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Everything posted by Susurruss

  1. If anyone knows of a .wav to .fuz converter, I could get started editing existing voice files. I just extracted the voice bsas a couple of days ago and have been going through them labelling,etc. I just don't know if they need to be .fuz files for the game to recognize them. I have done a lot of audio editing in the past, and I'm pretty good at making things flow. I'll see if I can't come up with something in the next couple of days in .wav format. I just need to know about the file format.
  2. Shadowmere CAN die. Whether he is supposed to or not. Just take him cliff-diving! :)
  3. I hear many gripes about Steam, but no real reasons why people don't like it. Or perhaps you have heard plenty of good reasons but you choose to ignore coss otherwise you'd have to rethink your own relationship with steam? :wink: Actually, after researching the matter more extensively (and Bethesda has a good thread on this), it seems that the people who have the biggest problem with Steam are those who bought the disk version of Skyrim. If they bought the game through Steam (like me) they obviously like it enough to send them money. But here's a quick question for disk owners: Is it not possible to install the game from disk and never update it, thereby eliminating any need for Steam? If the answer is yes, then only reason Steam is needed is for the update patches. And since the updates are FREE, Bethesda has every right to choose the delivery method. Don't like it? Don't install the updates, pure and simple. Edit: Ok, it does not seem to be officially possible. That's a *censored*. But personally if I hated Steam that much, I would have no qualms using unofficial methods if I owned the disk. Perhaps you wouldn't. As far as the updates being FREE and not installing the updates, maybe you are forgetting that the updates are not adding new content, they are fixing BROKEN stuff and are NECESSARY. Oh wait, there are places on the web you can d/l the updates without Steam. Again, that's a choice for some people, but not me. You see, I am an honest person. If I wasn't, I never would have purchased the game, I'd've just gotten a hacked version somewhere. But I didn't. I put my money on the table like an honest gamer, and Steam has been anything but cooperative with PC users. If Steam would stop bending honest PC users over, maybe I wouldn't dislike them so much. But they keep cramming stuff down our throats just because they CAN. That's offensive. If you like sitting back and taking it, go ahead. Rip on those of us who don't. If you like surrendering your privacy to a third party who had nothing to do with the game development, be my guest. I will continue to *censored* about Steam until the Steam requirement is removed from the game (which won't happen for years, if at all - once the final game patch and DLC from Beth are on my computer). I just can't understand people who WANT Steam mucking about their computer while they are playing Skyrim. No, I do not trust them. I don't think they are evil. They are a business. But the only thing they can possibly use me for is information that they can sell. It's like they're going through my garbage, spying on my house. That's not paranoia, that's pure resentment. They are farming me for money and I'm not getting compensated for it. /rant
  4. Yes, he died quite easily. It may be that he was essential until Maven's thug came for him, but I am not sure. I didn't try to kill him until the thug did.
  5. Maurice didn't suggest the sapling until after I had attacked the roots and we made it to the tree. Is it at this point that you are having problems?
  6. Just wondering if anyone else has had this come up. I stole a horse for Louis Letrush in Riften, and at the end of the quest, I just let him ride away on the horse rather than extorting or threatening him. Well, next time I was in Whiterun, I found Louis by the stables. I thought "Odd..." but then I took a wagon to Markarth and forgot all about it. Later on, I was somewhere in The Reach, and who shows up but Louis Letrush! Then I hear some orc saying something like "Maven Blackbrier said to pay you a visit." and some bandit-type kills him. So I slay the bandit thug, loot both the bodies and continue on. Next time I went to Whiterun, who shows up outside the stables but Louis Letrush! This time, he's got a twin brother (also named Louis Letrush - guess his mother didn't want to think too hard! "This is my other brother.....") I left the stables and rode south towards Riverwood and saw someone running the opposite direction who looked awfully familiar... so I turned around and followed the guy to the Whiterun stables and yup, you guessed it, it was Louis Letrush's lost triplet! So then I had three greasy-looking dudes hanging around my horse whenever I went to Whiterun. I was a bit uncomfortable with that... But wait! There's more! :) I go to Riften, and guess who's hanging by the stables? Yup, Louis Letrush! By now I'm getting weirded out by all the Louis running around, and being a member of the DB, I start doing what I do best - eliminations. After I backstabbed all four Louis Letrushes (three in Whiterun, one in Riften), I haven't seen him any more. As I said at the beginning of this post, just curious if this has come up for anyone else? Edit: grammar
  7. I had that issue with Shadowmere. No matter how many times I killed him (mostly by cliff-diving), he would always turn up within a few game days. I also could not buy another horse or buy a dog. I am on a new character now and I am staying away from the DB just because of this issue. If you find a solution (besides disable), I would be interested. (Disable only keeps the game from showing the horse, it didn't fix my animal ownership problems at all.)
  8. There is a gray bar above your magicka bar or stamina bar (depending on what hand you have the item equipped in). Also, in your inventory, you should see a gray bar under the item name. Highlight the item and press "T" to recharge it using filled soul gems in your inventory. Edit: The gray bar only appears on the HUD when you are using the item (as in if you are in combat).
  9. Still says nothing about why Steam is bad. So it there's a client. Big deal. Turn it off when you are not playing. And who are you calling "younger generation"? Ha! Thanks for the compliment. Argerburgers.... Anyone on my computer besides me uses up resources that *I* paid for. They are not even paying me for using my information. I already purchased the game. I would have gladly paid more for a game that had NO Steam requirement, and I am quite sure I am not alone in that. And offline mode does NOT mean that Steam is not collecting that information. When you are in offline mode, if you have an internet connection, Steam STILL connects to your Steam account. To me that's just RUDE. Look kid, just because they have great deals don't mean squat to me. If I want to go shopping, I'll go shopping. I just want to play a SINGLE player game OFFLINE without someone else using up my computer's resources. That's not paranoid. I want to be paid for the information they collect from me and my usage. That's not paranoid either. They use my information in a profitable way. Why should I not be compensated for it? Oh, right, because it's 'just a client'. My butt. Edit: OP - be sure when you DO fire up Steam to tick offline mode that you uncheck "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization..." under Steam -> Settings -> Download+Cloud. Else you'll have to reset all your game preferences every time you play. I was told by Steam that this is a convienence. Just another pain in the butt.
  10. I hear many gripes about Steam, but no real reasons why people don't like it. Ok, there is the OP's problem, but that is easily solved with the right procedure. It's just an online store, and one that offers great deals too. For instance, New Vegas for $4.99, and many others too. There are even occasional full version games that are temporarily free. What's the big deal? Ahhh, the younger generation... so naive, so trusting...... The attitude is: "GET THE FRAK OFF MY COMPUTER STEAM, I'M PLAYING A SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!!!!!!"
  11. That's the phrase! :D But I never joined the Stormies - I had only done the DB and some radiant quests before i killed his brother. And he only said it once. I guess selling him his brother's belongings that I pulled off his still-warm body raised his disposition back up to where he never said it again.
  12. On the DB quest, Kill Anoriath, I killed him just outside the Drunken Huntsman (his brother’s shop) and was completely undetected (no bounty). I went inside the Drunken huntsman and Elrindir said something like “How can I help you today, you worthless scum?” (Or some other insult.) He was completely normal afterwards and never said it again. Not really sure if this is a bug, maybe the bugged part is that he’s only supposed to say it if you get caught?
  13. Thre's a lift near the Alchemist's Lab (or whatever its called). Exit the lab, turn 90degrees to your right, you should see it. The others I have no landmarks for, but there are at least three others.
  14. TL ; DR 1) Too few perk trees means perks end up with skills they weren't meant for 2) Lack of Mysticism school removed not only uber spell effects but also good loot from the game 3) Collector quests that make you look everywhere instead of just a set area or areas 4) Disenchanting means that it doesn't matter what spell schools you know when it comes to enchanting items 5) Shouts are just a way for non-magic users to combat dragons 6) Dammit, modders don't get compensation for making the game to my liking I think that's it....
  15. Oh, that's nothing - I get to see them flying through the air before they end up like that. Me: "What was that????" Farkas: "Oh, just another flying horse. I think he landed over there. MMMMMmmmmm! Barbeque!!"
  16. Quest markers: Skyrimprefs.ini -- > [GamePlay] bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=0 bShowQuestMarkers=0 for all else (except skill levelling): http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console
  17. I recently turned off my crosshair, compass and quest markers and now I don't fast travel at all (except from Markarth stables to the Underkeep, so I can avoid Eltrys). I'm having too much fun to want to miss anything!
  18. Don't forget that websites are not sacrosanct. They can certainly be 'broken into'. It may sound paranoid, but it's still true: Anyone can be a victim at any time. Staying online constantly just ups the risk. Why do it for a single-player game? It's pointless. (Oh, sorry, the point is being bombarded by ads and other useless crap I don't need...)
  19. The only other 'quick fix' is to delete both skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and restart the game. That should give you new ini files. Don't know if that will help you though. (P.S. My mouse acts funny when the battery is low.)
  20. Try asking everyone, esp. Viola Giordano. If they're talking about the murders, you know you're good. Try asking the dark elves about it. I entered and exited Windhelm many times before I even knew there was a quest like this. I ran into it by accident. I was in the DB, so that's not a factor (as a matter of fact, I went to Windhelm to kill someone for a contract, and found the murder scene first. It was kinda fun to solve the murder of several women while in town to kill another woman (who got her throat sliced just outside the manor door for good measure!!) This was LONG after the Arentino quest, so I had already been in and out of Windhelm several times). Remember that quest stages cannot be undone - you can setstage forward, but never backwards. Edit: valid commands entered into the console may not return an error, even if they have no effect. They usually only return an error if the action could not be completed. As noted above, quest stages cannot be undone, but if you complete a quest, and try to setstage back to the beginning of the quest, nothing happens, and you don't get an error message.
  21. Mine get out of position too - I once had one hanging from the ceiling. I just ignore them and they usually wander back into position by the next time I visit.
  22. Shouldn't be a dragon there. If you can, reload an old save from before you went in the first time. Otherwise, you gotta dodge fireballs. Or.... WABBAJACK!! WABBAJACK!! WABBAJACK!!!!!! Edit: This might help you get thrpugh the quest: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Mind_of_Madness
  23. It's happening with me with animals. I can't get a dog! I got rid of Shadowmere by jumping him off cliffs until he died. I killed my housecarls (both of them). Still, the guy says "Sorry, but you already have an animal." I did the Clavicus Vile quest - finished it. I wonder if that's what screwed me up?
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