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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23771
  2. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhAY9n1Z6Jw1_Bdo-Sr0mLH8xcUU?e=b1hyqR UP dated, this includes all the required files from 9 years ago to match the code foe the Original modding tools sets. Blender, python, plus others that match. Kitty Black
  3. MOVED File to work server, you'll just have to ask again. Kitty Black
  4. correct, it's no problem. That's why I'm here.
  5. I pay for 5 Phones, one of which is a WI-Fi 5g receiver Mobil Hotspot. I can stack the IP protocols and have tier 3 speeds. But I can afford it so in order to have the speed I need Mobil. I understand fully. To day was house cleaning day, I removed all my game stuff off of this drive so to prepare for OS deployment to another Rig I just finished Building. No worries, I am making arrangement's on another PC for FNV game and tools.
  6. Ok here's a better plan, this is a free plan too it takes a bit of thought, but it will help you out and retain a permanent copy of your installed game. When you want to deploy the game to a different area, instead of moving it ,you extract it to the new location. I'm talking about making a backup copy of that installed game VIA ISO image. Totally free and legal. When you want to change where the game sits, the only thing that matters are reinstalling tools sets. Now, where ever the game sits right now? as long as it's not deployed in C:\Program Files And Folders (x86) ? your good to go. you need to learn the programing a bit but it's really easy. 2ndly you can not have any mods data in the games data folder at all. This is after all to be a backup copy of your game installed. the targeted drive for storing the ISO image can reside on drive D: in a folder of your own making. same as deploying the tools sets. All of this is just advice. You do not have to do all of this right now. But this is to let you know there are ways around redownloading tons of stuff if your IP is turtle soup. I understand. Now, Mo2 needs to be installed into a new folder you can keep track of and remember what it was all about. the sort button is directly above the column of the plugins listed. Kitty
  7. I have two drives- my D drive and my SSD, which is my C drive. I keep most of my games on my C drive but some games that don't have super long loading times go on my D drive, which is an HDD. I think part of my issue might have stemmed from having to move my New Vegas install from my D drive to my C drive. I had to reset mod organizer's pathing to recognize the new location New Vegas was moved to on my C-drive, which is an SSD. I may have screwed that up. Here's my PC layout, regardless. https://i.postimg.cc/59nxb93t/PC-layout.png D: Data drive is a good place to start over at. your struggling due to very slow internet / IPS speeds so you live in that fear of having to re-download stuff. I fully grasp that concept, it sucks. It appears as though that's a laptop ?
  8. I think I understand what you're saying now. Apologies, I've never done this before, where is the sort button located at, exactly? I've found 'fix enabled mods' and etc, but I just don't know where the sort button is. I've also installed MO2 in a new folder on my desktop as instructed. I ran MO2 from this folder and, as I've already had MO2 installed before, my mods and everything have shown up- enabled and etc. I verified my files, two failed to validate and are currently acquiring Ok, some how there's some kind of misconception through out the internet among gamers YOU do not install all your games and tools into ONE Drive which By the ways IS your desktop you effectively are wasting your bandwidth and crushing your internet speed. IF ANY one has any doubts? google One drive and read it for your self. No, you did it wrong your game drive, not your desktop you don't own the desktop the desktop is a shared access point. and it duplicates every Byte of data. delete that folder and show me the My PC lay out of your PC's drives screen shot
  9. on the drive where you deploy you are deploying your toys too, you make a folder that you can associate with this procedure. you direct the MO 2 installer to install into that folder. this keeps you Organized and so you can determine facts against fiction. 2nd. you reverify the games files through the provider packages and run the game vanilla from that point first, re-establish a 100% vanilla install. Not through MO 2, that comes later. you run the game from the providers program, if Steam, you run it from steam, If Galaxy / GOG ? you run it from there. 3rd. you now run Mo2 and find the game. again. no mods, you run the launcher now from MO 2 this will write brand new code for modding under a default profile. Establishing clean code. run the game. go through the pains now so later you won't have any. when you have done all of that? come back and we can deal with the mods. DO NOT install OR run Loot period in this mod organizer's setup. Do not do it, i do not care what anyone else tells you. you use mo2's built in sorter button period. Got all that ?
  10. Oh my , My oldest daughter had to have that done. she was a wreck for over a week, poor thing. it's an OUCH !!! very unpleasant thing. take care GN
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