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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24639199. #24639864 is also a reply to the same post.

Tantalus010 wrote:
mikeloeven wrote: Honestly Bethesda would be committing suicide by destroying free modding. The thing is that Bethesda may be talented game developers but they rely almost entirely on modding for continued sales after the initial release year of their games. Looks at fallout3 released in 2008 Still has a active community and is still selling on steam. Now go back farther Morrowind is still being sold on steam as well. when you look at it Bethesda has a track records for making video games with incredible longevity and the longevity is 100% based on active modding communities because it enables these games to have a completely different experience each time you play and for constantly expanding UGC.

If modding was reduced to DLC it would seriously hurt Bethesda's bottom line in the end while they would see a small increase short term from the DLC model eventually they would loose out on the sales of the main game that continue year after year due to modding

In my opinion valve is the snake in the grass

Don't forget they also depend on the modders to make their products stable... ... ...most of their games have baked-in save-eating bugs, CTDs, texture/mesh mis-assignments, and other "fun" features.
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It is all well and good to think about mods making money for the authors, but anyone who has downloaded a mod with a glowing description and found later it was not ready for prime time. What warranty will there be for the gamer who has paid good money for a mod that, as it turns out, is totally FOBAR? Riddle me that:(
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So nice to see a sane person among those in charge. Not doing like most of the communities, and blowing all the gaskets, while simultaneously going off on all cylinders...

Anywho, to know that the nexus will stay an open forum, and payment will be optional(donation) even in the future, is great comfort for those of us who only just started modding, and crafting mods for our games(like myself). I would hate to see this go the same way that some previous favorites of mine went, where the forums were simply abandoned because gamecreators suddenly decided to remove the option of modding for a free community. Cudos to you, Dark0ne. May you get some good rest and hopefully, peace of mind, as this s#*! slowly settles, like it always does, in time. As for the various authors, do what you will with your own creations, and us users will act as we see fit, in response...

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It is my belief that trying to DRM mods is only going to lead to people pirating instead of donating. Keep opening your doors to more content. Even content that has left the Nexus. Give them good reasons to stay and for your user's to love the service. Here is where I feel a thank you to the Nexus as a whole should be said. Thank you! Edited by marveljam
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well see....i alrdy see & and others predict it


What can happen... os Beth can Update the game forcing everyone to update mods. & since SkyUI would be 5.0 for new patch. they could force quite alot to buy into the SkyUI to play fav mods thats if the users update...


it's not bad yet. i have alrdy been banned voicing my opinion as lots others.


last i recall Nexus can be shutdown at will by Beth if they please this site is pretty much owned by them you realise this? any mods created for any Beth game are owned by them.


i'm not holding my breath i love nexus. but i also think it's very shady they are being nice. no company is nice enless they intend to do something I.E buy you out etc.


Modding will cease to exist at this rate. i'v noticed half my mods i had dled awhile back were removed off here.

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In response to post #24640364.

marveljam wrote:

Exactly. I remember the good old days of sticking a CD in your PC and installing a game and hitting the play button. None of this 3rd party programs or pay-walls or other s#*!. Just play and enjoy. Oh how the world of gaming has turned to s#*! so quickly.
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I think it's important that everyone realise that targeting individual mod authors and, even worse, sites like the Nexus or Dark0ne specifically is not the way to go. I'm not a solo modder, but I have my name to a few mods as a result of assisting the mod authors with their ideas. Opulent Outfits is one of the best examples of this kind of collaboration - the author, who had created these beautiful textures, was struggling with the technical side of the mod. Together, we worked that out and made sure his mod realised his vision.

That kind of collaboration would never have happened if the Nexus hadn't existed. If that kind of open modding community wasn't supported. More high profile examples included early collaborations between isoku and SparrowPrince, resulting in the beautiful WATER mod. While we're on that subject, Chesko and isoku have produced some of the highest profile, most popular mods in the community to date. To drive them away from the modding scene is a horrible mistake - these guys have devoted hundreds of hours to this community, and to the game we all love, and we shouldn't forget this. Chesko has already left the community, hopefully only temporarily, and that really is a crying shame.

I get the anger around this. I do. It feels like Valve is trying to monetise yet another part of the lifeblood of PC gaming. But to drive away some of the most valuable members of this community or, even worse, to target the community itself is a much bigger problem. This collaborative, friendly community has helped thousands of mods see the light of day, and hundreds of modders learn and contribute who otherwise would've been unable to - this site has never been about anything else. It works incredibly well. Lets all keep some perspective on that one. I know how much I've enjoyed working with people here, and I know how much time these modders have sank into their projects. Please endeavour not to forget that. A witch hunt is not the way to deal with this stuff, it never is.

Edited by MangoMonkey
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In response to post #24639199. #24639864, #24640154 are all replies on the same post.

Tantalus010 wrote:
mikeloeven wrote: Honestly Bethesda would be committing suicide by destroying free modding. The thing is that Bethesda may be talented game developers but they rely almost entirely on modding for continued sales after the initial release year of their games. Looks at fallout3 released in 2008 Still has a active community and is still selling on steam. Now go back farther Morrowind is still being sold on steam as well. when you look at it Bethesda has a track records for making video games with incredible longevity and the longevity is 100% based on active modding communities because it enables these games to have a completely different experience each time you play and for constantly expanding UGC.

If modding was reduced to DLC it would seriously hurt Bethesda's bottom line in the end while they would see a small increase short term from the DLC model eventually they would loose out on the sales of the main game that continue year after year due to modding

In my opinion valve is the snake in the grass
jediakyrol wrote: Don't forget they also depend on the modders to make their products stable... ... ...most of their games have baked-in save-eating bugs, CTDs, texture/mesh mis-assignments, and other "fun" features.

how is it suicide? look at sims3? EA still does fine never hurt them.

Beth could do same. would it hurt them? yes? would they care? probly not. did EA? nope.

point is. if you can make enuff money off it then they will do it . this is just a test & see what money they rake in.

there's a reason why few games have had their workshops on hold not being opended this could be exactly why.

i can hope they dont go the true route EA went just make few more bucks.
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