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Posts posted by Xander9009

  1. In response to post #35649942. #35650687, #35651037, #35653332, #35654932 are all replies on the same post.

    Pridornta wrote: Noone and I do mean NOONE will ever turn off adblockers no matter what kind of incentives you try to use. I can assure you of that. People hate and despise all forms of advertising, especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. Most people wont even take the chance, just in case. I am one of those people, though lucky for you I am a premium member. I only do that because I use this site a lot and felt it was the right thing to do. The only way I can see you getting anywhere with advertising is by simply not doing it and finding another source of income, or at least sticking with what you have. Adverts turn people away.
    omega2008 wrote: Don't speak for everyone. I turned adblock off simply because I know the website needs big money to run, didn't need incentives to do this. The ads aren't annoying here, they're actually easy to just ignore.
    EagleRaptor1522 wrote: They didn't stay within their boundaries. Plus they looked like the kind that appear due to a virus.
    xybolt wrote: " especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. " Hahahahahaaaa

    * ahem *

    Serious. It won't happen if your browser has secure privacy settings and that you have a solid AV. The host that uses the ad service can also make it more secure by sandboxing it or implement a strict SOP. Still, most infections occurs after the user has clicked on the ad.

    I allow these ads. I even don't have adblockers installed. Why ? Because they need an income. If you advises to find another source of income, please suggest them. Be sure that you can reach an income of > 780,000 US $ on yearly base.

    Also " Adverts turn people away " is not true. Look to major sites like YouTube. You can say that sites like Pinterest / Facebook doesn't have ads, but they gain their income by selling/using visitor's data. Or wikipedia ? They rely on charity. Their costs is also lower than this nexus.

    So please don't yell if this site wants to use ads. Nothing is free. Especially hosting a large file service that Nexus provides. If you have problems with that, then do what you have said with " Adverts turn people away ". Go away. Or you're a hypocrite.
    romanianjoker wrote: Not true. I am an example.
    Anyway, after reading the announcement, I realized how cheap is premium and I am thinking buy it, or at least, supporter. I was expecting some 10 USD/month or something.

    As someone who complained directly to staff about this a couple of weeks ago, I can definitely say you're wrong. I'm a person, and I'm planning to turn it off here (as I have before).
  2. (Same mod as this thread, not that it's described in the thread or anything...)


    Is there a way to change the times an AI package uses? I need to alter its hours and duration fields via script so the player can determine how long a certain NPC will maintain a given package. I can't seem to find any info on this, though. If it's not possible, the mod won't be hurt much, but it'd be a nice feature to be able to change. Alternatively, I could potentially just make several packages as options, but it'd be a lot cleaner to have one package that changes via an MCM rather than several packages activated/deactivated via an MCM.


    Ways to do this or alternatives that would be better would be appreciated.

  3. I'm working on a mod that makes use of something happening at specified intervals in game time. once every 5 minutes in-game, for instance, it'll fire. However, when you wait or fast travel, it doesn't register that it should have fired multiple times, so I need a way to determine when the player fast travels or waits/sleeps.


    I've come up with the following, which works.

    Float UpdateInterval = 5.0 ;In-Game minutes
    Float MenuOpenTime
    Function Start()
    	If (UpdateInterval < 2.0)
    		UpdateInterval = 2.0
    	RegisterForMenu("Sleep/Wait Menu")
    	RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(UpdateInterval / 60.0) ;Requires hours
    Event OnUpdateGameTime()
    	If (UpdateInterval < 2.0)
    		UpdateInterval = 2.0
    	RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(UpdateInterval / 60.0) ;Requires hours
    Event OnMenuOpen(String MenuName)
    	MenuOpenTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
    Event OnMenuClose(String MenuName)
    	Float TimePassed = (Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() - MenuOpenTime) * 24 * 60 ;Function returns days, convert to minutes
    	If (TimePassed >= 5)
    		While (TimePassed >= UpdateInterval)
    			TimePassed -= UpdateInterval
    		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime((UpdateInterval - TimePassed) / 60.0) ;Requires hours

    The idea behind it is simple. In order to wait or fast travel, you have to open the map menu or the sleep/wait menu. When you do, it'll note the current game time. When the menu is closed, it'll unregister for updates, perform the function as many times as it was missed, and then register for the remaining time. So, if it's supposed to happen every hour, and you wait for 3 hours when there 30 minutes left until the next update, it'll run 3 times and register for an update in 30 minutes. (I don't actually know unregistering and registering for the remaining time is necessary, but it's simple to do and difficult to test accurately, so, I just did it.)


    I know I'll have to handle dialogue based fast travel somehow, such as the carriages, but it's working for the two most common time-elapsing events. My question is simply is there a better way to do it? Either more efficient or more reliable? I can use this code, but it seems to me there should be a more straight-forward way of determining this.


    (Small note about the UpdateInterval < 2.0 checks: it's unrelated to the actual question. It's just that if it's too small of a number, it can freeze the game, apparently, as noted on the RegisterForUpdateGameTime wiki page. Only allowing updates 2 minutes or more apart prevents the issue.)

  4. This is the first useful Google result for this kind of search, so I'm necroing it to add some information that was missed.


    When you're arrested, it uses the function PlayerPayCrimeGold, which is called on a faction. One of its parameters is to remove stolen goods, but it doesn't allow you to specify where they'll go. That's specified in the faction itself in the crime tab.


    So, to do this (unless another way has become available), is to create a custom faction with a stolen goods chest set. Then, when you want to remove stolen goods, call PlayerPayCrimeGold(true, false). The first true makes it remove the stolen goods to the crime's specified container. The false tells it not to send the player to jail. In theory, this should work.

  5. In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305, #34840105, #34843550, #34891300, #34904760 are all replies on the same post.

    Xander9009 wrote: This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.

    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.

    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.

    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.

    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.
    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)
    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.

    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.

    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).

    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).

    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.
    dspeare wrote: Xander9009, to create a queue for later viewing, have you considered the browser plugin "Pocket"? It does essentially what you described (except it works for ALL web pages, not just mod pages here). The queue is maintained between browser sessions and it will even synchronize your queue between multiple browsers or multiple machines. It's available (free) for most of the popular browsers. I have been using it since before they renamed it "Pocket" (it used to be Read It Later) and, so far, it seems to work as advertised.
    whismerhill wrote: to my knowledge ads using a lot of computer resources is a general whole worldwideweb problem, & not an issue localized on nexusmods only.

    @dspeare, another plugin which stores information from you on an online account yeah ! more tracking please ? ... (that is ironic)
    Xander9009 wrote: I have TooManyTabs which partially already does the same thing. The problem with this approach is that it's using a third party tool to fix a resource hogging website. The website needs to deal with this, not me. The moment they do, they'll be whitelisted and will started getting ad revenue from my visits. They're not required to, but if I'm forced to do something to make the site usable, I'm just going to continue using AdBlock.
    llihP wrote: As as ex-ad creator ( boooo! ) it's usually the lack of decent ad creation guidelines that lead to resource hogging ads. For example, some ad publishers have requirements such as "the ad must never use more than 5% of the CPU".

    ..what CPU? My watch CPU or my 5930k? It's arbitrary requirements such as this that lead to a lot of feral ads being let into the wild.

    It's been pretty bad for over a decade now, but it's definitely getting better, especially in the past 12 months or so with the shift from Flash driven ads to CSS based ads.
    BlindJudge wrote:
    In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305, #34840105, #34843550 are all replies on the same post.

    Xander9009 wrote: This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.

    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.

    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.

    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.

    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.
    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)
    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.

    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.

    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).

    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).

    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.
    dspeare wrote: Xander9009, to create a queue for later viewing, have you considered the browser plugin "Pocket"? It does essentially what you described (except it works for ALL web pages, not just mod pages here). The queue is maintained between browser sessions and it will even synchronize your queue between multiple browsers or multiple machines. It's available (free) for most of the popular browsers. I have been using it since before they renamed it "Pocket" (it used to be Read It Later) and, so far, it seems to work as advertised.
    whismerhill wrote: to my knowledge ads using a lot of computer resources is a general whole worldwideweb problem, & not an issue localized on nexusmods only.

    @dspeare, another plugin which stores information from you on an online account yeah ! more tracking please ? ... (that is ironic)
    Xander9009 wrote: I have TooManyTabs which partially already does the same thing. The problem with this approach is that it's using a third party tool to fix a resource hogging website. The website needs to deal with this, not me. The moment they do, they'll be whitelisted and will started getting ad revenue from my visits. They're not required to, but if I'm forced to do something to make the site usable, I'm just going to continue using AdBlock.
    llihP wrote: As as ex-ad creator ( boooo! ) it's usually the lack of decent ad creation guidelines that lead to resource hogging ads. For example, some ad publishers have requirements such as "the ad must never use more than 5% of the CPU".

    ..what CPU? My watch CPU or my 5930k? It's arbitrary requirements such as this that lead to a lot of feral ads being let into the wild.

    It's been pretty bad for over a decade now, but it's definitely getting better, especially in the past 12 months or so with the shift from Flash driven ads to CSS based ads.

    Hey Xander9009,

    We don't have control over which ads are displayed to a user, but are working on ways in which a rogue ad can be flagged to us and we can take it to the provider.

    Unfortunately, we *need* to have ads on the site as without them the Nexus simply could not survive. We don't require users to pay money, or even register with us to use the site so revenue from ads is our lifeline.

    Going Supporter for $2 removes ads in their entirety for life and really helps support the site.

    Xander9009 wrote: I understand that. However, claiming that it's free to use when that free usage comes with a 30-40 MB tab taking up 1.25 GB of ram is not really a fair trade. As I said, I'm more than willing to whitelist the nexus (and have before). Using it for free /should/ generate money to keep it going through ads; I totally agree. I'm not suggesting the ads should be removed entirely. My issue is that that's currently coming with an insanely high system resource cost that needs to be addressed somehow. I don't know how it can be addressed, and I'm sorry for that, but I haven't experienced the problem on other sites, so surely there's some way to handle it.

    I considered paying the $2 at one point, but I also promptly lost interest in Skyrim modding, and moved on to modding Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers, whose community isn't on the Nexus. When the next TES game comes out, if I can manage to get it, I'll likely end up paying the $2. But that $2 is supposed to take the ads away and make the site a tad more pleasant to look at. Instead, that $2 is taking away the ads and making the site /usable/. That's a big barrier for those that don't pay. As I've seen on other sites (a friend of mine, who also uses the nexus for free, told me about the problems GaiaOnline had a few years back with ads and AdBlock as a good example), people use AdBlock more on a site when the ads damage site usability, which makes sense and shouldn't be at all surprising. A site that's unusable when used for free isn't really free. But if AdBlock can make the site usable, people will use it AdBlock to do so. I've always felt bad for using AdBlock on this site, because I love this site and would love to be able to whitelist it and be done with that.

    Ironically, I got a new extension recently called The Great Suspender which suspends any tab that hasn't been active in more than a few minutes so it doesn't use system resources (similar to killing it in Chrome, but less drastic and more user friendly and convenient). It may actually solve my problem, but I haven't really browsed the Nexus much since I've gotten it to see how big the impact is. And the reason I call that ironic is because that means that whenever I go reload those tabs (as you must to view them), you'd be getting (theoretically) twice the ad revenue. This, of course, doesn't do anything about the underlying issue. It's just a third party extension that happens to solve what seems to me to be a major site usability issue.

    I wanted to point out that I'm not trying to be hostile. In fact, I really like (overall) the pictures above and the direction it all seems to be headed. I'm a bit worried about how certain things will be handled, but by and large, the site's team has always done a good job at improving the site, so I trust that'll continue. I'm not just trying to be stubborn or anything because I'm unhappy things are changing. I'm happy to see the site getting a facelift. I just figured this was probably the best chance I'd get to point out what I feel is my biggest issue with the site. And considering I use AdBlock to not even see that problem very often and yet I still haven't come up with any other major problems, that says quite a bit, I think, about how happy I am with it overall. So please don't think I'm trying to be hostile. I just wanted to explain why some of your users might be using AdBlock. Something tells me the site's team probably doesn't browse it very often with ads enabled in the same way and for the same duration that a normal user would, so I figured it was very likely something you guys might not even have been aware of as an issue here.
    (Also, Phill, I wasn't ignoring you. I just, well, didn't really have a response that was anything other than "I'm responding for the sake of responding.")
  6. In response to post #34724800. #34896575 is also a reply to the same post.

    Windscion wrote: UGHly, crowded and bandwidth hog is what those screens say to me. Oh! I forgot to say intrusive. Hate at first sight.
    BlindJudge wrote: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, constructive criticism and feedback is welcome of course.

    While "crowded" certainly is an opinion (and one I'm partially sympathetic to, but not necessarily entirely), I wouldn't call "bandwidth hog" an opinion so much as a concern. And if it does end up being a problem, there'll be a lot of people taking a long time to load the page. I've seen this on quite a few different websites that try to cram too much on the homepage.

    However, there's a good combat for it. Steampowered.com and YouTube video pages use the method: only load certain sections at a time. Only load the others if the user scrolls down to them. If they're scrolling down, then they're wanting to see that extra stuff. If they're only loading the page as a portal to other sections of the site, then they're almost entirely unaffected by the rest of the page.
  7. In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305, #34840105, #34843550, #34891300 are all replies on the same post.

    Xander9009 wrote: This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.

    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.

    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.

    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.

    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.
    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)
    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.

    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.

    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).

    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).

    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.
    dspeare wrote: Xander9009, to create a queue for later viewing, have you considered the browser plugin "Pocket"? It does essentially what you described (except it works for ALL web pages, not just mod pages here). The queue is maintained between browser sessions and it will even synchronize your queue between multiple browsers or multiple machines. It's available (free) for most of the popular browsers. I have been using it since before they renamed it "Pocket" (it used to be Read It Later) and, so far, it seems to work as advertised.
    whismerhill wrote: to my knowledge ads using a lot of computer resources is a general whole worldwideweb problem, & not an issue localized on nexusmods only.

    @dspeare, another plugin which stores information from you on an online account yeah ! more tracking please ? ... (that is ironic)
    Xander9009 wrote: I have TooManyTabs which partially already does the same thing. The problem with this approach is that it's using a third party tool to fix a resource hogging website. The website needs to deal with this, not me. The moment they do, they'll be whitelisted and will started getting ad revenue from my visits. They're not required to, but if I'm forced to do something to make the site usable, I'm just going to continue using AdBlock.
    llihP wrote: As as ex-ad creator ( boooo! ) it's usually the lack of decent ad creation guidelines that lead to resource hogging ads. For example, some ad publishers have requirements such as "the ad must never use more than 5% of the CPU".

    ..what CPU? My watch CPU or my 5930k? It's arbitrary requirements such as this that lead to a lot of feral ads being let into the wild.

    It's been pretty bad for over a decade now, but it's definitely getting better, especially in the past 12 months or so with the shift from Flash driven ads to CSS based ads.
    BlindJudge wrote:
    In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305, #34840105, #34843550 are all replies on the same post.

    Xander9009 wrote: This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.

    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.

    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.

    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.

    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.
    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)
    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.

    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.

    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).

    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).

    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.
    dspeare wrote: Xander9009, to create a queue for later viewing, have you considered the browser plugin "Pocket"? It does essentially what you described (except it works for ALL web pages, not just mod pages here). The queue is maintained between browser sessions and it will even synchronize your queue between multiple browsers or multiple machines. It's available (free) for most of the popular browsers. I have been using it since before they renamed it "Pocket" (it used to be Read It Later) and, so far, it seems to work as advertised.
    whismerhill wrote: to my knowledge ads using a lot of computer resources is a general whole worldwideweb problem, & not an issue localized on nexusmods only.

    @dspeare, another plugin which stores information from you on an online account yeah ! more tracking please ? ... (that is ironic)
    Xander9009 wrote: I have TooManyTabs which partially already does the same thing. The problem with this approach is that it's using a third party tool to fix a resource hogging website. The website needs to deal with this, not me. The moment they do, they'll be whitelisted and will started getting ad revenue from my visits. They're not required to, but if I'm forced to do something to make the site usable, I'm just going to continue using AdBlock.
    llihP wrote: As as ex-ad creator ( boooo! ) it's usually the lack of decent ad creation guidelines that lead to resource hogging ads. For example, some ad publishers have requirements such as "the ad must never use more than 5% of the CPU".

    ..what CPU? My watch CPU or my 5930k? It's arbitrary requirements such as this that lead to a lot of feral ads being let into the wild.

    It's been pretty bad for over a decade now, but it's definitely getting better, especially in the past 12 months or so with the shift from Flash driven ads to CSS based ads.

    Hey Xander9009,

    We don't have control over which ads are displayed to a user, but are working on ways in which a rogue ad can be flagged to us and we can take it to the provider.

    Unfortunately, we *need* to have ads on the site as without them the Nexus simply could not survive. We don't require users to pay money, or even register with us to use the site so revenue from ads is our lifeline.

    Going Supporter for $2 removes ads in their entirety for life and really helps support the site.

    I understand that. However, claiming that it's free to use when that free usage comes with a 30-40 MB tab taking up 1.25 GB of ram is not really a fair trade. As I said, I'm more than willing to whitelist the nexus (and have before). Using it for free /should/ generate money to keep it going through ads; I totally agree. I'm not suggesting the ads should be removed entirely. My issue is that that's currently coming with an insanely high system resource cost that needs to be addressed somehow. I don't know how it can be addressed, and I'm sorry for that, but I haven't experienced the problem on other sites, so surely there's some way to handle it.

    I considered paying the $2 at one point, but I also promptly lost interest in Skyrim modding, and moved on to modding Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers, whose community isn't on the Nexus. When the next TES game comes out, if I can manage to get it, I'll likely end up paying the $2. But that $2 is supposed to take the ads away and make the site a tad more pleasant to look at. Instead, that $2 is taking away the ads and making the site /usable/. That's a big barrier for those that don't pay. As I've seen on other sites (a friend of mine, who also uses the nexus for free, told me about the problems GaiaOnline had a few years back with ads and AdBlock as a good example), people use AdBlock more on a site when the ads damage site usability, which makes sense and shouldn't be at all surprising. A site that's unusable when used for free isn't really free. But if AdBlock can make the site usable, people will use it AdBlock to do so. I've always felt bad for using AdBlock on this site, because I love this site and would love to be able to whitelist it and be done with that.

    Ironically, I got a new extension recently called The Great Suspender which suspends any tab that hasn't been active in more than a few minutes so it doesn't use system resources (similar to killing it in Chrome, but less drastic and more user friendly and convenient). It may actually solve my problem, but I haven't really browsed the Nexus much since I've gotten it to see how big the impact is. And the reason I call that ironic is because that means that whenever I go reload those tabs (as you must to view them), you'd be getting (theoretically) twice the ad revenue. This, of course, doesn't do anything about the underlying issue. It's just a third party extension that happens to solve what seems to me to be a major site usability issue.
  8. In response to post #34807265. #34809035, #34815305 are all replies on the same post.

    Xander9009 wrote: This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.

    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.

    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.

    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.

    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.
    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)
    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.

    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.

    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).

    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).

    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.
    dspeare wrote: Xander9009, to create a queue for later viewing, have you considered the browser plugin "Pocket"? It does essentially what you described (except it works for ALL web pages, not just mod pages here). The queue is maintained between browser sessions and it will even synchronize your queue between multiple browsers or multiple machines. It's available (free) for most of the popular browsers. I have been using it since before they renamed it "Pocket" (it used to be Read It Later) and, so far, it seems to work as advertised.
    whismerhill wrote: to my knowledge ads using a lot of computer resources is a general whole worldwideweb problem, & not an issue localized on nexusmods only.

    @dspeare, another plugin which stores information from you on an online account yeah ! more tracking please ? ... (that is ironic)

    I have TooManyTabs which partially already does the same thing. The problem with this approach is that it's using a third party tool to fix a resource hogging website. The website needs to deal with this, not me. The moment they do, they'll be whitelisted and will started getting ad revenue from my visits. They're not required to, but if I'm forced to do something to make the site usable, I'm just going to continue using AdBlock.
  9. This is partly a response to another comment, but more importantly, it brings up a different point, so it's being posted as a new comment rather than a reply. However, in response to the idea that the sides of the screen shouldn't be filled in with content is... strange to me. One of the arguments given was ad space, but I just checked with AdBlock disabled and that space is currently not taken up by ads, so there's no ad space being removed by allowing wider content. Another argument given was that the various displays would be difficult to handle while keeping responsive. While I can't say much about how difficult this would be since I'm not a web designer, I can say with relative certainty that it's possible. I've seen various websites that have multiple blocks and panes of data that remain responsive. FB is an incredibly easy, albeit not necessarily /good/ example. However, it doesn't need to be dynamic content, even. It just needs to be /used/ in a /useful/ way. A navigation panel for when you're no longer at the top of the screen to easily navigate would be a good choice. I find it ridiculous and dumb that /literally/ the /majority/ of my browser space is completely blank and devoid of any content. However, while I really dislike the unused space, I won't harp on it.


    The reason I made this a new response, though, is related to something I brought up that. AdBlock. I mentioned that I use it because I wanted to explain /why/ I use it so hopefully it can be addressed. I've tried greenlighting the Nexus multiple times, but it always results in the same thing. The ads that the page loads, over time and with more than only a very small number of tabs (of the Nexus) open, begin eating ram like crazy until the Nexus tabs all crash or become unusable. I have a lot of ram. I have a very nice laptop easily capable of running Skyrim, handling lots of open programs and CPU intensive tasks, lots of ram heavy applications.


    See, when I browse the Nexus, I see a mod I like in a list, but I'm not done browsing the list. In order to remember to look at the mod while not losing my place in the list or whatever I've currently doing, I'll open it in a new tab and continue down the list. This often results in many tabs, and that doesn't have good results regarding site usability, since all of those tabs take all my ram due to ads. It doesn't just make the site unusable, though. Since it's taking up the ram, it makes the entire laptop incredibly sluggish.


    I know it's the ads, because when I enable AdBlock on the site, the problem vanishes immediately. I cannot afford to pay to have the ads removed the proper way (I literally do not have enough for that at the moment, because I live on /very/ little money, and I shouldn't need to pay to use the site in a reasonable manner I like). I cannot run the site effectively with ads, though. So, AdBlock is the only real solution for me. I can't imagine no one else has this issue.


    I just compared the ram taken by the same page (homepage of Skyrim) with and without AdBlock. With AdBlock, it got up to about 37 MB and 44 MB (two tests). Without AdBlock, it got up to 157 MB and 132 MB. That's a ridiculous and unacceptable ratio. However, I can think of two different approaches to solving this.

    1: Either limit the amount of memory the ads can use by making sure that when an ad loads, it's smaller than a given filesize, otherwise, request another ad and discard the first. (I think most webpages should do this to convince ad makers to be more reasonable with their ad's footprints to be more likely for them to be displayed.)

    2: Create a tool for use on the site that lets you bookmark a mod for later viewing. See a mod you want to look at later? Queue it up. Mind you, this would need to be available also for text mod links, specifically on the New Today and New Recently pages). When you're ready to run through the mods, go to your queue. For best results, when you load a mod page from within your queue, add a button to remove it and another to go to the next mod.


    The first would allow multiple tabs to be open without eating GBs of RAM. The second wouldn't affect the ads themelves at all, but would help reduce the need for multiple tabs in the first place, meaning only a much smaller number of Nexus tabs would be open at a given time, making the impact of the massive ad sizes much less strenuous.


    I realize this would also be solved by paying $2. The problem is that it shouldn't be required to have the Nexus not slow my computer to a crawl. I'm willing to whitelist NexusMods (I have before, in fact).


    BTW, as I was typing this, I went back to the tab to close it here at the end, and it had catapulted to 1.25 GB. The page itself was at about 225 MB, with shockwave taking up 1 GB (which disappeared when I closed that tab).


    If you guys are currently redesigning the site, please address this.

  10. In response to post #34757035.

    Raum777 wrote: Hi Paul; Welcome aboard the Nexus. I'm not sure how I should address this problem so I will try to let you know what others are having a problem with as well as myself. So; I will just jump in and hope I don't drown. I brought this problem up with Robin Scott once; but he just told me to put it in the forum. I did and got one person to finally help me after two years of waiting. Now to the point.

    Paul; why is it that every time I sign out of Nexus Mod Manager and then later sign back in to down load a new mod all the mods already in NMM are pulled out of the Manager and dumped? I have to down load them all over again? I purchased all kinds of note books so I would know what mods were lost. I have been doing this at least four of five years now. Ever since Skyrim came out in !!/!!/!!. My friends helped me set up a game folder on my PC and it helped with some mods; but most of the mods made by Authors use the NMM even with the so called Manual download they are not loaded into the game folder properly with out being pulled out later from opening up NMM again. I may be redundant several times in this text, and I ask that you forgive me. Only with NMM will some mods activate in the game. If I'm speaking a different language here please let me know and I will reword this for you.

    Mr. Scott did not get what I was trying to tell him. Obviously he did not understand the problem. Every time my PC reboots I lose the NMM Icon from my desk-top. I have to try to bring it up again from Nexus, and when doing so I lose twenty or more mods. This has been going on ever since I joined Nexus. Why does this happen and why can't I load these mods into my Skyrim Game folder manually and they work like they should? I have followed all the steps and only some mods work. When they are loaded into my Game folder they just sit there and take up space. Others will work and are in the game. When I check to see if they are in my loot or Wrye folders they are either there or not there.

    It makes me crazy when I hear others having this same problem. You're a programmer; please help me and my friends on Nexus with this crazy problem. And as a follower of Nexus why do you not teach us how to set up for Nexus to begin with? Trying to teach some of us without proper guide lines is like having the dumb teach the dumb. Why does NMM have to dump any mods at all when closing or opening it up? Thank you; Paul and I look forward to your helping us.
    James Roby (raum777)

    Well, the easiest solution for such a persistent problem that you're apparently not getting sufficient help with is to abandon it and use something that works for you. Mod Organizer is a fantastic program that you should definitely check out. It's a bit slow to learn how it works, but don't be intimidated. If you have problems or questions, ask its users how to do something and you're likely to get a response. If you don't get a decent response here on its mod page, it has its own forums you can ask on, where you'll get responses from very knowledgeable users, and occasionally even its creator and maintainer. Good luck with getting your mods to cooperate.

    As an aside, how come you seem to sign out of NMM instead of just leaving it signed in? (Or does it sign you out when it's closed? I haven't used it in years since I discovered Mod Organizer, so I don't remember...)
  11. I've decided to put some work into a random idea I had. The Imperial Mage's Guild sets up a branch in Skyrim (Solitude) and hopes to expand with the player's help. Not really, necessary background, but since I may have other questions, it may be useful at some other point.


    My current question is about a spellbook/scroll crafting station I'm making. I know there are various ones out there, and this is just meant to be my take on it. My question is how should I balance it? Currently, to make a scroll, you use up:

    • 1 Paper Roll
    • 1/2 Quill
    • 1/3 Inkwell

    Making a spell book requires the same items, plus:

    • 1 Leather
    • 1/2 Leather Strip

    To craft a spell book, you have to have the spell equipped. You don't have to be able to cast it, but you have to know it.


    To craft a scroll, I didn't like that same restriction, since scrolls are supposed to be spells you may not know (that's their purpose for player use, I mean, at least mostly). So, I made it so you can craft any scroll, whether you know the spell or not, as long as your related skill level is high enough. So, raise your conjuration to 75, and while you may not yet know the spell Conjure Storm Atronach (and thus can't make the spell book), you'll be able to make a scroll for it. My reasoning was that your skill level is high enough that you can understand the spell, and you understand the basic mechanics (the skill itself) well enough that you can take your time to make a simple one-off. You cannot, however, quickly cast the spell properly, because you don't understand it that well.


    The problem here is that, while I really like the availability of certain scrolls for which you're a high enough level but haven't yet obtained the spell book, it's easily be abused (especially since I plan to add a vendor to sell these items in the building). I considered adding soul gems as a requirement, with higher level gems being needed for higher level spells. However, I'm not a huge fan of that approach since that could easily make a scroll have more value put into it via supplies than the scroll itself is worth (which would make it very strange that those scrolls exist anywhere).


    If anyone has any ideas on how I might balance this without making it cumbersome, I'd appreciate hearing them.




    Also, unrelated to the scroll balancing question, if you have any ideas for quests (anywhere from simple to full questline ideas) that would make sense for the Mage's Guild newly arrived (and still building) in Skyrim, let me know. I've got a number already, but I'll need plenty more. :smile:

  12. Is this the place to ask if a certain mod exists?


    I was told that an ENB could help me with making unlit areas not pitch black after installing ELFX. So I tried T.A.Z because I heard it's really good and my performance dropped from 60fps to 20fps. OK, good ENBs are not for me. Are there any that wont impact my performance to near unplayable levels AND will make dark places visible while using ELFX?


    I have 6GB RAM, 2GB VRAM, and Intel® Core™ i7 4710HQ (2.5/3.5 Turbo GHz)

    First: this is more or less the place (as far as I can tell... lol). Secondly: unfortunately, I can't answer your question because I know nothing about ENBs . However, at the top of the page, there's a Chat link. You could try asking there for things like this first. I don't spend much time in there, but from what I saw, they're pretty helpful. Then, if you don't get an answer, try here where you'll likely have to wait awhile for the response. (I'm not suggesting you need to ask there first or that you should have, just that it's a possibly quicker option.

  13. Thanks for that, but that Trade and Barter Mod seems to have way to many features, i just want a simple tweak so Merchants are Cheaper please and welcome back, im playing a New Game and im still using the Auto Perk Mod, works like Magic and im Loving it to Bits. BEST MOD EVA :D


    Im not using any Soul Gem Mods, so go ahead and thanks :D

    Thanks for suggesting it. I actually still use it myself haha.


    For the cheaper economy mod, I've uploaded a new file to do that. It currently makes it really cheap, but it's VERY simple to change. Let me know if you want it to be a bit more expensive. It only requires editing a single game setting. You could do that in-game with the console if you want to find the right balance for you, but the console changes aren't saved, so the only way to make it stick is with a mod. All you have to do is find a merchant, use the console and use these commands.

    SetGS fBarterMin 2.0

    SetGS fBarterMax 3.3

    2.0 and 3.3 are the original values. The mod lowers 3.3->1.0. The selling prices are about doubled while the buying prices are cut by 2/3rds. Lowering either one lowers the buy/sell prices. If you find a different set of values you want, let me know and I'll upload it for you.


    The Soul Trap mod is here. Sorry for the delay. I apparently lied when I said later that day...


    Let me know if either one has problems.


    Looking for a Mod that doesent absorb Souls from the Undead like Ghosts or Draugr or Skeletons or Vampires or Summoned Creatures or Raised Dead Creatures/People, not sure if theres one though

    Deon't exist, wouldn't make sense. Also would be script heavy as every time a creature dies with soul trap on, it would have to check what race just died to decide if it should apply the soul capture effect.


    This can actually be achieved many ways without any performance loss.


    The Soul Trap script could be modified to ignore various creatures. If you wanted to make it a quicker process, you could add the relevant creatures to a formlist and simply check that the affected creature isn't in the formlist. Very quick check with no noticeable effect on FPS.


    If you just mean to not absorb the souls of undead, then all undead have a keyword to mark them as such (which is what prevents healing effects from working on them). Simply make the script ignore victims with that keyword.


    Make note of the fact that there are already various things that can't be soul trapped: machines (and others). They achieve this by adding the keyword NoSoulTrap to those races. Simply adding that keyword to the undead creatures would make it impossible to soul trap them, but unfortunately, this wouldn't work with raised creatures.


    However, the best way (and the way I would do it) is just to add the condition to ignore ActorTypeUndead to the magic effects which soul trap. This is the same way machines and other NoSoulTrap creatures are ignored.


    Do you use Acquisitive Soul Gems or any other mod like it which affects the Soul Trap spell or adds new soul trap spells? If not, then I can have this mod uploaded later today. If you use Acquisitive Soul Gems, I'd suggest asking bluedanieru if he would want to add that as an option (I may try to handle it if he doesn't want to or is too busy). If you have a mod which adds new Soul Trap spells, they'll need a compatibility patch.



    As for whether or not it makes sense, that's not an objective thing. It could make sense if you consider the fact that a soul gem typically captures the soul of a living creature, and undead are not living creatures. Or consider the fact that they may be sustained through the use of magic rather than their own soul (such as skeletons and other reanimated undead) rather than a soul of their own.



    Looking for a Mod so Merchants goods arent so over priced


    Trade and Barter is probably a bit more complicated than you need, but it should do the trick. I've never had any issues with it, so in my experience, it's very stable. It's intended to make things more expensive, but it can just as easily go the other way.

  15. In that case, you'll need to look at the dialogue options you choose and check the variables and functions it calls. Specifically, you're looking for functions it calls from a quest script or something similar, because that's most likely where/how the NPCs are being removed from the CurrentHireling faction. You could also look at the GV that contains how many current hirelings/followers you have and look at its Use Info (right-click it). That should list any quests using it (it'll list ANYTHING that specifically refers to it, so it may take some time to narrow down). Most likely somewhere in that list is what you need to find and remove/alter the prevent them from being removed when you add a new follower/hireling.


    If what you're wanting to do would work from dialogue, then the reason it would work is because it's calling the condition on that particular speaker and checking if that specific NPC is in the faction the condition checks. What you need to do in order to emulate that is to pick a specific NPC on which to test, and set that Actor as a property for in the lever's script. Instead of calling the faction as a string, call "NPC.IsInFaction(CurrentHireling) as String" and that should return true or false like you're expecting. There's no way that I know of to get the current list of faction members. I've looked at various things, including the Faction functions (both on the wiki, and the undocumented ones from SKSE) and SKSE's new GameData functions (which can list every form of a given type, but Actor isn't one of those types, unfortunately).


    If you need to do it on a lot of NPCs but you'll know which ones to begin with (you're only working with NPCs that could normally be hirelings, which can be viewed from the Creation Kit's Faction window), my best solution that comes to mind would be to add all of the possible NPCs to a formlist and then iterate through the list when the lever is pulled. When one of the actors is found to be in a faction, add their name to a string variable for that faction. When you're done iterating, call a notification with that string. If this is how you want to do it, I could write up a quick script to do this. It would only take me a few minutes. However, I'll be leaving soon, and I won't have internet again until probably Monday.

  16. I think I see the problem. You're thinking the factions contain numbers because in the conditions for dialogue they're compared to numbers. Yes?


    The thing with that is that in the dialogue, those conditions are run with either the speaker, the listener, or the player (or something else specific) in mind. So, those conditions should be checking for true or false based on whether or not the speaker is in the listed faction. Then, it compares that true or false to 1 or 0 to see if the condition is met. Since 1 and 0 can be made bools in a very straightforward way, this works as intended.

  17. The factions don't contain numbers at all is the problem. They're more like a keyword. A specific NPC may have a rank, and there are a certain number of NPCs currently in any given faction, but the faction itself doesn't contain that number. So, you need to see if there are any NPCs currently in the CurrentHireling faction, right? There's no simple way I know of to do that. The simplest way I could think of is if you know the NPC(s) that will be added to the faction, then you can have the level check if one, both, or neither are currently in the factions.

  18. So, here's what that script is doing when you activate it.


    It gets the contents of the variable "CurrentHireling" (which is a faction variable), and tries to store that as a string in the variable "HasCurrentHirelingFaction". It will do this without complaint, but it will return [FACTION <ID [iD]>], because the game doesn't know what you want it to do when you tell it this 'thing' needs to be a word. Later, it adds the contents of this variable to a debug message.


    "HasHireling", however, is a GlobalVariable variable. It's a variable that points to a global variable. So, you've got a box (the global variable, which contains some number) in a bigger box (the variable you named "HasHireling"). You call the contents of "HasHireling" and it returns the GV. You call "GetValue()" on those contents, and it returns the number. "Notification" automatically converts that number to a string it can display, and you're good to go. It works as expected.


    The difference here is that the faction can't be converted to a string. Are you trying to get the number of members of those factions? If so, why? If it's to check if a particular NPC is in those factions, then you're better off adding the specific NPC as a property and checking directly.

  19. I'm not sure about ambient light. You'd have to check the mod that managed it and see how.



    Highlighted line. Note that there's another duration below that in the second effect which takes effect if the player has the elemental potency perk.


    This is on the Storm Thrall spell.

  20. I think the biggest problem here is that I can probably make a script do most anything you need it to, but explaining all of the ins and outs of doing so is really difficult. For casting, it's basically like this: you can cast one variable type to another if it would make sense. There are some exceptions to this rule, but not too many.


    A faction being an object is why it can't be cast as a string and get any useful information. If I have a fancy armor named "Dragonhide", and I ask "What number is this armor?" the game won't do it because that doesn't make any sense. If I ask "What word is this armor?" it still doesn't make sense, but it gives it a shot. It doesn't tell you "Dragonhdie", though. It tells you "Armor". You can ask "What's this thing's name?" though. "thing" in this case is Form. A Form is anything with a FormID, and GetName() can be called on any Form. In the same way, Armor, Weapon, Ingredient; they're all nouns. And for any noun, you could ask "What's this 'noun's' name?"


    You can cast anything to a bool. For numbers, it just checks if it's 0 or not. For non-numbers, it checks if the variable is empty or not.


    You can cast anything to a string. For numbers, they remain the same, but they get treated as text. For bools, it returns true or false like you'd expect. For objects, it returns the name of the type of object it is. If you want the specific object's name, rather than the type's name, you need to use GetName().


    Retrieving the contents of a variable comes in two forms. Automatic and function-driven. GlobalVariables are function driven. Technically, the global variable is a form. It's an object, and idea. The game uses it as such. So, when you call "Debug.Notification(SomeGV)", it doesn't understand, because you're asking it to 'say' this GV. But it can't 'say' it because it's not a string (numbers and bools are automatically converted (cast) to strings, so those would work). Instead, you need to ask what was last stored inside of that GV using GetValue(). All other variable retrieval is automatic. If you set the variable Var1 to 3 and then later in your script you have "Var1", the contents are immediately returned without the need for GetValue() because the game understands this command. It's actually exactly what it did for the GV. You called the name of the variable, and it returned the variable's contents. With Var1, the contents are "3". With the GV, the contents are "ThisGLobalVariable", NOT the number the GV is set to. A GV is literally a variable pointing to another variable. (Your in-script variable points to the global variable.)


    I'm not sure how much help any of that will be, though. I think the best way to help would be to remove some of the abstractness here. Post a script and explain exactly what you need it to do and exactly what it's doing wrong.

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