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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. Just another general question: Remember in Oblivion there were parts where your character was frozen in place? Like when you talked to a Daedra. Anybody think that won't be included in Skyrim? Since talking also doesn't freeze the world. Any thoughts? :biggrin:

    I doubt it. They already showed you could walk away mid conversation. Doesn't mean they wouldn't force you in place to convey story.

    Playing Rage I found that it didn't freeze either. So that made me think of that in Skyrim. :thumbsup:

  2. I could easily spend those 300hrs in Skyrim, it's just with being in college and working on the weekends it's would be hard to do so and find time. But that's why we have breaks :thumbsup:


    It's good that Bethesda is making it for all players basically, being able to play 100hrs (more potential players), but then again if you get Skyrim you might as well take advantage of what it fully has to offer. There's no time limit on when the game should be beat, even casual gamers can play those 300hrs if they wanted to (it would just take longer).

    Agreed to that. I already spent a couple months thinking and writing about it. Planning on pulling 2 all-nighters when it comes out. :thumbsup:

  3. Just another general question: Remember in Oblivion there were parts where your character was frozen in place? Like when you talked to a Daedra. Anybody think that won't be included in Skyrim? Since talking also doesn't freeze the world. Any thoughts? :biggrin:
  4. It's my new obsession. I can't stop thinking about it. It's ALL I think about. I have dreams about it. When it comes out I'm pulling two all-nighters and not coming out of my room for ANYTHING. :thumbsup:


    its like puberty all over again .. but instead of sex its skyrim.

    Difference is that Skyrim IS great the first time. :biggrin:

  5. I would consider a bow a weapon so chances are. It does make you wonder if staffs and other niche weapons will be craft-able.

    That reminds me, does anyone know if staffs can be used both as melee and magick?


    I was wondering this, too.


    If a mage is out of magicka, and his staff is out of charge, is he going to keep shooting imaginary spells or is he going to hit his enemies upside the head with it?

    That would be useful. No time to charge your staff? NO PROBLEM. Just smack what ever is attacking you with the big end of your staff! :thumbsup:

  6. It's my new obsession. I can't stop thinking about it. It's ALL I think about. I have dreams about it. When it comes out I'm pulling two all-nighters and not coming out of my room for ANYTHING. :thumbsup:
  7. This is awesome! I love the Azura pic the most. :wub:


    Same, they look great and I love Azura. I hope many of the other gods will be around too, I enjoyed that aspect of Oblivion.

    Not to mention the size! They like 5x bigger than in Oblivion. :thumbsup:

  8. Man I can't wait for unscripted mudcrabs!! Only reason I'm getting Skyrim. :biggrin:

    Hahahaha! Amazing, I now have another reason to buy Skyrim...


    ...The other reason is for the mudcrab armor DLC.

    I saw that armor. It's a must-have for Skyrim dungeon running. :thumbsup:

  9. I would consider a bow a weapon so chances are. It does make you wonder if staffs and other niche weapons will be craft-able.

    That reminds me, does anyone know if staffs can be used both as melee and magick?

  10. A dragon race :D! I was thinking someting like....argonian body, dragon head, tail and wings...and a special amulet that makes it so you stay in the form, but when you remove the amulet you become a full sized dragon. a few details that can be changed are dragon type, (ice, fire, ect.) eye color, and stuff along the lines of that.


    lore: (by Stormcrown http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/440139-takarn-the-unknown-etada )

    A god uses the races and spirits of Akavir to influence a group of people in Skyrim. This could also be changed to, The God Takarn creates a faction of people using the races of Akavir. These races consist of the Monkey, Tiger, Snake, Demon, and a more hidden, unknown one as the Dragon. (The Dragon race originates from Akavir, and Tosh Raka, a tiger/cat race, ascended and became a Dragon. I would use this as the basis for "The Followers of the Tiger Dragon" (Not related to the dragon Alduin and his kin ravaging the world, but Tosh Raka, the Tiger Dragon.)


    This could be the basis (Lore-wise) for creating a Tiger Dragon or Dragon race.



    my second race would be a wereshark, thats a no brainer, just google wereshark :D!


    thouse are my requests ^^! thanks for reading~



    EDIT: sorry I know this is on the wrong thread, my bad!

    Dragon as a race, huh? Sounds pretty cool to me. I wouldn't want to be swimming when there is a Wereshark around. :thumbsup:

  11. Never understood this achievement thing, what is suppose to do?Give us some special stuff?What´s the point?


    Achievements are like little goals or challenges for the Xbox 360. It gives you Gamerscore every time you earn an achievement. Gamerscore continues to go up in numbers.

  12. However, I'm still a little murky about what exactly is new for the 3 main character types (fighter/magic/stealth).

    Magic is equipped just like a weapon, instead of just pressing 'c' in betweeen attacks in Oblivion. This will make magic into a proper class instead of just 'that thing you do in between attacks'. Stealth is more than just attack bonuses, you will get stealth kill animations. Read the combat section of the thread called 'Skyrim Information' on this forum and you will see that combat is more than just dual wielding (which any character can do, not just combat classes).

    I was very disappointed about Oblivion's magic system. You couldn't focus primarily on it, unless you used a staff which weren't that great to me. I always played the warrior type, or stealthy with arrows. But now with this new system in Skyrim I can finally be the wizard I always wanted to be. :thumbsup:

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