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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.


    forgive me for saying this... but if it did come to that, I think Bethesda can make a better "fable' than Lionhead Studios.


    ...when you consider it tho, Guns in Elder Scrolls wouldn't make sense to Bethesda, I mean come on! They won't even do crossbows anymore, their logic would be "We already have bows and arrows, what do you need guns for?"

    Lol I agree they would do it better than Lionhead. Yea my faith in Bethesda is too strong. I just hate when my friends so "Ohhh Elder Scrolls games would be 10x better if they had guns!" Just the thought makes me sick. :biggrin:

  2. Yea I saw it too. I re-winded it just to see it. But the Dragon was probably scripted specifically for the demo, for shock value. I'm sure things like that will be changed upon final release. :thumbsup:
  3. BROTHERS of skyrim , my fellow dragonborn. Our toughest battle with our cursed enemy TIME, is near.!


    Stand with me brothers , busy your idle hands. For Bordem is TIME'S greatest weapon.


    Do not sit idle whilst risk becoming mad in the mind! Play your games. Read your books. Wright your storys draw your art!


    For the month of October will be the longest month of our life. Dig in your heels and say NAY I will not sit idle to be consumed by the beast of time. Be stoic to time . Together I promise we will see the glory epicness known as Skyrim

    I'm with ya on that brother! :thumbsup:

  4. Thanks mate, yea I was talking about the CE Game Guide. I already got the CE game.

    You're welcome! Where did your dad pre-order the game guide from? Keep in mind that chances are, you can have the purchase cancelled or transferred to the CE game guide instead, all is not lost. It's only a little more on Amazon.

    I always get my games per-ordered from GameStop.


    Weekends go by super fast for me, and that's whats been keeping my hope up. Besides I think about all the bugs and stuff they need to fix so I'm not in any rush. :thumbsup:

  6. I don't think he's talking about the Collector's Edition of the game, but rather about the Collector's Edition of the game guide:



    Here's what Amazon's product description says:

    • Free access to Prima's digital Skyrim map tool (a $15 value!). Featuring interactive, fully-searchable maps of Skyrim and all major locations so you can instantly find what you're looking for!

    • Hardcover collector's edition includes a gatefold map of Skyrim and bound-in ribbon bookmarks so you can always find your way through this massive tome!

    • 100% Complete! Walkthroughs of every story and side quest help guide you through the deep storyline; we cover all the choices that affect your game! Plus: labeled maps, combat training, character customization tips, and much more!


    Both the normal and CE of the guide are 592 pages, no extra guide content - but one of the most apparent things is the digital map tool that you'll be given access to. I'm not so sure what makes the CE so cool besides the hard cover and ribbon bookmarks. But it's way cheaper on Amazon I've noticed - their price for the CE seems to be the normal price for the non-CE guide elsewhere.

    Thanks mate, yea I was talking about the CE Game Guide. I already got the CE game.

  7. I have been feeling really weird lately , so I went to the dr and the dr told me I have a lot of stress and/ anxiety. Then he asked me if there was anything that was making me worried . I said no . Then he asked me iS there any thing making you excited . I said he'll yes a game I have been waiting like 5 years for is coming out in November he said oh you mean skyrim . So I got excited and started blabing on about it. He then told me ok I know your problem your way to excited my advice is chill out it's just a gamej I'm causing my self to much anxiety thinking about it to much. He told me to read a book or find a hobby to take my mind off of it then he subscribed me some meds to calm me down. When I got home I was thinking to my self I have had the same dr for 11 years and I cane to the conclusion this dr is a quack........



    Comments, flamers, trolls commence trash talk :P

    Yea true dat. My therapist said I'm obsessing about Skyrim too much. Said I just calm and think it's just a game. I said no way man! That's my life.

  8. Luckily I have no school on 11-11-11 When I found out I was over joyed! Either way if I had school I'd skip but that's even better. Spend the whole weekend in Skyrim. Also saying goodbye to my social life. :thumbsup:

    Social life? Pfshhhh what's that? :tongue:

    I think it's that thing that's slowly going extinct ever since Skyrim was announced. If my theory's correct it will fully be extinct on off of Earth on 11-11-11. Skyrimageddon!

  9. Audio is so important in a game. I'd go so far to say that it's as important as the video. Now, obviously, you can't play without video, but imagine a game where the audio doesn't line up and it's not smooth, shoddy, etc. The game would just feel terrible. Like watching a movie without sound. You can get a feel for the movie but will never get the full effect for it. I'm sure Bethesda has put a lot more time into their audio, especially with the over 60,000 lines they have collectively from the voice actors. That's pretty amazing. I can't wait to hear how much they've done with it, I'm sure it's much better than Oblivion's.

    Agreed. I hope in The Making Of Skyrim DVD from CE they will include 1. List of music in-game 2. The actual recording of the choir music from the trailer. :thumbsup:

  10. I got it as my Homepage. Every time I log in it's like *BAAAAM* 44 days until Skyrim! :thumbsup:

    I have a countdown gadget for Windows 7 on the top right corner of my screen counting down until Skyrim is here XD It even has a Skyrim theme :biggrin:

    Nice mate, it seems like just yesterday it was still over 100 days till release. All we have to get through is Oct. :thumbsup:

  11. Heavy Armor-"Unarmed attacks with heavy armour gauntlets – damage increased by gauntlets’ armour rating"


    Sneak -"Sprinting while sneaking performs silent forward roll"


    I did not expect the perks to be that good.

    I did ask around here if you would be able to barrel roll like in Oblivion. Cool beans. Thanks for the post. :thumbsup:

  12. I'm hoping new music, really with the trailer where the choir in the background. When I'm killing a Dragon I want that music to play. It'll get me pumped. But yea, a more diverse music playlist. I didn't like in Oblivion that every time you enter a cave, mine, ruin, or fort the background music was all the same. Eventually I turned it off because I couldn't stand the repetition. :psyduck:
  13. It's not all the way there, I just came up with this. Be gentle.

    Someone walks up to you, given by your reputation, he knows who you are and what you do. He asks if you can look into a mine problem. He owns Tyronspire Mine. And all of his miners have disappeared. He wants you to go into the mine and find out whats happen to them.

    Now in Oblivion I loved exploring mines, I wish there was more. I loved the Infested Mine. The entrance was awesome. So if they add more mines in Skyrim then I'll be really happy. I made up the name Tyronspire so don't think I got it from any demos I've seen. :psyduck:

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