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Posts posted by Susurruss

  1. Well, the long way is to make use pen and paper and research. Write down every completed quest and go to uesp or tes or wherever and check their lists of Skyrim quests. See one not on your 'done' list? It'll give you the info you need to find it - err, anyhow, the point is, you can check the info sites and then decide which quests you want to start and which ones you know why you skipped. Unless I am completely misunderstanding your question? http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Quests lists all the known quests in the game. There's other sites too, like http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Quests_(Skyrim).


    Edit: You can go to individual quest pages and at the bottom you will find the console commands for starting that quest and advancing the quest stages.

  2. In my own testing I've not found that headshots actually register any differently. Damage seems the same, despite Internet rumor. The only big swing I have seen is whether or not I get a critical shot and it registers as a sneak attack, which I think is why some people are seeing damage flux.

    Here's where it gets interesting; I have seen, in my own play, that a head shot does do more damage. Not a sneak crit, but an actual shot to the noggin on mobs charging me does more damage than a shot to the brisket. I'd be willing to concede that perhaps a head shot give you a critical hit result, thus appearing to do more damage, but then it would have to be all head shots. I appear to do more damage when I shoot an enemy in the head. Dragon, people, deer, and anything with a head seems to suffer more from an arrow to the temple. It's not once in a while, it's every time. My sneak criticals also seem to proc for considerably more damage if my arrow hits the noggin. An enemy that I drop with one head-shot from stealth often take two or more body-shots from stealth to drop.


    Body shots are way easier in combat, but head shots drop people more quickly. I have seen this time and time again when I play. Here's where the problem comes in; if the CK shows that head shots don't do more damage, or offer a higher rate of critical hits; what weird bug am I getting in my game that allows me to easily kill enemies quicker when I shoot them in the head?


    I'm willing to concede that I'm imagining things, but then I would have to face the possibility that my imagination has the power to warp reality. Frankly, I don't want to go there. Famous female celebrities really don't want me to go there. 'Cause I will, if that's the case. Which I don't think it is. :tongue:



    Keep in mind that all messages are not displayed at the top of the screen. Listen for the Crit 'THUMP' sound. That said, I agree with you - and it'd be weird if the CK proves it to be wrong!

  3. Shoot, I used a Forsworn Bow for the longest time, selling off Orcish and Elven bows because I could upgrade it to more damage. My two points in Smithing are Steel and Arcane Blacksmith. I'm a archer, not a Smith. I used leather armor until just recently, when I joined the Dark Brotherhood at level 31.Now I wear their stuff.


    Right now, I'm using a Supple Ancient Nord Bow (the kind you find the Draugr using in tombs) with a 14pt Fire Damage enchant on it. It's upgradeable with steel ingots, which are cheap (I've long since dropped my pickaxe). I'm Level 32, Argonian, Archery 56, Sneak just hit 70, I think my One-Hand is about 45. My Block is 38 or so, just because I like to shield bash :D (You gotta make your own fun!)


    I can kill a Cave Bear With three shots (but I use two and then pull my sword and Soul Trap spell when he's really weak). Most NPCs, one-shot, I'm running into two shot, and all bosses I can get at least half-way down before I close with them. I'm having a blast. I killed a Wisp Mother in three shots (would've been two, but I hit a Specter the second shot). They scare the bejeezus outta me. I've learned some mountain climbing techniques (so I can shoot at them from high above and far away. They will NEVER find you, even if you stay still!)


    You don't have to be a super-smith or enchanter to have fun with a bow. I have two points in smithing, two in enchanting (both of these I put in the last two levels). I keep all the standard in-game healing, magicka etc potions, and I brew my own poisons. My main inventory drag is collectibles, because I don't have a house. I sell my ore and pelts and ingredients when I don't feel like making stuff.


    At the start of the game, put a point each in Sneak, Archery, Light Armor, and your melee weapon of choice. Those four points buy a 20% improvement in basic survival. Eventually, put a point in restoration - your magicka pool isn't going to keep up with your health, so cutting the casting cost of the Novice Healing spell just makes life easier. A point in alchemy later on will improve your potions, and you can go up that tree if you are so inclined. (Sure, some things are immune to poison, but most things are not). If you want to be a prt-time mage, stick with one school and specialize. You will gain magic damage faster, and you can enchant your bow differently to counteract those immune to your spells.


    Playing an archer is the most fun you will ever have in Skyrim!

  4. Ok, I do not understand either. :D Your orignal post contained a typo I was unable to figure out. So for clarity:


    1) When you click on DATA FILES what do you see? Do you see a list of files? Are you able to check boxes?


    2) When you play and then exit the game, and then restart, do the things you do in DATA FILES stick? In other words, do you have to re-select the mods and check 'load loose files' everytime you play?


    3) What exactly are you NOT seeing? Do the mods you are trying to load change the look of the game at all? In other words, are these texture mods?


    4) For all mods you are trying to load, do any of them come with more than just an .esp? If so, check and be sure you do not have an extra 'Data' folder - i.e. the mod installed in the wrong place.


    5) Does it state on the page you downloaded the mod from that the mod was updated for patch 1.3? The patch broke many many mods.


    6) When you downloaded the mod, did you get ALL the files necessary for it to work? Some mods require you download the textures, etc separately.



    I'm shooting in the dark here as I am unable to fully understand what you are having a problem with (other than the mods don't work!)


    Edit: P.S. Forgot the old stand-by: Have you verified your game cache with Steam? :)

  5. I've been all though Whiterun, ran some minor quests in there, even go up to Dragonsreach and deal with Farendar and use his tables. The housecarl will appropriate my attention with her inane challenge, but I just tab out of her conversation and go back to business, never approaching the Jarl.
  6. Another way to kill him!!!!!! No collateral damage!!!


    set as nonessential


    open console and click on him


    damageav health 10000




    Sorry this doesn't solve the problem, but VENGEANCE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, you're...excited. Forget your pills? Haha. You could also click the guy and type kill. I'd imagine that if a main npc died that wasn't essential to the main quest, then it would just saying the quest failed...I guess.



    You CANNOT kill that bastich with the kill command. Give it a try. Even tagged as non-essential, he will just keep looking down his nose at you.


    Pills? Nah. Just wanted to kill that idiot (and Maul) since I first visited Riften. When I got him down, it felt like I just won some epic battle! VIC-TOR-EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  7. Not sure what you are asking, but check your skyrimprefs.ini (located in My Documents -- > My Games -- > Skyrim) and search for bEnableFileSelection=1 (if it equals 0, change it to 1)


    Hope that answers your question. (BTW, make sure "Load loose files" is also checked in the Data section of the launcher to get any textures, meshes, etc)

  8. I bought Vigilance the dog from Markarth. He barks a bit too often, but he's the most badass dog on the planet. Survived multiple giant, bear, and dragon attacks. He also seems to stick around until he dies or you tell him to go home, since it even said more than once "Your follower has grown tired of waiting and returned home", except, you know... he didn't. So yeah, Vigilance the dog. Markarth. Remember who sent you. ;-)


    This J'Zargo fella sounds major badass though, and since I just lo-ho-hoooove the Khajiit, I'll have to keep him in mind.


    At least I'm not the only one who likes that dog! (and for anyone who has had experience with Barbas, Vigilance does NOT push you around like Barbas does! A little bit now and again, but it is rare!)


    My favorite follower so far has been Faendal. He's pretty good for a sneak archer because he doesn't charge the enemy. Plus, you have an archery trainer with you (which is great at low levels). I kept him with me through the whole main quest once, and

    I found a full suit of Blade armor somwheres and gave it to him to hold. He wore it all, every piece, including the shield, even though the other stuff I had given him was much better. So when Delphine asked for a recruit, he was a natural! Faendal the Blade




    Farkas and Vilkas are great tanks, Farkas killed a giant solo in seconds while I was running in circles shooting a nearby mammoth. They are immortal up to a certain point in the Companions questline (not sure where).


    Edit: added pic link

  9. Bookshelves broke a bit, but this was supposedly fixed by the 1.3 patch. If you don't have that patch, when you get it, any bookshelf that is broken remains broken. Only bookshelves you've never accessed will remain unbroken (we hope).


    Happened to me, it sucks, lost my complete Eslaf Erol collection and a nearly complete 2920 collection, along with various quest-related books. But them's the breaks.

  10. I play mainly Argonians, and the skin and faces are way better than OB. As far as 'hair' - I never looked at it like hair, I thought it was decorations. I'm very glad the crab-like gait is gone - I always felt like a drunk swaying side-to-side, and it was nothing like any kind of lizard.


    Voices - don't get me started. I am disappointed with the voices. The best I can say is that the sound of Argonians is as consistent as the sound of other races - i.e. not consistent within the race at all.

  11. Just a note, if you're not keen on shouts or the MQ, if you never go to Whiterun and talk to the Jarl, you will not have dragons. My current character has learned 8 shout words and has not once seen a dragon. (In other words, the outdoor places where you get a shout and have a dragon priest don't have dragons for me). She is about 40 hours in the game right now, no dragon souls, but that's okay, she's sneaky and has bad breath.
  12. I GOT HIM!!! I GOT HIM!!!!!!!!! It didn't remove the quest though. I'm just happy I killed an unkillable bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Banged my head against the wall a bit after your last post but he's Skeever-bait now!!!! MWA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!


    I tried a lot of things, so I reloaded and did this:


    setessential 0001B07D 0




    Yup, killed everyone in the cell (was at the inn), but he's DEAD!!! DEAD!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    (btw, most folks in the cell were tagged essential, I suppose I should have checked essential tags beforehand and made sure everyone else was covered as using the resurrect 1 command on them didn't work (looks dead with the "Talk to" option.))


    Doesn't matter, I'll reload. But the bastard is DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I've tried setting him unessential but he seems to have infinite health.



    Checked back with UESP and found your problem:

    Brynjolf is not only Essential; he is totally invincible. He takes no damage, regardless of the source, and cannot be staggered or knocked back. Nevertheless, attacking him will cause him to become hostile.


    In this case, I would set him as non-essential and use the console 'kill' command.


    From UESP:

    Kills the selected actor.


    Open the console, click on the actor you want to die, type kill and press Enter, and afterward you must close the console and reopen it before the actor will die.

    Some actors (primarily NPCs, not creatures) can be flagged as "essential" by the game and thus will not die. In this case, the character will instead crouch and stumble around for a while; however, this stumbling can usually be ended early by using the resurrect command on him/her


    BEFORE YOU DO THIS: It is noted in the setessential command that "Using the kill command is not recommended as it gives unreliable results." Therefore before recommending this to you, I will try it out on my new character (whom I not happy with anyways and is already in Riften doing the Mara quests). If it works, I'll go through a few days gametime to see if there are any other effects (don't anticipate any). I'll get back with you on it tomorrow or so.

  14. ... and now I have gazillions of potions on me I hate to part with because I "might" need them.


    I know, I know... I keep potions I made a long time ago that have half the effects of the ones I make now "Just so I don't run out!" Prolly would be different if potion-quaffing in combat was more limited (I tell myself that I just poured all those minor potions into one big bottle back at camp...)


    Gotta go, thought I saw a butterfly over there! "Leave me alone, you dratted Dragon, that butterfly is MINE!"


    Thank the Eight I am not the only one obsessed with butterflies!!!! Chasing butterflies has gotten me into more trouble than any other activity in Skyrim. I even make a note of where they gather and hit those areas anytime I'm nearby. I wonder what my "wings plucked" stat is now......

  15. I totally agree with the OP, I like things nice and neat and having quests in my log I have no intention of doing just makes me irritable. Especially when they stack up - I like to be able to flip to my journal and quickly find what I am looking for, not wade through a load of crap I don't want to do. Saying that's OCD is childish.


    It was suggested to me to kill the quest-giver (in this case Brynjolf). I can't remember if he is essential, but if so, you can change that with a console command (on PC)


    setessential 0001B07D 0


    and then kill him normally (not console 'kill' command)


    (for a more detailed explanation of this and other console commands, see: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console)


    from UESP:

    While it is fine to change an NPC to essential yourself and then decide later to make them mortal again, you should never set an NPC that is essential (immortal) in the vanilla game (i.e., before modifications) as mortal. If they're already essential, don't change them. Certainly do not save the game if you do. If an originally essential NPC dies it will undoubtedly break whole quests, entire questlines, or perhaps even the entire story, and you'll be forced to reload a previous save.


    The whole point of this exercise is to break the thieves guild questline, but I don't know if Brynjolf is 1) essential or 2) just essential to the thieves guild quests.


    (Can't wait til I'm done babysitting so I can go home and check!)

  16. I've had that problem with friendly bad guys myself. Forsworn a couple of times, bandits other times. Usually though, if I talk to them, they aggro after a greeting. ("Hi! Nice to meet ya! Wait, let me draw my weapon...")


    AND DON'T PICK ON GOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    } : )~


    (part of my alt's sig - a goat!)

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