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Posts posted by Xander9009

  1. In response to post #60307046.

    Ashes2Asherz wrote: So every 10k of DP is worth 10 dollars through paypal.. Be honest what's the chance of a modder getting 10k of DP? 1% maybe.. less than 1%?

    The idea was never to make it so modders can rely on this as a source of income. It's just a small way of saying thank you. Also, there's the option to donate the money to charities, who will happily accept and appreciate even relatively small amounts. Also, they'll be worth more if the community actively puts into the system, too. (Well, they'll be worth the same amount, but you'll get more of them...)
  2. In response to post #56082096. #56082186, #56082681, #56083906 are all replies on the same post.

    Niborino9409 wrote: At first I was a bit against this system but after reading it all my fears have subsided. I only mod for fun so I have no wish to get paid for it, that would ruin it for me. That's why I like how it's set-up. Micro rewards sounds very good and since my mods are small scale it will still be for fun.
    nesbit098 wrote: My mod is a full time job day in and out..for both versions and I get people wanting an xbox version too...I was against paid mods for a long time but now my viewpoint has changed...I need to live.
    This is why I am branching out to youtube videos with the hope of making some ad revenue...I am not going to hold my breathe though...But this is a nice idea for all type of mod makers....
    0Theara wrote: I too also feared that mod authors will no longer allow their assets to be used after this system is implemented. but after fully read this, I think it's fair if the mod authors allow me to use their assets, even if I don't receive any points whatsoever. I kinda enjoyed making mods anyways lol

    Niborino9409 wrote: That does make me wonder a bit, the overall vision may be mine, but what about the assets I used to make it a reality. But read that you can opt out some files from this. :happy:

    And of course, if the author of the assets you use does allow it to be used for donation points, you could always shoot them some as a thank you.
  3. In response to post #56081816. #56081971, #56082201, #56082696, #56082916, #56083201, #56083376, #56083496, #56083506 are all replies on the same post.

    literallybyronic wrote: I feel like this may cause a bit of strife in mod authors who do large mods or compilations. For instance, my most popular mod is NPC replacers and presets for now going on 11 characters, but they are installed via a FOMOD which is one file on one mod page that lets you pick and choose who you want to install. It's far easier for mod users to use that way but with this points system it actually hurts me to do it that way when I could make a separate mod page for each character and potentially get up to 11 unique downloads from the same user instead of one. This wouldn't really fall under the "milking the patch from a separate page" idea since I'd say at least half of the current NPC replacer mod library on Nexus are single characters so you couldn't really fault someone for releasing them as such. Not just in my own situation either, but let's say the author of Beantown Interiors decided to release their work neighbourhood by neighbourhood instead of an all in one, or like Vivid Landscapes is an AIO now, when they used to be separate downloads for terrain, foliage, roads, etc. Even if these mods were divvied up into categorized segments they would still each be standalone mods in their own right. so not really the same as making a small patch its own page. I don't really know what the best way to deal with this would be tbh but I have a feeling it's going to ruffle some feathers no matter what.
    ousnius wrote: Each character individually doesn't necessarily give you more total unique downloads , unless you have thousands of fans that download all of your mods, or all of them get into hot files, in which case it's a good thing for you.
    literallybyronic wrote: "The metric we are using is the unique download count for a user's mod pages as a whole. Note that this is different from the unique download counts for the individual files you can download from a mod page. For example, if you have 14 files available to download on a single mod page and a user downloads each of those files, your unique download counter is increased by 1, and not 14."

    So, if I'm understanding this correctly, if I have 5 files on one page, and all 5 get downloaded, each file gets 1 unique download but the PAGE only gets 1 unique download for all 5. If I have 5 files on 5 different pages, both each file and each page itself get 1 unique download. As the metric is the PAGE'S unique downloads, having separate pages for each mod (or segment thereof) could increase the unique download count the points system will be using as a metric. If what I'm describing weren't the case and the "unique download" was 1 per downloader per uploader, so if I have 20 files on 20 pages and someone downloads all 20 and I only get 1 unique download because it's counted per user and not per page, the issue mentioned further down the article about people releasing small patches etc on separate pages wouldn't matter.
    willyb9 wrote: i'm a little curious how this would work for updated files as well, like updates to fix bugs with mods or add or change things with a new main file for example. if a user downloads the original, and later the new file, would those be considered separate unique downloads i assume?

    anyways, seems like a great idea imo. very well thought out and seems more comprehensive than anything i've seen suggested before.
    literallybyronic wrote: From what I understand of the system, as long as they are on the same main mod page, one user can only ever produce one unique download for anything on that page in the metric the points use (per page), even if each file on the page gets its own unique download for each new file. Unique downloads per file and per page are two separate metrics. So you'd have to make each update to a fresh page which I'm sure wouldn't fly with staff. But if it's something that can be divided into standalone segments that could potentially each warrant their own page (different characters, different areas, ENBs with multiple presets like CFL or Grim & Somber, etc), it's not something you could really argue against but would obviously benefit the author to release each segment on its own page.
    willyb9 wrote: ok that makes sense. thanks for clearing that up for me!
    literallybyronic wrote: Yeah, it's a bit easy to muddle up which is why I'm asking for clarification, I could still be wrong but hopefully Robin or someone from staff will jump in and clear it up if I am.
    literallybyronic wrote: Also, mod authors could potentially receive a "new" unique download if a user who has already downloaded a file before the mod was opted in downloads a new version after the mod has opted in, that would seem more fair as some bigger mods have crazy amounts of downloads already that they would lose out on. But, from how it's being described it seems like they wouldn't receive any further credit from the same user if that user already gave them a unique download in the past, although I'm not 100% sure on this part either. That may be something they just can't track.
    literallybyronic wrote: edit: oops, double post

    The chosen method isn't fair to everyone. It's as fair as possible to as many people as possible. I remember the thread where we were all discussing this idea and how best to implement it, and there simply isn't a better way to handle it, unfortunately.
  4. Well, for Wildcat, at least, EnaiSiaion tends to be relatively open to suggestions. If you ask him about it, he might be willing to add a setting-save feature. Though, I'm not sure if he'd want to use FISS or go a different route. (I ended up taking a different route for the mods I made. FISS had a couple of issues I didn't like.)

  5. I make no promises this will work perfectly or that it will work with the most recent version of Ordinator by EnaiSaion, but here's the link. Some quick notes: the idea behind this mod is that it adds a menu when you activate an enchanting table. If you answer yes (you want to do mass enchanting), then it will take a few seconds (several, in fact, it's the best that's possible, I think) to sort through your inventory. Then, when you enchant something, it'll ask how many more instances of that same enchantment you'd like to perform, up to the number you could actually manage.


    However, this *only* works for enchanting. It doesn't have any system in place to handle smithing or tempering. I could definitely look into how to manage that in the same basic way, but it would be tricky.



  6. Not related to AHK (though that's how I found this thread, because I was trying to see if anyone had gotten "ImageSearch" to work reliably, since I wanted it to be a sort of "auto-pilot" for following quest targets), but you mentioned the crafting thing for enchanting being impossible, and I'm pleased to say I actually just got a mod working to do just that. I only finished it a couple of days ago, and it's still got a bit more customization I want to add before releasing it, but it is at least possible, at least in a sense. I wasn't able to make it keep the selection so you could repeatedly click craft if wanted to (and thus could automate it from there how you want), but rather I added a "Mass Crafting" input box that asks how many copies of the enchanting process you'd like to perform and then does everything at once. (It doesn't let you do anything you couldn't already do; it only lets you skip the tedious menu flipping by doing it all at once.) If you'd be interested in that, I can post a link here when I get around to uploading it.

  7. This finally fixed it. Something about posting for help always seems to make it more obvious...


    4 BSDismemberSkinInstance -> Partitions -> Partitions -> Body Part = 30


    (And now, I supposed that means my post is thanking myself... I promise I'm not that conceited...)

  8. I'm trying to make a model for Konahrik that dragon priests can wear (I'm making a mod so there's a battle with its namesake before you can claim the mask itself). Konahrik, unlike all of the other masks, doesn't have a Dragon Priest compatible armor addon, so while it's in his inventory (and its enchantment works), it doesn't show.


    I figured what I would need would be the model from another mask's normal version (used Morokei: dragonhelm_moonstone_0.nif) and its dragon priest variant (maskmoonstone.nif), plus of course the original for Konahrik (dragonhelm_ultra_0.nif). I made all of the changes I could find that seemed like they might be relevant, but it doesn't show up in game. Along the way, I've managed to get something to show up, but it was in the wrong place (behind his right leg facing backwards), and it was only visible if you were looking at it from far enough away and from the right angle. (At one point it even showed up as a 2 foot wide rock for seemingly no reason at all).


    I've attached the resulting nif (maskultra.nif) along with the three files used to create it. The actual process for this was:

    1. Copy "dragonhelm_ultra_0.nif" -> "maskultra.nif"
    2. Delete all branches except "15 NiTriShape" (the mask itself") and "0 NiNode".
    3. Copy "1 NiNode" from "maskmoonstone.nif" into the file.
    4. Move the new NiNode up to become "1 NiNode".
    5. Set "2 NiTriShape" string index to 2.
    6. Set Bones in "4 BSDismemberSkinInstance" to reference "1 NiNode".
    7. "5 NiSkinData" Translation Z = "-14.698".
    8. "3 NiTriShapeData" Center Z = "122.358".
    9. "2 NiTriShape" Translation Z = "14.698".
    10. "0 NiNode" children set up so "1 NiNode" is the first child and "2 NiTriShape" is the second, then deleted the other references (they were at the end of an otherwise blank list of 10).
    11. "NumChildren" set to 2, then refreshed children.
    12. "Num Extra Data List" set to 0.
    13. In the Header, modified Strings so 0, 1, and 2 were correct, deleted the others, set the count to 3, and refreshed.
    14. Saved.

    I checked it in the CK, and it appears about the same as Morokei, but in-game, it simply doesn't show up.


    I don't like the idea of just asking people to fix it for me, but I've tried everything I can think of. As far as I can tell, it's virtually identical to the Morokei one, which obviously works. I also made sure it's not me ESP by trying it with the "maskultra.nif" model, which didn't worked, changed nothing except pointed the custom armoraddon to "maskmoonstone.nif", and tested it again. It worked this time (with some extremely minor positioning issues, but for all I know, those might be present in the normal versions).


    What I'd really love is for someone to take a look, and if you can spot what's wrong with it, tell me both what's wrong and (hopefully) why it's wrong (if it's not obvious). I've tried messing with models before (3 or 4 times), but I've never managed a single successful venture. I'm fairly good at most other aspects except voice acting and level design, the latter of which could actually be helped quite a bit by getting better at this (since I'd be able to make the minor changes needed for some items to work where I need them).


    Thank you to anyone that takes a look, and even more if you figure it out.


    There's also an ESP with the armor addon and the cell I'm testing in. "COC TFM". (Also, when I tested referencing Morokei, it was in that same folder. So, any folder issues are just from my zipping it.)


    EDIT: I discovered that when the file is closed and then reopened, the nodes 1 and 2 are listed in reverse order within 0's "children" section, and their order in the block list matches. I found that disabling the auto sanitize on save option made it stay in the order it's supposed to, but this had no effect in-game.

  9. Regarding the place being messed up after a certain quest, UESP actually lists a very simple way to put it back to the way it was. There are a few different ways it could be handled. As simple as either running the command when you're ready (simplest for the modder) or adding a button with that marker as its enable parent such that activating the button disables the marker (simple for both), or catching the beginning and end of the quest and triggering the change automatically when the player transitions (simplest for the player, most difficult for the modder).


    Out of curiosity (I've got several mods I'm planning to work on of my own soon, so I probably won't be doing this, sorry), where would you want the house? I had a look and found a few locations that could be suitable based on what you're going for. I'd expect it to be really simple, with probably nothing more than something like Anise's Cabin without the basement (could even keep the basement if desired).


    Over the waterfall (by the gold mine) would be a good one. Since the gold mine is there, it's clear the player is supposed to be able to get there, and I thought it'd be a cool touch to have a rope ladder that's rolled up at the top. Make it up there normally once and you can unroll the ladder to get up with ease in the future (and probably add a map marker for instant arrival, and mark it as possible to fast travel from the location as well).


    Another location, if you're wanting a simple camp, would be to simply have a camp near the entrance, just like there's one there during the quest.


    And the other location I thought of (didn't realize Zyris already mentioned it) was on the central rock area that the whole path winds around. It'd take a bit more fiddling to get it to look right here, but with it up high like that, it wouldn't interfere with the quest, you wouldn't really see the house itself much from below, and you could get a nice view of the grotto in any direction.

  10. I wanted to add another thank you. I know this post is old, but a Google search brought it up, and it was what I needed. My only further question is what Spell Archetype do I use? I have it set as Dispel, but the creation kit wiki says "Removes magic effects with a duration from the target." . I assumed that meant ALL effects. Is that incorrect?

    The archetype doesn't really matter as far as dispelling goes. If it has the same keywords and has the box checked saying it dispells these keywords, that should be all that's needed. The archetype I would go for is script. This would prevent any unexpected results. Definitely don't use the Dispel archetype, because you're right: that would dispel all active spell effects, not just the ones with the keyword.

  11. property areas grey, and won't let me add to it.

    Alright, then we'll need to go to the source.


    Is this being done in a quest? If not, is it dialogue?

    If this is a quest, then you'll need to go to the Scripts tab. There, you should be able to see a script that handles ALL script fragments from the quest stages. Select that script and open its properties. Add a new one like described before.


    If this is for dialogue, then you'll have to let me know, because I don't know off-hand how to do that.

  12. Remove the last line. Comment out line 3 (the on the removes 'goldbase'). Compile. Then, look for a button that says Properties and click it. Find where it says to add a new property. Name the new property "Gold001" and make sure its type is "MiscObject". Click okay and it should add the property. Click the property on the left and click auto fill on the right. Click okay to close the properties window. now uncomment the line that refers to goldbase and change goldbase to "Gold001" and try to compile again.


    Sorry, I was in a hurry and misread your problem.


    MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto

    Should be inserted at the bottom of the script fragment, after

    ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

    Save your script fragment. After that, select the script file in the script window, and click 'properties.' This will open up another window that will allow you to fill the properties.



    I did what your pic did (Since I have a similar problem) placed it at the beginning (before the if 'statement', before endIf, and after that.) All of them come up with this message.


    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "TIF__04019D3D"...
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\TIF__04019D3D.psc(16,0): no viable alternative at input 'MiscObject'
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\TIF__04019D3D.psc(16,20): no viable alternative at input 'GoldBase'
    No output generated for TIF__04019D3D, compilation failed.
    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on TIF__04019D3D



    Here's my script as of now.

    if (Game.GetPlayer().GetGoldAmount() >= 10000)
    	; lines to remove gold from player then adds key to player
    	Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(GoldBase, 50)
    	Game.AdvanceSkill ("Alchemy", 1.0)
    Elseif (Game.GetPlayer().GetGoldAmount() < 10000)
    	; lines to remove gold from player then adds key to player
    	Debug.Messagebox("Sorry you don't have enough Septims.")
    MiscObject Property GoldBase Auto

    And since it won't compile I can't check properties, and when I remove it, and click on the properties tab (and the RemoveItem bit) I for some reason can't add or edit properties (it shows up, but all of it's greyed out).





    Sorry for dropping into the subject. But since I have the same basic problem, I thought I'd use this thread instead of making a new one.


    Have a look at the script I posted near the end of page 2. It shows where the property should be placed. Properties MUST be places OUTSIDE of any events or functions. It can't go inside the if statement. It can't even go inside of the event or function that the if block itself is inside of. If you post the entire script you've got, I can show you quickly where it should go. However, there's a much easier way. Instead of typing it in manually, just open the properties box for the script and add a new one that way. Then if it still doesn't work, show us the script you've got then.

  14. It's a combination of both. I'm interested in making it (or having it made by someone more experienced, which would be ideal) if it doesn't already exist. If it already exists, I'm interested in using it.


    The idea isn't really to alter NPCs for their own use, but mostly to take stuff that mods add to the game and distribute it throughout the game so it's not just sitting in a chest somewhere. Some mods can already do that, but they:

    • Don't remove the original
    • Don't preserve the uniqueness of the items (they'll distribute the items to various NPCs making many copies of what should be unique armor or weapons)
    • Don't give different types of items to different people or places

    I was (and am still) hoping this sort of tool already exists and I've just never come across it. It'd be rather difficult to make, since I'd need to learn to use the SkyProc patcher, and I've never even attempted that before. Scripting is what I'm good at, so I should be able to pull it off well. I'm just hoping I don't need to lol.


    But yeah, I'd expect there would be a decent amount of interest.

  15. Is there a mod currently available to distribute, say an armor set to a specific NPC that we could specify? Or maybe to a specific chest?


    What I'm considering is a way to work within the rules of the Nexus to avoid stepping on anyone's toes, but still allowing users to distribute mod-added items. But, importantly, keeping them limited. My idea was to have a tool like SkyProc run through a list of pairs. Each pair is an Actor/ActorBase/Container/Location(X,Y,Z) and an Armor/Weapon/Ingredient/Potion/Ammo/Misc plus a count.


    It simply runs through the list and adds the items to the containers/actors/whatever. I'd provide a list of various interesting locations for different types of things, and those references would be included. It would scan all active mods for valid items and let the players choose which ones they want to go where.


    Each one would also have a flag to mark this as unique/semi-unique. If it's marked as unique, then it would be removed from anything it's found in (people/chests/locations) while it's distributing it where you want. If it's marked as semi-unique, it would remove it from containers such as chest and barrels but leave actors alone (this option would allow you to put the item somewhere you want without messing up people that should have been using the item).


    The idea here is to take the items added by mods (such as a set of armor and maybe a weapon or two) that the mod just adds to a random chest (I've got one which adds a very nice armor set to a chest by the Ritual stone, and a few others that are similar) and instead give them to various other containers or people. Probably with the ability to add it to a random container or NPC from a given list.


    Sort of like what a normal distributing tool would do, but maintaining the items' rarity/uniqueness. As an example, the mod I mentioned adds a set of high-powered armor and two weapons (well, more high-powered than I should have access to right away at least). I could use this to easily move that armor and weapons to, say, a random vampire boss or a chest near a vampire boss (vampire makes sense with the armor).


    A few features it would probably need to include in order to be considered really useful:

    • Add them to and remove them from leveled lists in addition to other sources.
    • Compare weapons and armor with normal light or heavy low-grade and high-grade equipment to determine the power level of the item within this particular setup, and then randomly choose a fitting location based on that.
    • Ability to specify that if a container is emptied by removing an item this way, then disable the container.
    • Ability to specify a container, and distributing everything in the container. An option to keep it all together or split it up.
    • Ability to save the settings you've chosen so you can repeat the steps in the future with ease, accounting for potentially missing mods. (especially needed if you need to uninstall one of the mods adding the items you distributed).
    • Not mod specific. Not only would this need to be generic to avoid any potential issues with permissions (except where the permissions explicitly allow the use of its assets), but also to allow it to remain useful regardless of the rise and fall of any other mods independently.

    Thoughts on such a tool? Useful? Lacking something? Too much?

  16. In response to post #46432020. #46432065, #46432170, #46446490 are all replies on the same post.

    DraggedMeat2301 wrote: I got a question how long does it generally take to make these amazing house mods and if you are able to like put a tutorial or something for people who would like to make some of these as well I have been with your mods since new vegas and I got to say I am really amazed on how much talent you have I hope you don't get angry with me and I do not intend at all to start anything negative its just I am great at building stuff but when it comes to houses I stink at these. please if you can at least help another modder out that would be great. like I said not trying to start anything following the rules I hope this is not a stupid question that has been asked already
    DraggedMeat2301 wrote: at least point me in the right direction
    jim_uk wrote: Your best bet would be to ask on that games forum.
    jpitner wrote: Sorry, have to chime in here. The Game Forums here do not work well for me to get answers but that is just me. I don't ask questions I just search for an answer to my question that should have already been asked, again, that is just me.

    Google is my best friend. You may have to reword your search several times to get what you are looking for but you can find the answer. DarkFox127 has some amazing tutorials and if I recall Arthmoor's posts somewhere provided me answers as well.

    Your second best friends are mod authors themselves and I think you will find a lot of good people here. SkyrimLazz was a major help to me getting started but more because he pointed me in the right direction instead of giving me answers. Answered a lot of questions that way I hadn't even thought of asking yet.

    Next, download a home by someone else and tear it apart. Figure out how they did it. I tore apart FO4's Mechanix's Lair (sp?) to figure out how Bethesda did internal settlements.

    The best advice I can give you, install a second drive in your machine. Install Windows, all your games, and CKs. Use dual boot (I use Linux Grub) and work tearing apart and creating mods there. You never have to worry about messing up your main game, which I did, and as an added bonus you can test your packed up mod in your main game before uploading it, plus you are not so worried about experimenting with different things that could break your game.

    Also have someone with modding experience test your mod first. They will be more likely to find issues and be able to provide you with solutions.

    To answer you first question, "How Long?". I can throw a workable home together in a day for personal use but it can take easily a 100 hours to put together a good home and considerably more time to create a home that makes me remotely happy.

    Hope that helps.

    While installing a second copy of windows on your computer wouldn't hurt anything, it would be a LOT easier to just use Mod Organizer if you're working with Skyrim and probably FA4 (and should also include 3 and New Vegas as well). I think NMM might also have virtualization now. Virtualization means that the program is tricked into thinking it's working on one folder when it's actually working on another folder (or maybe even a bunch of other folders made to act like one). So you can work on a mod, and ALL file output from the modding will go to a specific folder instead of your actual data folder, but it will retain all of the folder structure and what-not. This way, your actual gaming folder is never changed and you never have to worry about messing it up. The only exception is if you modify files themselves (such as scripts). So, make a backup copy of your game's data folders and files and mod away. If you eventually realize you've messed up a script or something, just drop the original back in and look into how to handle it properly.

    The only hiccup I have when modding through Mod Organizer is that in order to make a script, you have to compile it outside of a Mod Organizer-launched program. The CK doesn't seem to be able to do it. But to get around that, I actually code using Notepad++, and you can set it up so it can compile the scripts. But unless you are making scripts (the CK can properly handle editing through MO, just not the initial creation), even this minor hiccup shouldn't happen.

    Virtualization and all that seems a lot more intimidating than it really deserves. It's all taken care of in the background (for both MO and NMM if it does have it). It might take a bit of time to learn how to work with it all, but not much. Probably less effort than installing a dual-booting copy of windows. Not to mention it means you can more easily test your mod inside AND outside your normal load order.

    I can't wait to see how the NMM is evolving now with Tannin, Mod Organizer's creator, working on it...
  17. There are overarching mods for a few different things in Skyrim. For bugs, there's USLEEP. For UIs, there's SkyUI and its MCM. There are a couple of others (FISS, FNIS, ASIS...), but you get the idea. They're parent mods that allow other mods to not need to deal with the same thing that a hundred other mods all deal with. Is there any such mod for compatibility with and communication between mods?


    As an example of what I mean, a single mod whose purpose would be to add a small but useful set of items, such as Blank Book (random example), which other mods can all use despite it not appearing in the main game. The ability to create, access, and modify a list of items (so different mods could make a list of player houses if it doesn't already exist, and then add their house to the list so all mods can access a valid list of all player houses), with the built-in ability to properly handle mod removal. The ability to post an event that other mods might listen for in a general way (this is at least partially handled by SKSE, I think, but I don't know how robust it is; probably pretty robust given the context...). A mod that allows many other mods to all interact cleanly and easily in a general way without needing to deal directly with the system that handles it all.


    If not, it might have otherwise been a bit late in the game to create such a mod, but given SSE's recent release's breath of life to the community, it might be worthwhile to consider the creation of something like that.


    I know at least some of this is already handled (like the events, but that's just an example), but I'm thinking of something that fills in the gaps. Something that creates items other mods can use and alter, but doesn't actually put them into the game (it'd be up to other mods to decide how to put Blank Books into the game, e.g.; this mod only makes them so all mods can access them as constructible object requirements).


    The most useful part of the mod, I think, would be the ability to easily have access to a list of objects that other mods can edit. Preferably in such a way that removal of the mod can undo certain changes while marking other changes as permanent. For instance, a house adding mod might update the list of houses to include its own. This would not be a permanent change. Removal of the mod removes the house. But if that house mod had a quest, it might add its quest (name and reference) to the list of completed quests, and that would be permanent. Removal of the mod would remove the reference but not the name, and thus wouldn't reduce the count. It would be up to the mod to decide if a given change is permanent (independent) or temporary (dependent on the mod's continued installation).


    Does such a mod already exist somewhere in the list of forgotten great ideas that never caught on? If not, then what kind of systems or items would others like to see in such a mod? Empty inkwells or filled inkwells (with "inkwell" acting as the counterpart), various scripts for more easily manipulating things (scripts that are included in many, many mods with relatively few alterations from mod to mod), the ability to mark your own mod, in an in-game accessible way, as one which modifies X (spells, ingredients, locations, whatever) so the compatibility mod could theoretically (upon detecting a new mod installation) notify you of potential conflicts that might be hidden without the need for the user to view any spoiler-y information about the specifics of the mod's edits.



    Darn... Oh well, guess I spend out a little cash for a whole lotta Game Designing enjoyment... Worthwhile investiture regardless.

    The CK is free...


    1. Nifskope, Blender, Gimp, CK

    2. No, but as mentioned above, the CK is free on Steam

    3. No, papyrus is very different. The CK wiki has a lot of information on scripting. There are also various Youtube videos that are good for leaning basic CK modding.

    4. Obviously you cant just port your mod over, you'll have to rebuild it. Skywind also isn't finished yet (and wont be for awhile) so you'll have to wait before you can make any mods for it. However, once it is finished, i'm sure you can make whatever mods you want for it.



    I've never used Gimp before... I assume it's freeware? As to Nifskope, and Blender, same versions as Morrowind? Or have they finally updated the Nif Scripts?

    Gimp is a free Photoshop alternative. (Sorry, but I don't know about versions. I don't do modeling or texturing. Every time I've ever tried, it's failed miserably. I can never get the programs to work properly.)

  19. In response to post #35733887.

    ff7legend wrote: There are times where I can't even reach the Nexus sites at all. Downloading ins't so much an issue for me as getting the Skyrim Nexus page to load up at all is. I have a 60 Gb/sec internet connection & all other sites load like they're supposed to. Nexus however doesn't want to load at all & this has been going on since at least yesterday.

    Are you sure you've got your internet speed right? If so, where are you? That seems like a massive number. SpeedTest.net will tell you your internet speed. (Not that that would matter if other sites load fine. Just curious.)
  20. In response to post #35739097.

    nicanuva wrote: Could this explain why the mod I downloaded today? I downloaded Moonlight Tales-Werewolf Essentials today and my game crashes when I try to transform (forgive me for my limited knowledge on this stuff)

    No, very unlikely. The only way they could have really been related would be perhaps if your downloads had been corrupted. However, opening the mod archive to install the mod wouldn't have worked in that case. So, it's almost definitely the mod itself, not the download issues. If it downloaded and opened, then you probably have an un-corrupted copy. Let the mod author know about your issues after seeing if his or her FAQ or anything like that addresses your issue.
  21. I pointed out the bloated ad problem directly to staff members a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if my comments had any effect on this whatsoever (although they never mentioned anything was already in the works for it). Either way, this is fantastic and I'm glad to hear it. I've been getting back to modding Skyrim (after months and months focusing on a game whose modding community is elsewhere), so this is just in time for my return, and I greatly appreciate that. :)
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