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  1. Is anyone else slightly miffed that your potential to be a bad guy in FO4 is more or less limited to hustling old ladies for slightly more caps than normal when you run their errands? Missing the kind of choices you were presented with in FO3, where you could wipe Megaton off the face of the earth purely for shits and giggles? Well, here's a natural change to the tutorial that... well, in my mind should have been shipped with the original game. When you initially run across Preston and the gang, they are under siege by raiders in Concord. Preston yells at you from the balcony to grab a gun and the rest is history. But in my mind, things should have gone like this: Preston gives his balcony speech. A newly added Raider leader NPC shouts a counter offer to you from the rooftop of the opposite shop: help them take down Preston and kidnap Mama Murphy and there's a sack of caps in it for you. If you go that way (talk to the leader to agree / bargain a higher price), you murder-mayhem your way through the Museum of Independence and take down the (considerably up-armed) group of Minuteman refugees. Bandit leader joins you upstairs, when you're informed there is fighting outside. They're obviously aware that you're a protagonist, seeing as they baby-sit the captive while you're sent up to the roof to investigate and do the heavy lifting. Rival gang of raiders led by Gristle are attacking; deathclaw appears; you do your thing. Raiders inside the museum are rightly impressed that you are 'Ard As Nails. You get a little bit of exposition explaining their motivations: they were kicked out of Corvega for disagreements with Jared / jerking around and letting a load of gouls in by accident. They want Mama Murphy as a bargaining chip to get back in. Killing Gristle has rather derailed that plan and now they need somewhere to lay low before Jared crucifies them. We all go camping in Sanctuary, with the settlement building tutorial missions kicking in as per normal. Only now, it's not a settlement: it's a raider camp. I have a lot of ideas in my head about proceeding from there, to the extent of creating a Raider gang Minuteman proxy that works by conquering settlements and setting up raider camps through radiant quests. First faction quest (The First Step) would, naturally, still be clearing Corvega out to remove Jared. Only instead of securing the area, you're just getting rid of a competitor and solidifying your own position as Premier Badass of the Concord-Lexington metropolitan area. ...Slightly off-beat, but I'm also envisioning one of the splinter-gang's members being a pre-war British football hooligan who was stranded in the States by the war and ended up as a goul. Yes, I am stretching to find a way to help with potential voice acting. I can't mod, script or do very much that's productive. But I'm full of ideas, and would happily write scripts and mission stages. Thoughts?
  2. I wouldn't really say the Empire is in their blood - any more, at least. In Oblivion, it's made very clear that they don't answer to the Elder Council and the Empire, but rather directly to the Emperor. They serve the dragon blood, and not the institution. After Septim line was extinguished, they were cast adrift and began to act as an autonomous intelligence/espionage agency, working for their own good. The Empire also sold them out in the White-Gold Concordant, in which the Thalmor requested they serve Blades agents' heads on a platter... which they did. To be honest, that's one of the reasons I can't see a Thalmor attack on the HQ being a good idea. One of the primary goals of the Thalmor overall, not just in Skyrim, is the total extinction of the Blades. You can look at their dossiers on Esbern and Delphine to see that. If the Thalmor ever discovered that there was an intact Blades stronghold, it'd be besieged by an army within weeks/months of the discovery, with the Thalmor exerting pressure on the Imperial Legion to take an active stance. After all, the Thalmor would probably say that the Blades setting up shop in Skyrim and the Empire doing nothing about it constitutes as a breach of treaty and act of war. The Temple's best defence is probably secrecy.
  3. The CK is the Construction Kit. It's the official Beth' released tool pack for modding Elder Scrolls games. So far, all of their open world RPGs (Elder Scrolls and Fallout series') have had them. They're basically the tools the developers themselves use, and are one of the reasons why modding is so popular for these games.
  4. Not sure if I'm reading you right, but if you do it now, companions just walk over and wait next to it.
  5. I tried to get my companions to ride my horse by using the companion command option. You can get them to sit in chairs and stuff using it, so I thought that'd be an option. Evidently not. In any case, the option to buy more than one horse and get companions to ride them using the command function would be great. It'd be even better if ranged weapons - spells and bows could be used from horseback too. Of course, that's an entirely separate mod altogether.
  6. This has got to be the first time I've ever seen anyone use the phrase 'butt physics' with a straight face. :D
  7. Are you using BTB's game rebalance? If so, that explains the wildlife. He set his mod up so people couldn't sleep outside and would have to find an interior / inn / bedroll to use instead. Instead of making resting illegal, wildlife appears after 1 hour, so you don't really recover much health. I can't explain your DB troubles though. The assassins shouldn't appear too many times anyway, so it's odd they turn up every time...
  8. Try finding a potion of dispel. Or try downloading a healers mod, like this one. I'm not sure if they'll only recover health through, and not diseases / ailments. If dispel, alters and healers don't work, sounds like you might have bugged your character somehow. Sorry I couldn't help more. :confused: Out of interest, how did it happen?
  9. Same. Never heard of it. I'm guessing you mean some kind of video walkthrough to go on Youtube, or whatever?
  10. Skyrim is hundreds of years in the future, well after the devastation of Morrowind. There's actually a town consisting of mostly refugee Dunmer to the far east, near the Morrowind border. Devs say this will have a Morrowind inspired architecture, although I'm not entirely sure what that means. Just look at Chydeinhal and the influence there... Yeah. That would be disappointing to me. I'd hope there'd be a bit of a stronger design flair than that. There has been whispers that there are still colonies in the Telvani islands to the far east, and Dunmer refugees waging war on the Skaal so they can possess all of Solthestein. I'm not sure how much of that is confirmed and how much is just whispers though. In an ironic twist of fate, some of the Dres to the far south survived too, albeit as Argonian slaves (although they were mostly butchered while the Argonians were still in zombie-murder-mode). :P
  11. Well, all MLOX does is rearrange your mods so they're in the correct load order. If there's any minor corruptions or clashes, it'll also fix them for you. More serious stuff gets flagged for you, so you can deal with it yourself. I think the program is pretty solid, but I don't really understand how it works. I just let it do its thing. MWGO is just a bundle pack of mods, too. It shouldn't be doing anything negative, and really does make the game look stunning, so I consider it essential. I tried disabling the minor mods, and the three mods I downloaded last, but it didn't seem to help. In any case, the problem seems to be restricted solely to the boat scene in the opening. I downloaded a quick-start mod that removes the tutorial and starts you outside the Census Office's door, and it worked fine, I tried this with the saves as well, and it got rid of all the error messages! Thanks for that. :D
  12. Hey there; this might be a little late, but I've just reinstalled Morrowind on my laptop, and reacquired my standard set of essential mods. I thought these might be useful for you. MWGO - Morrowind Graphics Overhaul. This is actually a large collection of mods, saving you having to hunt around for each of them. It does mindblowing things to the game's appearance, and improves a great many sound effects too. There are also three patches for this (1.1 - 1.3) which are worth getting. MCA - Morrowind Comes Alive. This adds a ton of stuff. There are a load of undead meshes that are bundled in, which serve to vary the appearance of the skeletons and other undead creatures of the game. It also adds a multitude of NPCs on schedules (thousands of them) and several companions to the game, making the whole island seem much more alive and vibrant. Westerly's Master Head Pack. This adds a huge bundle of hairs and heads for all the races. This massively mixes up the NPCs, so they look much more unique. It also allows you to customise your characters even further during the chargen. Compliments MCA greatly, by ensuring the new NPCs don't look like clone armies. A very good mod, with extremely high quality heads. They beat the hell out of Oblivion's "cottage cheese" faces. :P LGNPCs - Less Generic NPCs. You can download a collection of all their projects from their home website. It is a huge collection of dialogue mods that hugely improve conversations with NPCs throughout the game. These mods add personality to the NPCs, and very often new quests to areas too. A very good investment. BTB's Game Improvements. This brutally rebalances the game for the better. Prices are readjusted, magic is tweaked, alchemy is severely altered. He basically works his magic on all aspects of the game, via five different modules. This means you can pick and choose which edits you want, but you should take all of them. They compliment each other well. In any case, BTB has written comprehensive and massive readmes to explain everything that he has done. These are what I use to bring my install up to an 'enhanced vanilla' standard. This is basically a modern update of what the game should have been. After this, add your extra misc mods. You could very easily play with just these though. To make the campaign much, much harder towards the end, Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins is also a good investment. EDIT: Oh, one important thing? Do you have the GOTY edition? If yes, it means you have all the expansions and patches, which is good. If you just have Morrowind, you'll have to download the official Bethsoft patches yourself. They're here.
  13. Right, so I've just installed a spate of mods, and something appears to have broken. Quite nastily too. Here's the problem and the lead-up to it: I downloaded MWGO, which worked fine. I downloaded a few gameplay mods, like BTB's game rebalances, LGNPCs and other minor tweaks. The game worked fine after these. I just installed Westerly's Master Head Pack, Morrowind Comes Alive and some plugin that adds weight to gold. It was after one of these three that the game broke. I tried disabling the ESP for each in turn, which didn't work. I can log in to existing characters (the only one that I have), but can't create new ones. There is a loud grating, buzzing noise as soon as the opening cut-scene concludes and I'm left in the boat (fiddling with the audio options, I found completely turning 'effects' off stopped this). After I'm asked my name, there is then a massive FPS hit, as the game gets progressively slower. By the time the guard emerges, the screen has totally frozen, and I'm forced to alt-tab out. The game then crashes, and I have to force-close it. I'm running a 64bit copy of Windows 7, but it has always worked fine up until now. Morrowind always runs with admin permissions, and I've used MLOX to sort the load order. Anyone have any idea what's going on? I really don't want to have to reinstall. :unsure: EDIT: I circumvented the problem by downloading a quick-start chargen mod. The problem seems to be with the intro-boat, so by cutting that out the problem has stopped. I was hoping there was a better way, but it seems not. In any case, never mind. Can make new characters again.
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