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Everything posted by Goffender

  1. It must be getting better cause i just moved mine and it up dated all that automatically. I had to pick the game again on first launch but so far, no other issues.
  2. Thanks, I'm very new to this. I figured there was a program to alter pitch and tone and maybe cadance.
  3. Really? And the enderal launcher uses the correct one?
  4. Yes, as I figured, just didn't want to assume. Does LOOT actually work? Is it reliable?
  5. This is an awesome idea, I will make a recording and consider sending it if I feel brave atm ;) of coarse I am maLe but my wife has agreed to help me with a follower voice, I will inquire.
  6. I use an entirely separate folder that I store as a backup on another drive. Takes 2 min to copy and paste with a ssd. Thing is , Nexus always jacks up the mods in some way, so as a work around, I just go back to a blank profile befor swapping skyrim folders, than load enderal profile after. Whole thing takes 10 min.
  7. I guess this is the eternal load order thread and so I admit that I have not read the whole thing yet. Just a quick question though, in NMM, the order of plug-ins is loaded from top to bottom or bottom to top? Essentially, does top take priority, or bottom?
  8. I guess this is the eternal load order thread and so I admit that I have red the whole thing yet. Just a quick question though, in NMM, the order of plug-ins is loaded from top to bottom or bottom to top? Essentially, does top take priority, or bottom?
  9. I do realize that it a very long term project but I have gotten my sexy wife to agree to be my voice actor. That said I'm a noob and have much to learn. So a stand alone follower in my wifes image is a long long way off but I think it's doable.
  10. Hmmm, might have to dive in with that.
  11. Wait what? There was an election?
  12. Please modders stop using Lydias voice. I know it's probably difficult to get enough words together but it's bad when I think it's Lydia behind me and it's Helena or who ever instead. I love Lydia and even though I have moved on she will always hold a special place in my heart.
  13. I have successfully used Enderal only twice. It seems so fragile. Of coarse I was trying to get HDT physics to work and did for a minute but spent like hours trying to find why it crashed and than fix it. Now, clean install and 2 backups later i wander if its worth it? But of coarse i am curious about the story now too so maybe just play it "vanilla" ?
  14. Will SKSE64 be available on steam or only Nexus?
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