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Posts posted by Susurruss

  1. Things to double-check:


    1) NPC has 'services' faction

    2) NPC has JobMerchantfaction

    3) both these factions are set to 0 and not -1 (some existing NPCs have Jobmerchantfaction set to -1)


    4) The VENDOR tab for this faction has:

    VENDOR box checked

    A reference (chest) that they draw inventory from

    The reference Location (for the chest) is either set at Near Self or Near Reference (in the latter case, the NPC must be near enough to the chest for the sell dialogue to be available)

    The vendor has a buy/sell list assigned

    Vendor hours are assigned (this is not necessary, but if they are set, you can only get the dialogue during vending hours - obviously!) :)


    5) On the NPC page, click on the dialogue button and check that the PC has some sort of SERVICES dialogue (starts with 'service')



    Hmmm.. am I forgetting something?

  2. Just wanted to throw this out there, after seeing the post in the "Wait for DLC" thread.




    DLC for wolfies could be months and months away - IF IT COMES AT ALL. Besides, you are aiming to fix what they didn't get right in the first place, so who's to say they will get it right with a DLC? NEVER abandon a mod just because 'someone else MIGHT put this out before I do!' Besides, you do this up good and people loving it and all that might get Beth to take a look at it and see what's popular and not in wolfies - and what people are most demanding changed.

  3. Scars are added items. Drag and drop the item into the box at the bottom right of the Character Gen Parts screen.


    Edit: For some reason, I have trouble getting warpaint to show on females (works fine for males). Also, the picture doesn't always update when you make changes. Clicking the checkboxes at the bottom of the screen to swap between full and head views forces an update.

  4. Your vendor has to be a member of a faction that has a vendor. Um, not so clear. Ok.


    On the FACTIONS tab, check for a faction starting with "services..." (if you copied a vendor, it should be here, if you don't want to use that specific faction, you will have to make your own - just copy an existing services faction and rename it, add your NPC to that faction, then edit the faction).


    Double-click the services faction, and go to the vendor tab. You should have Vendor checked off, and there should be a container associated (if there isn't, you will have to associate it - search and find the chest you have for them and designate it).


    Next, click on the LOCATION -> EDIT button (still on the vendor tab). Now here's where you might have to cheat a bit, until you get things working at least. Just select 'Near self' for now, and save everything and check in-game to see if your merchant is giving the correct dialogue now.


    If your merchant is giving you the correct dialogue, you can go back to the Location and set it for a specific area (wherever your vendor will be doing business - you don't want the guy to pull out his inventory when he's at the Inn drinking his mead, do you?)


    I hope this helps.

  5. What about them? Wouldn't halberds and spears basically be the same weapon type? Flails would be hysterically fun with skyrim's havok physics, and crossbows could be a time-saver since you don't need a new skill/perks for it. Battle fans and whips just don't strike me as being very... Viking. I just couldn't see them doing weird stuff like that, I think they'd stick to the nordic theme.


    Spear and halberds are wielded in two different ways. (A spear is a stabbing weapon, a halberd is a slashing weapon.) A spear is also thrown which a halberd isn't.


    Crossbows, if done correctly, would not be that timesaving, the draw time should be twice as long as for a regular bow.



    Edit: @ Zalfis: DownLoadable Content. Stuff they add to the game long after release to make you go back to playing it. :)

  6. Cheers all, all of your answers thus far have been amazing!, now i know i have to completly root out any connection to radiant quests in that cleared dungeon before i can hand it over to the player! (fun times!).


    Can I ask specifically what you've found out about this?

  7. This is a 'get-my-feet-wet' mod I made to fix some minor issues in the Orc Strongholds. Here's the description:


    This is small mod to fix some things in the Orcish strongholds.

    * Spelling and syntax errors in dialogue

    * Swapped speakers in two dialogues (for ex. in one dialogue, Mauhulakh was calling his son, "Father", and his son Dushnamub was reassuring him)

    * Fixed Garakh so that she is a proper blacksmith vendor (she had everything, including a vendor chest, just wasn't linked to it)



    -- > make Gularzob available to brawl after The Cursed Tribe quest

    -- > make the giant stop attacking after The Cursed Tribe quest

    -- > change some Orc hunters to allow them to be hunter vendors




    (and on Steam - should I say that here?) :)

  8. As far as radiant quest locations go, I'd like to know an easy answer to that one. The best I can figure is that you'll have to remove the boss type so that game doesn't look for that location when assigning radiant quests. See: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Dungeon_Wrapup (esp: the section titled: It's All About Location)


    In order to make you mod compatible with someone's existing game that already has a radiant quest assigned to that location, I think you just need to leave the boss chest in place (which can be removed at the finish of the quest).


    These are my best guesses so far from a few hours of research, I really hope there's a quicker solution.

  9. Every time I load up the CK, I get errors. Here is my Warnings file:

    MASTERFILE: ===========================================================

    MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfo 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00099315) [0 units] in cell 'Wilderness' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00061435)

    Ref: '' (00099315)

    Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000967A) (2, -6) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015E1D) [324 units] in cell 'YngolBarrowExterior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)

    Ref: '' (00015E1D)

    Cell: 'YngolBarrowExterior' (0000B452) (38, 11) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (0001779F) [125 units] in cell 'KarthwastenExterior03' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)

    Ref: '' (0001779F)

    Cell: 'KarthwastenExterior03' (0000707A) (-34, 9) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (0006767F) [48 units] in cell 'WhiterunExterior10' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (000FE471)

    Ref: '' (0006767F)

    Cell: 'WhiterunExterior10' (000095DA) (7, -1) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC3F) [287 units] in cell 'DA14Interior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC41)

    Ref: '' (0003DC3F)

    Cell: 'DA14Interior' (0003D62B)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015D12) [307 units] in cell 'WolfskullCave01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)

    Ref: '' (00015D12)

    Cell: 'WolfskullCave01' (000151F6)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2) [275 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'ImpDoorSingleLoad01' (0004203A)

    Ref: 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2)

    Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)


    See Warnings file for more information.

    MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95) [304 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.

    MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:


    Base: 'ImpDoorDoubleLoad01' (000439C4)

    Ref: 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95)

    Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)


    See Warnings file for more information.



    As you can see, the erros all have to do with load doors (8 in total). I've browsed around the forums and found topics on other errors, but not this one. I hate to think I am so special.


    But the CK appears to be running fine and I am not fooling with those areas anyways, so should I just count my blessings and ignore it?

  10. Can I ask your source on this? I can find nothing that states that the territory is now unihabitable.
    The book on the Great War describes it as a wasteland. Literally. Doesnt gives more info than that. It kinda looks like a generalization though.



    AFAIK it's always been one (a wasteland/desert) - Hammerfell was never a nice place to begin with.


    Trying not to hijack your thread OP, just wanted to get clarification. :)

  11. On PC? Open the console and type getstage da01. If it's not 70 or 80 (see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Black_Star, bottom of the page), load an earlier save, or try advancing the quest stage yourself with "setstage da01 <desired stage>" (without the "" or <>) You might be stuck there without a coc command though. (coc ShrineofAzuraExterior01)


    (Not sure if this would help, it might be that the location Azura's Star needs a 'cleared' tag before you get pulled out. getlocationcleared AzurasStarInterior01, setlocationcleared AzurasStarInterior01)


    Extensive use of console commands can seriously fry your game, especially when used to complete quests, so only do it if you have no save to go back to.


    The preferred solution is to reload an earlier save, one from before you entered the Star.


    Edit: Don't know if setlocationcleared in a location you're in is a good idea, or if it makes any difference at all where you are at.

  12. Anything anyone wants to see done,redone,tweaked,added?


    Conversation animations!!! One of the dark ideas way way in the back of my head was to eventually learn a bit about your craft to see how possible it would be to do the following in a game like Skyrim:


    hand on the arm

    patting the shoulder

    reading over someone's shoulder

    patting a child on the head

    exchanging money *

    exclamatory gestures (thrrowing one's arms up/wide, punching the air, etc)

    holding hands (not sure at all if it would work)

    carrying a bag at one's side

    scratching various body parts

    sneezing, coughing, blowing one's nose



    * this already exists, just not timed right, I think. Looks a bit odd.


    And PLEASE fix the turning animation! Whenever a character turns away/toward me, their upper body sways back and they swing around almost like they have a huge cannon strapped to their belly. I guess it looks more like swagger than anything else. Maybe it's just me, but the turning animation just looks all kinds of wierd.

  13. Here's my tale. I bought this from amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051OL9UA/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details


    Acer Timeline ($800) - it's a slimbook, got a 15" screen, portable as all get out. Got it for writing, but I only use it for Skyrim right now :). Max FPS is 60 (screen limitation, I think, don't know about that stuff) - that's what I peg out at. I'm currently on straight HIGH settings, max view distance on everything but lights and specularity. My 'normal' FPS is about 30 or so - certain light sources and mist effects slam it to the teens, but even Markarth gives me steady 28-35. I regularly get 40-50 dragon fighting. Funny, my lowest fps is usually the loading screens.


    The key to getting the most from a tiny little 'puter like this is drivers and tweaks. This little thing has Intel integrated graphics (which Bethsoft stated explicitly they do NOT support), but it also carries an Nvidia geforce GT 520M - which is NOT a very well-rated card as far as gaming goes. So I got Nvidia drivers from their website and used the Nvidia control panel to make game-specific settings. Believe me, the first few weeks, I was so depressed because my FPs was rarely out of the teens and I thought I'd never really enjoy the game. But a bit of research and playing with the settings and now I am a very happy camper. :D


    The other thing you have to consider on a laptop running games is heat, and the smaller/cheaper the computer, the more problems you're going to have. Couple that with the fact that games will chew a battery up in next to no time, you should really look seriously at desktops for that price. Unless, like me you HAD to get a laptop (I live in a rough neighborhood, and if anyone knew I had left my computer at home, it would be gone before I got back).

  14. Vote: Other - I'd really like to see lumberjacks!!! You always see cut wood, never a tree getting hacked down. A tree-chopping animation doesn't have to fell the tree - the woodman could stop when a PC is near 'for safety's sake'. If the lumberjack (s) is put near a different tree each time, it won't matter that the tree itself is never cut down. Unless someone wants to sit and watch - it'd basically be like farmers and hoes, he'd chop a bit here, then move on. I don't need to full first-swing-to-TIMBERRRRR!!!! I just want the appearance of lumberjacks!!


    Also, that alchemist's location you have marked out would be gorgeous with a gazebo! Hanging herbs from an arbor, a small flowergardn of usefull herbs, mixing potions in the sunlight with the sound of the river oh-so-close, taking a break on a bench to chat with the locals, swatting bees away, etc... definately a gazebo! :)

  15. While I understand the effect you are going for, you are going about it the wrong way. The long hard way to do it is to find voice actors - and it's the only right way to do what you want. Otherwise, no audio would be much better, considering the world-wide community of Skyrim players. Trust me dude, the Japanese, for the most part, can speak plenty enough English to be able to help you out. You may even be able to find some enterprising soul who can record the proper phrases from uncopyrighted sources rather than voice acting.


    Just know that you will offend people who don't speak Japanese (or even English for that matter) if you proceed with this. English-speaking countries (especially the USA) have a bit of an arrogance when it comes to other languages, and those whose native tongue is not English know it and resent it. Don't feed into that.


    In the end, it's not really a TERRIBLE idea - like I said, I know what effect you were going for, it's an interesting scenario. It's just not going to go over well.


    Shortcuts always make for bad endings.

  16. Lore wise there would never be firearms. Redguards have cannons, and Bretons have mortars, but mass produced muskets and such would not only be impossible to craft on a massive scale (the only scale early firearms are any good at) but would also be highly inaccurate (unless these are rifles, which I'd say would be even more out of their depth in terms of construction). Coupled with the fact that magic overrides any ballistic and there's not even a real need for most of the races to make them in the first place. And to be honest, even the Dwemer steam 'Industry' (IF there even was one) at their height couldn't even make what you pictured in the first picture.


    Other than that, hope it works out and is fun. I didn't want to be a total downer.



    I've been thinking about this a bit - what advantage would there be in a rifle-type weapon, when magic can do so much more? Well, if it's an alchemy-based weapon, it solves the issue - it can be a weapon that projects fire BUT DOESN'T REQUIRE ONE TO BE A MAGIC USER TO USE. Especially in "oh-gosh-it'smagic-it-must-be-evil!" Skyrim. If your local healer can whip up a powder/paste/potion that powers the weapon, it would be far more acceptable to the locals. Plus, push it as "fight fire with fire" anti-mage protection.


    Manufacture? I seem to remember a term from somewhere - dwemer tubes. With all the ruins everywhere, scavenging parts wouldn't be too hard. Shoot, any redneck worth his salt can make a potato gun with enough duct tape. I think there could believeably be a skilled craftsman (in Markarth or Windhelm, say) who might be working with Calcemo to restore Dwemer artifacts (for the museum), and as a side project, develop this.


    Think of it - a non-mage peasant could take a healer's potion and put it into one end of a metal and wood stick and make fire come out the other end. No spells. The only thing you gotta learn is where to point.

  17. The only lore-friendliness problem I see is what makes it bang. Think about it, no one on Nirn ever invented gunpowder - but why would they have to? They have MAGIC for goodness sake! Also, I see no reason why a rifle would have to be dwemer-make. It would be more likely to me that a bosmer, khajiit, or argonian would make them.


    Okay, here's how you make it lore-friendly. An alchemist or one of the above races teams up with, say, a Nord or Orc smith (reason for being in Skyrim, perhaps), and THEY design a working explosive-projectile device. Why not? It doesn't have to be ancient arcane unearthed knowledge. Perhaps a person would have to have certain ingredients to make the ammo. Make it a quest, like all the other collection quests. Then you gotta come up with raw materials for the guns themselves, no biggie.


    Stop thinking in terms of GUNPOWDER. This is Tamriel. I can take a clove of garlic, a pile of salt, and some juniper berries and make a potion that regenerates my health and mana. My gods, do you know how cool that would be IRL??? But - this ain't RL, this is Tamriel. There is no gunpowder there. But - there's chaurus chitin, skulls, powdered soul gems even... whatever ingredients you think up, it doesn't matter as long as it's reasonable in context of the game. They don't have to be existing ingredients - CK'll be out in a few days. It can be ore you mine from special iron ore veins... ANYTHING. Who needs gunpowder?


    just my 2 cents...

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