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Everything posted by Staind716
BOSS doesn't go in the Skyrim directory nor is it an .esp. Are you sure you downloaded the right thing? Read the description page HERE Then download BOSS from HERE
I don't see any glaringly obvious conflicts there but a little friendly advice for you. While it is very tempting to go crazy installing every great mod you see, that is an almost certain recipe for a broken game. The best way to go about it is add a mod, launch your game and check it out for a little while looking for any issues, then go to the next and repeat. While it does take a little longer this way, it is much easier than trying to track down conflicts and having to reinstall with totally ruined save games. And use BOSS after adding each one. Always keep a backup of your saves and inis as well. And most importantly, READ all of the description page, all of that mods readme's, and check the comments for any issues that others may be having. You will save yourself a lot of headaches in the long run. :thumbsup:
Another recommendation for STEP. And if you want a total graphics overhaul browse through some ENB mods. Not recommending ours in particular but ENB in general. :thumbsup:
CTRL+ALT+DEL speeds up my load time dramatically - Any cons?
Staind716 replied to plandr's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Two much better methods for that are either push Shift+F12 right before or after entering a loading screen to disable ENB and again when loaded to enable ENB or use this mod and disable SSAO and DOF through it while loading. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13306 -
Kind of a shame the trolls took over the neg-reps since it is rather useful for hiding the truly idiotic, obvious trolling comments. But I have also seen how a good system in theory is being taken advantage of for purely spiteful, childish reasons. I have total faith the Nexus staff will come up with something that still allows the hiding or removal of that drivel without negatively affecting any mod authors.
I only use followers when absolutely necessary for a particular quest. As soon as it's done, they are outta there. Conjuration gives me all the followers I need.
Hmm, never really had any trouble with Deadly Dragons myself. Did you run BOSS for your load order? That makes a BIG difference.
You need to uninstall Sounds of Skyrim
Staind716 replied to SergeantGrrock's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
jaime74: You hit the most important thing of this whole fiasco when you mentioned learning from it. Not really defending Cliffworms, just saying I know it wasn't intentional and he did the right thing by taking them down as soon as he became aware of this issue. I am er...not proficient to say the least when it comes to the CK so I wouldn't even know where to begin to find the exact scripting problem. I haven't read through this entire thread lately but since you have more of that type modding experience you can probably make more sense of all this than I can. Here's a link to the thread on Bethesda's forums where Cliffworms first mentioned the problem and all the comments from users and fellow modders alike. If you happen to come up with anything by following these little hints here and there in the comments I know a lot of people would be thrilled. It's definitely going to take someone with more experience in that arena than me to track this down. I'm sure one of the awesomely talented modders around here has been following this closely to prevent this same issue so hopefully they will share with those of us who don't have a clue. I do remember it mentions the specific scripts but only by someone actually delving into them can they find the cause. From what I understand anyway. ;) http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1375181-relwip-sounds-of-skyrim/page__st__60__p__21220914#entry21220914 @kingdark: Nothing to take offense about. Perfectly valid questions. As far as someone finding the issue I have no doubt that they have. Now the trick is finding out who and letting them know there are a lot of people here who would love to know as well. I know a lot of people don't spend much time in the forums which I understand. I'm guilty of not dropping in here as much as I used to also. I just like to stop by and see if I can help anyone as a thank you to the people who were kind enough to help me when I needed it. So it is very possible that the person (or people) with the answer everyone is so desperately seeking doesn't even realize this thread is here. I'll send some pm's to some talented friends here on Nexus and see if any of them might know. I should have thought of that before. Now as far as someone else taking over or even reuploading SoS with the fix that's where you hit the issue of "modders rights". While I understand and respect the way Nexus handles this, it is kind of a stumbling block in this case. Nexus does have the right idea though because we have had to report a couple of people who took literally months of work with hundreds of hours in it and uploaded it as is with a different name. If Nexus didn't enforce this the way they do, it wouldn't be long before everyone left in disgust. If I remember correctly (and very possible I don't :P ) if a mod is abandoned for a certain period of time then someone can take up the reins and continue with it. Like I said, I may be wrong about that but that could be one possibility. Or someone who is friends with Cliffworms could ask permission to carry on. I would actually like to see Cliffworms come back to Nexus even if he's unable to fix this. Very talented modder and a shame to lose him over an honest mistake. Hopefully it's nothing serious in real life. @69mAnU96: Wow, very kind of you to say that. This is one of the many reasons I love Nexus. The majority of people do treat it like a community and treat one another with mutual respect. And those that don't are weeded out very quickly by the best moderators I have seen anywhere. (Mods, remember this and add a point in my favor the next time I blast a troll in our comments please. :P ) Seriously though, I do appreciate you taking the time to say that. This is without a doubt the best online community I have ever been a part of. Which is why I let some trolls pass when they are so desperately asking for it. I'd feel really stupid getting the old banhammer for giving in to my biggest pet peeve. :D -
You need to uninstall Sounds of Skyrim
Staind716 replied to SergeantGrrock's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
@Georgiegril: Actually, I was fortunate enough to hear about this issue in time to restart with an older save so I managed to dodge the bullet with the uninstallation save bloat. I just feel for the people having this problem and know how frustrating it is. I fought with it for a couple of days before going with the lesser of the two evils and losing some game progress. You do raise some great points and it seems we have a very similiar philosophy about mods. I do agree about the calculated risk with using mods in general (miscalculated a few times myself ;) ) and as we all know that risk is all a part of the modding game. I don't think this would have blown up like it has if Cliffworms didn't already have some extremely popular mods with no real issues to speak of when Civilizations blindsided everyone with this catch-22 situation. I know I was almost a casualty because I broke my rule of letting the mod mature and others be the guinea pigs for a while before trying it myself. The popularity and stability of Wilds and Dungeons lulled me into a false sense of security especially since I had used them so long with no trouble. I learned a valuable lesson from that. Like I said before, I don't blame Cliffworms in the least for this as I'm sure it was completely unintentional and a shocker to him as well. It's just unfortunate so many people were affected very likely because they made that same blind leap of faith that I did based on past experience with his other mods. (I seem to remember hearing Cliffworms is a guy so I am using the male pronoun here. If I'm wrong somebody please smack me. I know some of my female modder friends would love to hold this one over my head :P ). So yes, I totally agree about the practical view of "user beware" that is basically a necessity because of the vast number of mods available and possible conflicts. Thankfully, "bad" modders who upload files that are harmful are found out very quickly around here and informed of their mistake immediately. I don't mean anything derogatory by using the term "bad" in that sentence. Perhaps "inexperienced" would be better. I have massive respect for anyone who can create anything with the CK since I took one look at it the day Beth released it and slowly backed away sniffling to myself and feeling far from intelligent. With Cliffworms being an established mod author though I think that did have some affect on people's trust level. It did for me at least. (By the way, love the couch analogy. ;) ) You know, it's funny I didn't think of the lack of infrastructure and actually feel pretty selfish about that. Especially since I am fortunate enough to not only have one of my best friends here or anywhere else as a partner but also friends who stepped in to help while I was sick and taking care of some things with my kids. That has to be a ton of pressure on just one person and I have to respect those working on their own without that safety net. I do hope that Cliffworms doesn't have any real life issues that are affecting this situation. Not because of the mod, but because I wish the best for everyone. Well, except maybe the occasional troll. :P So let's hope that isn't it. My earlier post was based on my personal sense of morality and responsibility. I do agree with your points about the practical aspects of using mods. I should have mentioned that as well instead of just focusing on the philosophical side in my previous comments. I'm actually very happy to have had this conversation with you since you did make me see solo modders in a slightly different light. Not that I didn't already have the utmost respect for them but now even more so. And from the looks of it we actually do agree once we went a little more in depth with our views. Morally, yes there is a responsibility. Practically, beware and take your chances. And of course we are all human with lives outside of modding so anything is possible in that respect. Lol, I think we may have slightly derailed the main intent of this thread but hopefully we will be forgiven. :) I will keep my eye out on the Beth forums as well and if I come across anything that may be helpful I will most definitely let everyone know. Good luck with your games and I truly hope all of you can find a solution other than a total reinstall and restart. -
You need to uninstall Sounds of Skyrim
Staind716 replied to SergeantGrrock's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Any mod is a gift. Cliffworms owes us nothing, rather, we owe Cliffworms a great deal of gratitude for making a mod which is such an improvement and also has no replacement, at least not at the moment. I sincerely hope the author will either take back up the reins or pass the torch (to mix metaphors shamefully) but ultimately that is the author's decision. While I agree that it is ultimately Cliffworms decision how to go about rectifying this situation, I have to disagree about the part where you say he owes us nothing. I have no hard feelings whatsoever about the current fiaso because as we know that was purely unintentional and an honest mistake on his part. However, I feel that if you release a mod then you also take on the responsibility of helping all the people who are kind enough to use your work. Fortunately, all our mods are ENB's so there is nothing gamebreaking that can come from using them but we feel a sense of responsibility to support the people who show us support by downloading our mods to begin with. Maybe it's just me, but it simply boils down to doing the right thing. I haven't really kept up on this issue like I used to but from what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong) Cliffworms hasn't made an announcement of any kind about whether he is still attempting to fix this or even that he isn't going to keep working on it. Even if the final answer is "Sorry guys, I can't fix this issue and don't feel like dealing with it anymore", I believe he does owe everyone at least that much courtesy rather than leaving us totally in the dark. Not trying to be argumentative here. I see you in the forums quite a bit helping people everywhere you can and I have a lot of respect for that. Just giving my opinion on this particular topic. :) -
Deadly Dragons is a must have for me. It not only adds new dragons to the game but actually makes them more difficult to kill. There is also a lore friendly version that only increases the difficulty of the vanilla dragons. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3829 Skyrim Monster Mod is also great for adding new creatures to the game. Also a lore friendly version for this one too. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9694
LE Rideable Smoking Cow with Integrated monster Launcher
Staind716 replied to Thor.'s topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Lol, that is hysterical! And I don't mean that in a rude, jerkish way but in a "Can't believe someone actually thought of this" way. :biggrin: :biggrin: Epic idea and the concept art is just insane! If you guys actually get this up and running it's a definite dl and endorsement from me. :biggrin: Thanks guys! You just made my day with that one. :laugh: -
Skyrim has started to CTD even with 4GB enabler
Staind716 replied to mattcm919's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just so you know there is no need for the 4gb enabler. Skyrim was patched in order to support 4gb quite a while ago. ;) -
Seriously?? This is what all the hype was about? You have got to be kidding me. :facepalm:
Skyrim crashes all the time!!!! ggrrrr
Staind716 replied to MyamotoMusashi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It seems to be a pretty common issue. I have seen it mentioned in several places by a lot of people. Hope it helps! :thumbsup: -
Skyrim crashes all the time!!!! ggrrrr
Staind716 replied to MyamotoMusashi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Not an AMD user myself but I do know there have been a lot of people who have trouble with the new driver. After rolling back to the previous one everything was back to normal. So you may want to consider giving that a shot. I have friends who use AMD and that is what worked for them. :) -
Lol, I made the connection first time I saw your screen name there Sarge. Yeah, I'm an old fart too. :tongue: As far as community, I love it. There is a lot of sharing ideas and helping one another here that is second to none. Some people view it as a competition but the majority live up to the idea of what a community should be and are there to help each other when needed. And the moderators are great about slaying the trolls and keeping this a site where mutual respect actually means something. Gotta love Nexus! :biggrin:
Kind of odd you only want to discuss the vanilla game on a modding site. :rolleyes:
Yep, just follow those same steps. Basically all you are doing is making Skyrim recognize your rendering device again. If you change cards or even change ENB's always do this. :thumbsup:
Lol, this is like reading a transcript of kids playing Xbox Live. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion there is no need to insult them. This is supposed to be a community where people treat one another with mutual respect. Something that is severely lacking in this thread. :rolleyes: You want guns? Fine. Knock yourself out. If that is your idea of how YOUR game should be then more power to you. But to insult those of us who don't feel guns fit into our vision of Skyrim is beyond ridiculous and extremely childish. The "you don't like what I do so you are an idiot" is an argument most of us dropped before kindergarten. In the end isn't that why we are all here? To customize our games exactly the way we want them to be? So you play your way and I will play mine. No need to be so rude about it. Try showing a little respect for others with differing views. I see a lot of mods on here I would never dream of using but I would never stoop to insulting the people who do.
Here are the steps to fix this. Back up your Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs ini to your desktop. (always a good idea when making changes) These are in your Documents/My Games/Skyrim folder Delete RendererInfo located in the same folder as the above inis. Now run the Skyrim launcher and a new RendererInfo text will be generated with the new resolution that you selected. New default inis will also be generated. If you are currently using tweaked inis after running the launcher delete the new inis that are generated and replace them with the ones you saved to desktop. Have fun! :) Edit: And for future reference set your Skyrim options the way you want (especially resolution) before installing and launching any ENB mod. ;)
So when you say you got the cd key elsewhere does that mean what you are trying to use is not a legitimate copy?
Well, I understand your point but that could and should be made clear by the mod authors themselves. A simple "Dawnguard required" at the top of the description page would take care of that. I don't see why they wouldn't make that clear from the beginning so people don't have to waste their time reading the page for a mod they can't use to begin with. Sloppy on their part. My suggestion was to add a Dawnguard tag to the tag search to make things simpler to find these mods. As it stands now they are very difficult to track down and require a lot of time and effort to find.
You don't. The .esp files go in your Skyrim/Data folder. Make sure you read the installation instructions on the mod page before trying to install anything. It will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. The description page and readme's are there for a reason. ;)