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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. I'd like to have, at the most, 2 friends/companions at the most. Too much, to me, makes the experience less excited. Like walking into a dungeon and having a Draugr sneak up and scare the piss out of you, instead of your companion already noticing it and killing it. I like those moments. Sure as hell will be helpful when killing Dragons at low levels though. :thumbsup:
  2. Hopefully more variety with pricing as well. You pay more for a better house in the better part of town. You want to be a cheap ass then live in a shack in the slums of town. More cases to place things in. I'm not a modder so I couldn't mod any things in. Better looking inside too. Not so generic. Also be able to hang things on the wall. :thumbsup:
  3. Luckily I have no school on 11-11-11 When I found out I was over joyed! Either way if I had school I'd skip but that's even better. Spend the whole weekend in Skyrim. Also saying goodbye to my social life. :thumbsup:
  4. Red Dead Redemption, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, The Orange Box (has a great selection), Skate 3 (if you're into skateboarding), GTA IV (plus add on). Halo:Reach. I've been a huge Xbox gamer all my life so I know a thing or two about good Xbox games. :thumbsup:
  5. If they made a alt. version, that maybe came with CE, that would make some NPC's speak in their native tongue then that would have real authenticity. But only have them speak languages from the TES Universe. And still have subtitles at the bottom. That would be pretty cool. :thumbsup:
  6. no bodies of water? apparently people havent been looking at the north side of the landmass...

    but yea... idk why there are no boats, its in Nordic history that they are good sailors, or so I hear.

    I got this info at UESPWiki.

    Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations across the sea from Atmora. They captain and crew the merchant fleets of many regions, and may be found all along Tamriel's coasts.

    So yes, it make sense to have boats in Skryim, maybe not necessarily sailing in the water, but still at ports. :thumbsup:


    exactly... very strange that this was done... I smell a DLC,.. they wanted to do this so it could be done "right" later

    Agreed. It would be great if they made it possible to sail in a DLC. Have new quests as a shipmaster. But yes, after the release of Skyrim they would work on it to make sure it gets done right. :thumbsup:

  7. I definately see a shopkeeper who you've robbed him blind, and plucked his daughters virtue (with consent of course)

    contacting the dark brotherhood and having you hunted down :)

    Lets not be so unflexible, it's not just guards who'd want an evil person hunted.


    (But then we get into things like,.. maybe the Dark Brotherhood would like to offer you membership instead once they find you)

    Depending largely on how the shopkeeper paid the Dark Brotherhood. If they paid them a huge amount then I'm sure they'd go through with the killing. If they thought that having you join would be more profitable then they'd do that. Lets hope for the shopkeepers sake that he can pay well. Otherwise they might send you to kill him. :biggrin:

  8. So we've heard news that bards are going to actually play songs. This opens up a door to new types of mods! I bet you pretty soon we're gonna have bards playing AC/DC with midieval instruments. Personally I'd like to hear a bard play the Morrowind tune.


    What kinds of songs are you hoping to hear/will get modded in?

    It would be great to hear some music from Morrowind, feeling a bit nostalgic. :thumbsup:

  9. What is this? Is she a falmer?



    Yup, that's definitely a Dunmer. If they have Falmer in Skyrim, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to find them until after release. :thumbsup:

  10. no bodies of water? apparently people havent been looking at the north side of the landmass...

    but yea... idk why there are no boats, its in Nordic history that they are good sailors, or so I hear.

    I got this info at UESPWiki.

    Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations across the sea from Atmora. They captain and crew the merchant fleets of many regions, and may be found all along Tamriel's coasts.

    So yes, it make sense to have boats in Skryim, maybe not necessarily sailing in the water, but still at ports. :thumbsup:

  11. Now this would be an Awsome Easter Egg or Mod for Skyrim :D



    I have a feeling thats going to be most peoples first reaction to a dragon "I can't take it!" ... 2 mins later ... "run away! .. run away!.. run away!"..

    Agreed. Like right after you escape from prison a Dragon flies above you and tries to kill you. What would you do?? You're too low of a level to survive. As Todd said in a magazine, "sometimes the best option is too run away."

  12. Vikings were basically plunderers, and traveled often by ship. Not much difference from pirates, really. So we can hope for a few plunderers!

    It's true that Nords are very well seamen. Quote from UESPWiki:Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations across the sea from Atmora. They captain and crew the merchant fleets of many regions, and may be found all along Tamriel's coasts. :biggrin:

  13. I've also got great news for stealth!

    "Stealth is actually a lot better than seen in the demo when the NPC's are given a couple seconds to react. Two Bandits in a cave, one walking down the same pathway as me, facing away, and another walking along an adjacent catwalk above but further back. Shot at the one on the first floor, missed - the eye opened slightly, #1 shouted what was that, then #2 shouted down asking what the problem was? #2 ran down and #1 ran up, so they met eachother halfway and then stuck together, checking the place out and investigating the area the arrow came from with weapons drawn, the eye opening slightly."

    From a hands on preview by a forum member:

    Contains a few beginning spoilers.



    Now someone tell me the AI isn't better. :happy:


    Also from the same preview:

    "People sometimes flee when you draw your sword."

    Wow! That whole post has tons of new info...looks like we finally have confirmation on blocking controls, too. Seems I was wrong: it's the left button to raise the shield, and both buttons (hold left then tap right) to bash. That actually makes more sense anyway, because it prevents the "hold block button and swing when he gets close" strategy.

    Thanks for the post, lots of new information. Greatly appreciated. I hope they fix a lot of the bugs and problems mentioned. :thumbsup:

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