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About vaskafdt

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  1. wow this is a long discussion while i was busy trying to make skin not to show through armor where it shouldn't... damn weight sliders!! maybe I should avoid it altogether.. no need to get into needles headaches.. just focus on crafting weapons for now.. and get a better armor idea that is not based on Copyrighted stuff... I assume that the Nexus is not completely non profit, so technically if they host such mods They will be in violation of copyright laws (spirit and letter)... maybe I'll browse through the mod request thread and see what I can do from there.
  2. Thank you for your replies, bben46 and Rabbit 51. I just wanted to make sure, I'm starting a project where I want to make a bunch of A list superhero outfits (mostly as a 3ds max learning experience.. I went through a bunch of tutorials and the only way to know if i got any good is to post some work and see how people react to it) would have been a shame to do all this work and find out i can't even post it because someone owns the way Superman looks.. in that case I would have gone for something else.. btw.. while I think i got the technique for making armors and clothes pretty much understood... where would be a good place to see how I should skin cloaks so they don't stick to the legs (like my last pitiful attempt)..
  3. I have seen a few mods here that contain armor from different franchises like assassin's creed, the witcher, tera. i have read the rules and i have seen that porting armor from other games and uploading here is a big NO NO... i was wondering where the rules stand on uploading armor that is inspired by a famous franchise namely the DC comics and Justice league.. assuming that the meshes are all built from scratch or edits of vanilla skyrim armor, and the textures are all hand drawn. oh and also a separate mod of the tardis from the Doctor Who franchise. i have seen very few batman and superman mods here.. and i wanted to know if they are here because they went under the radar, or they are here because it is allowed. thank you.
  4. Hello, I have created a custom armor in 3ds max, added the skin and dismemberment, exported it. when i load it with nifskope. it shows fine.. i deleted the extra unneeded material, i changed all the relevant settings to fit some other vanilla armor. this includes but is not limited to: BS Num UV to 4097 dismemberment partition body parts is set to 32 has vertex color to yes. I placed the dds files inside the textures directory tree..and followed a bunch of other suggestions. but when I load the armor in game, it is invisible and my character is running around naked. anyone has any ideas what can cause such a problem? here's the nif in case someone will have the will to take a look at it. (as far as NSFW goes.. it is the equivalent of a one piece long sleeve bathing suit.) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12305244/customarmor.nif
  5. Hello Ghosu, thank you for answering me. I imported all the weight from the original model i tinkered with, when i tried to export into a nif file.. blender informed me that some vertices have no weight and highlighted them for me. i painted them manually into BP_TORSO. btw i have the part of the body that i used to model around (UNP i Think) should it have weight as well? and the tutorial you linked was the one I followed.. but I can't find any instruction to "skinning" is that something separate from the weight issue?
  6. Hello.. I'm new here.. and i would appreciate some help. I decided to try my hand at modding me a new armor (a remeshing of 2 existing vanilla armors) and followed a tutorial I found online, after creating the armor. and carefully following all the instructions of the flag changes and what not in NifSkope, my armor in-game looks like a particle explosion. here are the source blend and nif files.. was wondering if someone can take a look and tell me what I did wrong. (or maybe just point me in a general direction of what should i check) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12305244/skyrim%20mods/supergirlalmostready.blend https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12305244/skyrim%20mods/SuperGirl3_0.nif also i have texture dds files but i doubt they have anything to do with the problem.. but will upload them if anyone thinks i should.
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