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Everything posted by ArthurSpeakman

  1. Major bonuses that the Sink has: Wonderglue, Scrap Metal, Empty Syringes, and Duct Tape, in exchange for Coffee Mugs and Clipboards. The Transportalponder, which takes you to the Sink instantly, save a couple areas, and while inside. Overencumbrance is less of a hassle than ever. So much awesome. And as for guns, I found a lot of 44 and 357, and the Lobotomites delivered a bunch of the rest. Crafting new ammo didn't bother me much, and even less once I realized that Elijah's Advanced LAER kills everything. Like, you put in Max Charge Microfusion Cells, and it spits out efficient death. Especially with the mods on it.
  2. I like Dead Money for three reasons: 1. Each character has a depth beneath the surface. Christine starts out as being solely in pursuit of Elijah, but then you find out she was in love (and Elijah broke them apart) and that he was the one who hurt her via an autodoc - twice. God/Dog seems like a sadist, but really he's getting off on driving other people crazy because he has so little control (and I always worked with him, never resorted to making Dog pop out). Even Dean just seems like an ass, but then you find out he planned the heist ever ago, yet could never let go. And that's the whole theme: Begin again (stripped of weapons, etc) but let go (and don't drag the heavy bars with you). 2. The vending machines are a zillion times more valuable than the gold. If you have enough luck, and you play until you "break" the Sierra Madre bank, they give you a code for the vouchers. At first it's like "Uh, I only have one voucher." Then when you go home, there's a voucher in the deposit box. And a new one every so often. For thousands of chips. That go into a vending machine with infinite inventory. And (if you paid attention) Stimpak, Weapon Repair Kit, and other super useful codes. 3. I did this on Xbox, but you can keep the bars. It just takes a bit of planning. YOU WILL NEED: 1. The code for Demolition Charges. 2. At least one Turbo, and I think there's one in the cabinet in the Vault. 3. A bunch of chips. I managed to buy 8 Demo Charges. Once you have all these (plus the chips from the table) buy all the demo charges. Walk out, then turn right, with them equipped. Pop the Turbo and drop a bunch of mines on your right, in the alcove near the entrance to the Vault. Drop another one at the bottom of the steps as you walk toward the force field that Elijah's walking toward. Then drop a few right in front, as he disables it. You should be thrown into the other side, Elijah should get hit by the first couple charges, then run around to the alcove for cover, and blown to s***. You can now calmly walk to the elevator without worrying or dealing with holograms or jumping puzzles. Jackpot!
  3. If the quests are boring you to death, you can just cram 19 (I think, I forget) Scrap Metals down Jack's throat. Then they're like "We love you!" without any running around. Although you can collect the array pieces while you're doing That Lucky Old Sun. As for how you get that much scrap metal, your best bet is to hide and steal from Novac and Primm, buy whenever you can (like Gun Runners) and just save up. Or if you have Old World Blues, you can feed Clipboards into the upgraded (Mulching) Book Cleaner. At the moment I have so much Scrap Metal, Electronics, Wonderglue and Duct Tape, that I just hoard Wrenches all the time.
  4. That's quite easy to solve, fren. Just go to the Citadel, talk to Elder Lions and you will understand why I charge in to help the BoS every time I see them fighting, no matter what are my health and equipment like and no matter what the odds. Ppl ask me why I am so protective about the BoS. Well, I always felt them as my brothers in arms. And after I saw how noble they become in FO3, I just won't let go. Even if the FNV chapter are acting as a bunch of weirdos, I don't give hell. Hail the BoS! No really, a thought of harming them hurts me. Really and for real. You do realize the BoS in FO3 are the true outcasts right? They have broken from the real BoS and attempted to reform it in the distant east under their own beliefs rather than the doctrine of the original and core BoS. They dont follow the codex man. YES, THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE CODE. AND OF COURSE THEY DON'T. THEY ONLY ACT LIKE NORMAL AND THINKING GOOD HUMANS, WHO ARE WELL TRAINED AND EQUIPPED, UNDER THE GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES. DON'T KNOW HOW ABOUT YOU, MY GOOD MAN, BUT AS FOR MOI, SAVING WOMEN AND KIDS - IF THERE ARE ANY AROUND TO BE SAVED - IN POST APOCALYPTIC SITUATION IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY GUNS... REMEMBER THE BoS'S RAID ON THE PITT? AND, AFTER ALL, THE CODE IS MORE OF A... WELL, GUIDELINE... INNIT? YOU DON'T LEAVE SOMEONE BEHIND JUST BECAUSE THEY FELL BEHIND, RIGHTO? CODE... CODE IS FOR BARRACKS AND TRAINING GROUNDS, MAN... OUT THERE, THE THINGS JUST CHANGE... BELIEVE ME, I KNOW IT... MORE THAN I'D LIKE TO. Have a nice day. Well, before Still In The Dark is over, McNamara seems like an idiot, but after that, and the one last quest to become a full member, he lifts the lockdown. THEN tell him "The NCR sent me here to destroy you." and he's just like "Haha, that's funny. Tell them WE will help THEM at the battle, and that we'll sign a truce." Col. Moore begrudgingly says "Sure whatever" and you get a tiny bit of NCR infamy, but if you do "Restoring Hope" and such, you can repair your rep and such, no problem. Plus, with the NCR, you can also save the Followers, Kings, Khans (if you kill Papa Khan at the end of the quest), Boomers, and pretty much anyone who doesn't give you positive karma when you blast them in the face.
  5. Best bet, make sure you have 6 Agi and 6 Per, then at 14 take the Light Step Perk. Then, you don't have to disarm them, you can hack the laser IFF circuits, and shoot the turrets. Sneak around the bots, and you have an infinite Stealth Boy dispenser!
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