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About Malkav33

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    Oblivion, Civ IV
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  1. I know there is a mod somewhere that minimize the ressources used by combat (by limiting the IA I think, and using what someone called 'tunnel vision' somewhere), but it is too vague a description to find it with the search function...Does anyone know where I can find it, and if it works all right?
  2. I have a problem: even when I'm logged in the site won't let me give kudos to anyone I've tried from the forum, and from the mod page, but I still have that answer "you have to be logged in to give someone kudos"...
  3. I was in Leyawiin yesterday, and I came across this argonian, I don't remember his name... First he tells me he has done nothing wrong...but if you talk to him a bit, he will confess his bad actions: he take what's on the tables and puts it in the barrels inside the same house...this is fun! Too bad it's so difficult to move objects or there will be pranks to be done, like exchanging all the furniture, so the people wake up in their house, but where everything has been moved around...after that he would feel like Glarthir on his worst day!
  4. @Marxist:Anyway, why would your char's name make the adoring fan attack you? o_O @Povuhulo: Increasing your security skill WILL make it easier to pick locks: the tumblers fall much more slower when your security skill is high (just check before and after having the +40 bonus from the skeleton key: there IS a difference)... but I fully agree that time shouldn't stop, and that you can beat the whole game with just one lockpick (at least in theory)...One other thing that bother me about lockpicking is the progression: there is no difference between picking a very easy lock and a very hard one, when it comes to progression... :huh:
  5. I've had that sort of glitch on one of the Fighter's guild last quest (maybe the last one)...well this is spoilerish, so highlight to read (hey I don't remember the name of the guy who did that first, but I have to thank him a lot): When you have killed everyone in that small village north of Leyawiin, and you go back to see what you have done, as you don't know: you were high on hist sap... well all the village's inhabitants were standing in the middle of the sheep flock, doing nothing...and they WERE standing corpses (ie you could loot them). With another char, they were all turned into sheep, that is, dead sheep!
  6. Maybe that, but there are still Army camps on US soil (just like in France, UK, Belgium...), and there are USNavy base in the US, so they can act if needed...If the Akaviris decided to attack Tamriel, they could be all the way up the Niben (after having destroyed Leyyawin) before anyone could move... I understand why so many forts are in ruin, but why are there NOT A SINGLE Army encampment, no even an officer training school, or training camps: some imperials get into the Army, right? Do they have to go and, well learn the job in the various provinces?That wouldn't make any sense at all! And sorry, but Emperors usually keep the army close at hand, because the barons and counts aren't really trustworthy...(countless examples of that in Medieval Europe history)... Plus: there are no Orc imperial guard, I thought I had read something like "Orc Berzerkers in Heavy Armor are some of the most fearsome imperial troops", which would imply they are quite common, don't you think?
  7. The Main quest line and Warrior guild quest line just suck; the Mages guild quest line is just spoiled by Mannimarco's weakness...And the Thieves guild's last quest is so bugged down it makes me cry... The way everyone treats me like a weakling when I'm champion of Cyrodiil, Leader of the Fighters guild, Archmage, Member of the Black Hand,Arena Grand Champion AND the Grey Fox...not to mention Master in at least 3 skills (including blades): I JUST SAVED THE WORLD, NOW GIVE ME SOME RESPECT, GOD DAMN IT!(and i hate being 'the latest recruit of the Arcane University' when I've already been Archmage for 3 months) zombies: I hate those buggers: killing a single zombie requires you to hit him just as often as the entire rest of the monsters in the cave... How come nobody ever talks of rebuilding Kvatch, The Bruma Mage guild (and the Anvil Chapel in KOTN)? Restoration skill: how come I have to cast like a hundred healing spells to gain 1 point in the skill, while I only have to invoke like a dozen zombies to gain 1 point in Invocation? The helmets: they are just ugly...every one of them! Cyrodiil in general: this is supposed to be the heart of the Empire: how come there's just a nine cities and then...wilderness and half a dozen villages...And imperial forts are all in ruins... By the way, the Empire has quite an history of wars and battles, but there isn't a single border fort in case the king of,say, Hammerfell decides to rebel and attack Cyrodiil...Hey Helseth, wanna become Emperor?
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