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Everything posted by AltheaR

  1. @Thandal Thank you for your kindness! I think I can fully understand. The example "stock characters" makes me get it especially. @croc123 Thanks! I should have consulted not only an English-Japanese dictionary but also an English one. :P (off-topic) I have been laughing at the google image search results of "boilerplate"... What a cute robot. ;D
  2. @Thandal Thank you very much for the reply! :D I'm relieved. Now I'm going to google to find the definite meaning of "stock language". I can catch it with my feeling, but just to make sure and I want to know it in a bit more academic way :P
  3. Hi, I have a question about Nexus site's sentences. Can I use the sentences of "Credits and distribution permission" of Nexus site, which I can select by the drop-down menu in "Edit Attributes" section of my mod page, for my own "readme" file? Because I am not a native speaker of English, but I think borrowing Nexus site's sentences is the best way to describe various permissions correctly. Can I use them? Even in case I put the file outside of Nexus, like STEAM Workshop? And if it's allowed, should I quote them and write a credit for the sentences to Nexus site? I want to use them, especially this one, "Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms".
  4. Those boots are included in this mod : http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44657/ by Hepsy
  5. I want to suggest one thing. Allowing/Not Allowing user's endorsing should be capable of being switched by the author on his mod page even after releasing it. If an author disables endorsing and releases his mod with the setting, it's OK. There is no endorsing. But if he updates the file, endorsing returns. Why is endorsing enabled automatically? I'm totally at a loss about how to change the setting of endorsement.
  6. Is it possible to show a warning about picture of ported content when uploading screenshots to the image share? Like a "No Nudity Allowed" warning. I wish there is one for it.
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