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Everything posted by QuantumCurt

  1. It's been a damn fine year for modding, keep up the great work! Regarding the new site design, I think you guys nailed it. There is not one thing I miss about the old site compared to the new one. We're all apprehensive about major changes like this to sites that we use daily, but you've pulled it off better than basically any other site that I've ever seen go through major updates like this. The transition has been smooth as butter compared to the updates to Bethesda's site over the last couple of years.
  2. In response to post #55809056. #55857986, #55914176, #55922976 are all replies on the same post. I wanted it, and I think it's great. I don't get all the complaints about it.
  3. Never mind. I figured this out. Someone on the Bethesda Forums suggested that it could be related to a perk, which turned out to be the case. My current character doesn't have any ranks in Scrapper. I was under the impression that this perk only applied to weapons and armor (considering that's exactly what the description says), but apparently this is wrong. I also apparently misunderstood how scrapping works. I thought that we always got 50% of the required building materials back, which apparently isn't the case. I tried it with 2 steel and 2 nuclear material, and still just got 1 steel back. Then I tried it with 50 steel and 50 nuclear material, and ended up getting 25 steel and 12 nuclear material returned when scrapping it. So I guess in the case of nuclear material, we get 25% of it returned (24% actually in this case, likely due to rounding).
  4. Hey everyone. I'm trying to create my first FO4 mod, and I'm having some trouble assigning the scrap value to workshop items. I'm trying to just do something simple. I'm making radioactive barrels into craftable workshop items. This is basically what I've done - I'm duplicating the static MetalBarrelRadioactive01 and renaming it to ModRadBarrel01. I assigned the actor values WorkshopAnythingIsGround and WorkshopStackableItem. Then I created a new transform by duplicating workshop_FireBarrel (the craftable fire barrels from Wasteland Workshop) and renamed it workshop_ModRadBarrel01. I set the preview object to ModRadBarrel01, and then went back to the static item and set the transform to workshop_ModRadBarrel01. After that, I went to Constructible Objects and duplicated DLC02workshop_co_MetalFireBarrel01, and renamed it to workshop_co_ModRadBarrel01. I'm using WorkshopRecipeFilterDecor02Misc for the crafting recipe. I set the crafting recipe to require 2 steel and 2 nuclear material. Up to this point, everything works fine. I can see the preview in the menu, build them, move them, place them on tables, stack them, etc. However, when I scrap them, I'm only getting 1 steel in return, and no nuclear material. It's my understanding that scrap value is always 50% of the materials needed to build an item. Is this correct? For testing purposes, I changed it to require 50 steel and 50 nuclear material, and just ended up getting 25 steel for my scrap value. I also tried assigning c_Steel_Scrap (1) and c_NuclearMaterial_Scrap (1) to the required items list, thinking that I needed to manually assign the scrap value. This didn't change anything. Can anyone offer any insight on this? It would be much appreciated!
  5. This is an excellent explanation of this whole situation, and I really hope that EVERYONE who's been debating this issue these last few weeks takes the time to read every word of it. This is a very real problem that needs to be dealt with. Mod theft is not okay in general, and when this mod theft is being hosted nearly without restrictions on the official modding framework for the game, it goes far beyond simply not being okay. This issue has been rife with irrationality on every side. On the one side we've got people blatantly stealing mods and a bunch of console players encouraging these people to continue blatantly stealing mods. On the other hand, we've got a bunch of PC Master Race f*#@tards who are framing this whole issue as the "console peasants" not even being deserving of mods, and only being deserving of straight up harsh ridicule. I totally get it. I'm a PC gamer because in my opinion it is a vastly superior gaming platform. But that doesn't mean that I have to look down on those who choose to game on a console. Setting mods aside, we're playing the same damn game. Sure, we have way better graphics and a command console on PC, but there's nothing fundamentally different about the game. It's the same story, characters, quests, locations, items, game mechanics, etc. We should all be in this together, and we should all be working to find a solution together. That's what has driven the success of the Nexus. When problems arise, we actually collectively correct them. Your Far Harbor example couldn't possibly be more telling of this fact. As you said, hundreds of people reported it. I was one of them. Would I have loved to play Far Harbor a week early? Hell yeah, it's a f*#@ing awesome DLC. But simply being excited about playing it wasn't going to make me blatantly rip Bethesda off. I respect them because I love their games. That file didn't belong here, and we made sure that it didn't stay here. Bethesda is finally taking some steps here. Requiring the mod uploaders have a Bethesda.net account that's linked to a Steam account is a big step in the right direction. However, they're still yet to really describe the action that will be taken. Is it going to be an immediate ban like it is here? Is it going to be a strike system? Time will tell, and I'm sure they're going to get it right, but the core of this issue is that it shouldn't even be an issue. There is more than enough precedent out there already for Bethesda to have gotten this right, and to have gotten it right upon first launching the system.
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