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Everything posted by Goffender

  1. Im pretty new as well but there are alot of resources once you get to digging but isnt GECK associated with FO3?
  2. Thankyou, this just the type of response I was looking for. What cpu are you running? And is ddr 3 worth upgrading still?
  3. I searched and didn't find this topic any where. This is not the how to make mine work. It's the whats the true minimum card I need to run CK. My main interest is at this point is exterior spaces, landscaping and navmesh. I like to load 9 cells at a time. Cpu is i7 4770, 16gb 1600 ddr3. Currently running 2 760 gtx so basically 1 760 with 4 gb. Looking at 1060 with 6 gb but maybe should go ahead a get 1070. 1080 would be sweet but still only has 8gb 256 bit memory.
  4. The biggest help for me was to turn off the load cells from tender window. You can have 5-9 cells and have plenty to work on. There was also an nvidea setting but I can't remember now, not at home but something about pre-processing. Oh and if all else fails make the tender window smaller. Helps a lot. BTW, 3gb or 6gb?
  5. Once I got them away from it they haven't restarted it. Thanks, and I will check that out.
  6. What is the significance of the different editor id's for the same place? Like...TheSlogExt, TheSlogExt02, TheSlogExt03, ect
  7. I removed it in CK and I could see the npc markers telling them to use a hoe. I deleted those too but they kept doing it when I loaded the game. I also tried it in game but of coarse the markers where still there telling them to use hoe. My main question about that is after I delete the marker and they continue to do it, that must be a script running that was started by the marker but still lives in the save file?? How else would they be getting that command?
  8. First off, thanks to everyone who contributes to this community! It's really awesome. So I'm pretty new to CK and mod creation but I've been using mods in my games for a couple of years so I know the work that it takes to makes some of these mods. I'm looking for more up to date info on NPC pathing and Navmesh editing. So if there is a source out there that I've missed please direct and I'll get out of your hair. At least till I have more educated questions, lol. Specifically atm I am wandering where the more advanced movemen's come from. I deleted a garden space at the slog and than when I loaded the game the NPC were still hoeing there. So is that a script from the save? The action marker was deleted. I solved this case by movING the action marker, loadING, saving, than going back to CK and deleting. But my next edit will be to actually direct them on new paths.
  9. Just adding my support and appreciation, I hope to actually play nuka world now on new playthrough. Never bothered with it before since the choices where bad and worse. i Was ACTUALLY planning the open season approach. Can't wait to play this and would help if I had the skills and the time.
  10. This is a great topic because I don't understand what survival mode has to do with bugs taking 10 shots to the head....
  11. My apologize if I missed this in the search I did. But where do I get ammo casing and primer for the balistic ammo ?
  12. I feel your pain, lesson learned, back em all up. Easy way is to manually download than import from file.
  13. I haven't read all the posts so this is to the OP. YES, I aggree. I personally am happy to see peps still working on mods. Maybe FO4 isn't dead yet! I see 2 causes for this problem. 1 many pepole are spoiled due the over abundance of pRemo mods for Skyrim. 2 FO4 brings such high hopes but comes up short in so many ways. It desparately needs more bigger and better mods. Thankyou for bringing this up and thanks to all the mod authors who continue to slave for our immersion needs.
  14. not that i know of. are you saying it should be on or off?
  15. Using ELFX , would this cause this? its been awhile but i dont remember having this before. Im at the castle atm. Is there a good mode to stop the outside from getting inside?
  16. I am working my way through the step guide now, lots of good stuff if not somewhat dedious. I have high hopes to finally finish my final playthrough with all the current new lands. I do hope that skse64 comes sooner than later. It will give us alot more stability and headroom.
  17. Yeah I just hadn't come across it, I'm a noob. But I don't think it's my issue anyway, I'm running at maybe 2 gb. I think, lol
  18. Seems like maybe this is true and it's because it's a 32 bit game. If this is true, I've wasted alot of time, because it seems pointless really . Time to move on.
  19. DX9? Damn, this seems like a very significant fact that nobody has mentioned yet! Not sure I'm buying it.
  20. I haven't had any issue with these mods but I always in stall them last.
  21. Not quite the same as the old one but i randomly get bumped into third person, I can usually go right back but its very disturbing to my immersion since i play almost exclusively in 1st person. I have been fine tuning my mods for awhile now and i think i finally have the right mix. The whole gambit really but not overboard. Im at about 60 plugins. I was having CTD but never this issue so i saved my profile and wiped my folder, dropped in a clean vanilla skyrim folder and loaded up my profile. No more CTD at least, but this new bug. I'm really just asking if anyone else has had it, Than i will embellish the details. and btw, i tried MO and while it is more stable it has too many loose ends for me. Its not finished.... Im going to try the same approach again but this time only adding a few at a time. but no redoes. I know what i want.... finally, lol
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