modding that game were made by the community.


    Bethesda is one of few companies that openly support mod development and try to do what they can to help out the mod development community. So yeah they may drop the ball on some stuff, have difficult mod development tools, but come on their money maker is the games they sell and the DLCs that come with them. But at the same time mod development does extend the life of a game ...


    Maybe some people can mod the creation kit so it will work better? If you can mod the game why not the kit?


    I wish more companies would actually try to support mod development. Whirlwind Over Vietnam is a classic example of how mod development could have saved that game. The company basically released a high end beta, but it failed drastically and even more so when they wouldn't allow for it to be modded. A few tweaks here and there and that game would've been awesome.


    Here's another example of why I like mod development. Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 ... pretty old game. Pretty old. But then Wings Over Flander's Fields is why that game still sells to this day. WoFF is by all definitions a mod. Because their game required that you have CFS3 installed because they're using that game's engine to power their product.

  2. 'Complicated' is subjective. I've created weapon mods that have 128+ individually moving parts, all animated inside of NifSkope. I thought that was pretty complicated to make.


    That is pretty complicated. I'd like to see it. 128 moving parts is awesome (or am I miss reading that) you've created weapon mods that all combined have that many moving parts?


    I hear NifSkope is a pain to use for animations.



    'Complicated' is subjective. I've created weapon mods that have 128+ individually moving parts, all animated inside of NifSkope. I thought that was pretty complicated to make.


    It was a poor choice of words on the OP's part, but it seems they meant large-scale. Things like DLC-sized quests (some quests already exist) and major overhauls.



    Exactly what I meant and sorry for poor choice of words. I meant no disrespect.

    I find it funny when people assume that modding is easy.


    I also find if funny that the original poster used Project Brazil as an example... A mod that hasn't been finished as an example in a conversation about when mods are going to be finished...


    Like Tricky Vein said it depends on who you ask. For some mods like that are easy while to others they are complicated. I apologize for the poor choice of words.


    Even at it's current stage you have to admit Project Brazil brought a lot to the table. So it's a great example when talking about seeing such mods. I did say those type of mods. FPB is a lot to ask for from people that are working for free. That's a big a team behind that mod. Yes it's not finished in it entirety but what little there is still good.


    It also won the 2013 mod of the year. It still commands a 9.4 community rating on MD it's been downloaded over 220,000 times on the Nexus alone. So yeah even if it's incomplete it still brings a lot to the table. More than most total conversion mods that just fizz out and are never heard of again.



    I even used XRE as an example. A single person revamping the entire gaming engine. Making vertibirds flyable. Out of curiosity why did you ignore that fact and jump straight to FPB? Did ever cross your mind what kind of mods I was talking about or did you just think "The OP is being a punk he thinks modding is simple! Forget him! Stupid idiot. And FPB is junk!"


    There are so many great mods I can't name them all. Those were the ones that came to mind to me at the time of asking the question. So, again, I apologize about using the word Complicated. Gopher's mods are great, MCM, NVSE, Someguyseries, Micalov, Project Nevada, Cyberion Dawn, Weapon Mods Extended (so good Bethesda used the idea) MotoScorpio had some good Desert Eagles, Millenias weapons, Real Time Setter, J3X's work, HardCopy's work, Brother Shogo's work, Dragbody's AMAZING work (still incomplete but good! TitanFallout), The Frontier team, Tale of Two Wastelands Team (all those guys and gals are awesome) Jokerine's work is great too, Dimondeyes, Nylonathehep's work is still amazing (even made his own game development company) Total War New Vegas that author gets mad props from me (a single handed total conversion mod) Run the Lucky 38 team, then you have the people that mod Mass Effect games


    There are so many more examples. So I didn't mean to insult you or the mod development scene.


    But then again you might the kind of person that just has to find something to be unhappy about. To which I find it funny when people go out their way to get upset.

  3. Ignoring entirely the bickering and back-and-forth and using previous titles as a model I'd say the complex stuff'll hit about a year after the CK's release. Third-party tools need to be updated or developed, and major questline mods take a lot of time to write, typically speaking. Plus they'll want to be fully voiced, and every mod has to do its own soul-searching about how to handle that with FO4 considering the voiced protagonist. So yeah, my estimation in a year.


    Some will undoubtedly come out sooner, but a year is when I figure we'll see the floodgates open on high-end mods.


    Very good point right there about the third party tools. And voice work is something that takes a lot of time to get done right. Especially considering the multiple avenues the writing team will have to make available. I have a general idea for the story I want to tell because this something that has been touched on way back when in Fallout 2. However the story is based on a Fallout 2 companion most may not know about. I also firmly believe this information went unnoticed by the Bethesda research team because it isn't part of the main quest line.Because its a side quest and a bit of a pain the rear end.


    But that's where my story is spawned from. I'd love getting some help to write but where to go I have no idea.


    If you look at other games you'll see most complicated mods took a long time to come out and were first released well after the game was released. For instance XRE cars as someone mentioned wasn't out until 2013, 2 years after New Vegas also stuff like Project Brazil (Which isn't even fully released) has a lifespan of, what, five years now and has been constantly getting re-worked and old stuff changed.

    Yeah you're right the XRE stuff did come toward the end .. then went silent. There's Project Brazil and another major mod on that level I'm waiting on too. (Frontier or something like that).



    Once they've got the DLC's and patching done with then we'll likely see a few larger mods show up.


    There's likely some in the works already, but they take time and waiting until the DLC are out would make sense as people could possibly have access to resources they would find useful.

    Also safer for larger mod makers to wait until the patching process is done with, since there's less chance of their file conflicting with something that could be changed in a patch later (something that's already presented in some existing mods).


    That makes a lot of sense. No sense in modding something if they're working on something that could make your mod pointless.. or will do something that will make it unusable.



    Well I think that too many people probably came into playing Skyrim or FONV after the game had been out for a while and many mods had been developed and now they are playing FO4 much earlier and expect to see those same type complex mods almost immediately. BTW I'm not saying the OP is such a person. I'm just saying this might be the general thinking of many users who never had to wait for mods in the past and don't have a real good understanding on what is involved. And as Vampire Dante mentioned above most of the larger mods will not show up until after all of the DLCs are released so the mod authors are more clear on what the whole process will involve.


    In a way I am but in a way I'm not (if that makes sense) I'm big into the mod development community. I love what mod developers are capable of doing. Am I'm just excited to see what people will come up with. FO4 has a lot of little goodies that my amateur eyes are seeing that I know other, more experienced, mod developers will have fun using.


    The mod development community did some wonderful things for and to FONV. So I'm pumped to see what they'll do for FO4.


    But that's why I asked the question. Because this is my first time to actually jump into a game while it's still hot a item. While things are still being worked on for it, etc.


    And now I know. Wait until everything settles down and then see those amazing works show up.


    About that time is when I would probably have DCS FC3 mastered.


    The most dangerous thing for modders is their ambition exceeding their technical skill. That is why so many remake/total conversion mods fail. They start with big ideas then collapse because the idea guy realized he has to do most of the hard work himself and calling in 20 people to do the work for him does not work




    This is so true. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I've made a few mods but for myself and just simple things like a building a or two here. Right now with New Vegas (since I have a new awesome computer) I'm actually doing some terrain modding and will do the whole LOD generation thing too.


    You are absolutely correct about this. I too have seen many many mods that just go unfinished. You're all hyped up for ... half an acre of a new world ...


    Which is why I'd like to learn how to mod a bit better. However my strength is audio work.


    But as I said earlier I'm looking forward to seeing what people will come up with.

  5. Unless I'm mistaken - Skyrim currently sits around 50000 mods on this site - Fallout 4 has 12500. F4SE is still in it's infancy and the Creation Kit is barely a toddler - FO4 hasn't even started - we've seen nothing yet - a little patience and I'd put money on the fact we're gonna seen mods that surpass all thats gone before - the potential in the FO4 framework is immense - the game itself is still being patched regularly - once things settle down and modders have a full set of tools it's going to be awesome.


    I cannae wait!





    Exactly what I'm hoping for. I'm seeing a lot of stuff in the vanilla game that makes my eyes widen in shock. I'm glad to know that I'm not crazy in seeing the potential for so many mod developers. I mean the animations alone are insane.

  6. Hello


    I have this story stuck in my head which include events that caused the great war. However the cause of the war that destroyed the world was and is something that is a small step toward a bigger goal.


    This is a new faction that couldn't care less about the other factions in the Common Wealth.


    I'm going to be writing the script for the story and doing auditions for voice talent once the script is done.


    My question is. Would anyone be interested in building the "set" as it were for the story.


    So far the primary locations. Are vaults. Well underground facilities at least. And possibly a lunar facility. That part is still in the air. I haven't made my mind up about that yet.


    I'll be more than happy to let you know more details if you want to hear them. Or if you're interested in tossing in a few ideas I'd be happy to hear them and credit you for them. Or if you're interested in writing (like me) then I'll be more than happy to send what notes I have.

  7. To me the institute is one the most advanced factions to ever exist in Fallout. And yet their gear seems ... lacking and limited. I think their weapons should be like mass effect weapons. Sleek looking, powerful, futuristic.


    I'd like to see them employ their own:


    Missile Launcher,



  8. to keep things simple I'd think they make everyone use vanilla. Some games won't allow you to access multiplayer if you mod them.


    Or they can do it like starcraft (back in the day) if you want a use a certain server then you'll be required to have certain files to play it.


    Or (and this would make it not so popular for many) use the NMMs feature to activate and deactivate mods for multiplayer use. As in when joining a server NMM will disable certain mods automatically that may provide you with an unfair advantage.


    It would be neat to see a multiplayer where people actually worked together to form their own communities, raided other communities, and fight to protect their own little slice of life in the common wealth.


    And again I think it's very possible. I've seen mods for all sorts of games over the years that you'd think could never be made. Sometimes the challenge isn't the problem. It's being willing enough to tackle that challenge.


    Having said all that. I still prefer single player games. Or at least games that do not primarily focus on the multiplayer.

  9. It's very possible and realistic. It has been done before with Fallout 3



    And for Fallout New Vegas



    Well at least the framework to allow multiplayer games to be made at least.


    So it wouldn't surprise me if they did it for Fallout 4.


    Full on multiplayer? Who knows. It could be done.


    I find it funny how people forget the lessons XRE taught us. Everything is possible and realistic if you have the skill and time.



    Cars! in Fallout New Vegas opened my eyes. Drive-able cars actually driving cars in Fallout New Vegas taught me to never again say something is impossible or unrealistic in the world of mod development.

  10. All these pool tables and billiards all over the place and all they are is just something to chew up memory and taught me with the fact that I have to stop playing Fallout 4 and go somewhere to shoot pool. Either a buddy's man cave or another website.


    I want to able to play pool in Fallout ... sad this is though I can't script, animate, or model at ALL. But then I see ..


    sex mods,

    crafting mods,

    naked people mods,

    weapon mods,

    animation replacer mods,

    vehicle mods,

    flying vehicle mods (yes even for FNV someone created an actual no crap flight engine)

    artillery mods


    I've seen mods do amazing things for this game and other games.


    So what are some the challenges with making a playable pool mod? Fallout 4 seems to be packed with a lot of new features. For instance the pip boy. Normally I try to find something to get rid of that annoying thing right of the bat but this thing actually seems useful for a change. More immersive.


    Anyway. Thank you for your time.

  11. Will do Devin and thank you so much your kindness and patience.


    This time I'm going to work with above ground base and try my hand LOD generation with my computer. The plan is to use some that empty space behind mountains near Goodsprings.


    It's kind of a central location and has road access.


    This just hit me. Would it be possible to have a clean texture to them as well? As if they're fully maintained? I'll work on those screen shots for you. I will try my BEST to have them for you by the end of the week. My schedule is wacky like that.


    Again thank you and I'm so sorry I forgot about all of that.

  12. Hello,


    I remember seeing a hanger model that was created Devinpatterson (or at least I think it was him) where the hanger for Nellis was open .


    If no such thing exists.


    I'm wondering if someone could make a Nellis hanger that has it's doors opened. So the inside can be accessed without having to enter a different cell.


    As far as appearances I'll leave that to ones creative taste. The textures can be the same or whatever you think should work.


    Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

  13. Depending on the amount of time the artillery has left to be fully re-calibrated can affect it's accuracy severely. For instance if another strike is ordered just as the first strike is completed shells will simply fall all over the place and maybe even on you. Accuracy for the artillery is 100% when cooldown is complete but 30% at the start of cooldown period ... also a battery could explode ... so instant artillery but with a catch.

  14. First of all, have you considered modeling?


    Second of all. That's a great idea with giving the stink eye to a stolen mod.


    Lastly I will accept the challenge ... but do keep in mind that I'm no super genius or even a genius. I just like finding hidden objects. And know how to get around.


    Edit: I'm thinking it's in the left eye, pupil, the little glow. But I could be wrong. Will check again later. You're good at this.

  15. I just found it! I was looking at what I thought was smoke and noticed an odd shape, then another, and other.


    But I also still see a purple signature below the weapon and I really really thought a signature at the end of the pipe.


    But man that was neat.


    I feel back on my Where's Waldo skills and other hidden object games and was looking at the really tiny details but missed the big one that was well looking me in my face.


    Seriously is that you?




    I have to say by the way that the term cracker in my neck of the woods means Caucasian Individual (white person). So reading about crackers stealing stuff made me chuckle. :laugh:


    Eh not really that funny I know. :dry:


    Moving on now. I still like like your idea of the holotape being a way to prove one is the author. And I have spoken to those who do indeed place their signatures in the textures of their works.

    A signature can be hidden in plain sight, 1 type of signature is known already, if you think you can see that signature "in plain sight? " click the second line in my signature here and tell me what you see.


    describe in full what's there. This is only one way that is already available. we intend to spit this so if the data is altered in any way, that signature will no longer be hidden. IT will be as big and bold as a picture !


    I am curious if you can see it though.



    Wait is that a face?


    Is that you?




    I was looking at wall pipes and everything!

  17. Hello.


    I've obtained some news that I think the Dark0ne may be interested in. However if my information is correct. The Dark0ne may not want me to post this news out in the open.


    So to be respectful of his wishes I am humbly requesting an audience with him. Or a person that can speak on his behalf.


    Thank you for your time.

  18. Gotcha.


    I have to say by the way that the term cracker in my neck of the woods means Caucasian Individual (white person). So reading about crackers stealing stuff made me chuckle. :laugh:


    Eh not really that funny I know. :dry:


    Moving on now. I still like like your idea of the holotape being a way to prove one is the author. And I have spoken to those who do indeed place their signatures in the textures of their works.

  19. Very true.


    You're right there is no way to stop theft.


    Every method I can think of will either add a useless obstacle or prevent mods from being used at all or just stupid.


    I keep thinking of ways to digitally chain down a file to a particular website. If one could just have a digital chain or rope. A tiny file that can be added by a mod sites systems when a file is being uploaded. And when that file that has been downloaded from one site and uploaded to another that site will question the upload and flag it. For instance a file on Nexus when getting uploaded to ModDB can be checked by ModDBs uploading systems. When it recognizes the Nexus tag it can cancel the upload or challenge the authorization. Then that special code the mod author has and only the mod author has can be used to verify ownership.


    I'm like the rest of you I can't think of a way to stop the theft.


    Other than not to mod at all.

  20. Master Magnus suggested I read this post and I'm glad I acted on that suggestion.


    My stupid butt posted this WITHOUT knowing this thread existed. So I feel somewhat smart because overall the method you are talking about here is a much more intelligent version of what I just posted. But as I've said a wise person, such as yourselves, can gain more insight from the question of a foolish person like me than I could a wise statement made by you. So here's my post and I hope something in here can help. If not well you were already warned that I'm a complete idiot.




    I don't know jack about programing but I do know just about anything can be done.


    I'm thinking about a system that can generate a serial number to tag a mod with. As well as install a unique Challenge File which needs to be integral with a mod (can't be removed without causing repercussions). The mod maker will be given an auto-generated code and only the mod maker will need to have this code. A Proof of Development Code. (PDC). When a challenge arises a moderator or administrator can access the challenge file. The file will ask for the key. If the wrong key is given a message should display that the given key is incorrect. The mod maker can submit their code and of course since that would work it should be obvious who created the file and who has permissions to do what with it.


    The challenge file needs to be set in a manner that if it is removed it will also remove certain elements from the mod file to make it useless.


    To actually prevent the theft of a mod in the first place is something I have no idea how to stop. Well actually as you may have already read I don't know a thing.


    But I was thinking that maybe an ini.file can be adjusted. or added.


    All mods made for PC should require that particular ini.file or esp or something. Kind of like how some mods require a DLC to work properly because the mod uses resources from that DLC. Well something along those lines should be made. This mod requires the file and this file can only be used for PC


    But if the mod maker wants to they can remove the dependency and leave the mod open to be used on consoles or something.


    Maybe call the whole thing NEMOCS? Nexus Mod Copyright System?



    I know it's a stupid idea but there are a lot of you out there who are much wiser than I am. It has been said that a wise person can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise statement.


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