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Everything posted by MSX98

  1. I have 14.5 and 20mm sniper turrets I got from some mod, it might be this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11465/? If not, well the missile turrets are good at sniping too :P
  2. The mutant hounds are ugly, but those centaurs take it to a whole new level or ugly. Since Fallout 4 is such an ugly game, I'm surprised there's no centaurs, they would fit right in, maybe even some ghoulified ones...
  3. I would like the Fallout3/NV block where you press to block it stays, not like in 4 where you only block for 2 seconds
  4. gotta have that sound effect too :laugh:
  5. Yeah seems like Bethesda got a little lazy on this one
  6. Yes a handgun that can blast some large holes in Deathclaws and Supermutants
  7. Don't forget Magnaguards with the lightning staffs :happy:
  8. Like this one? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59883/?
  9. I was thinking of an Attack of the Clones remake where the Brotherhood are the clones(their armor looks a lot like it) vs the CIS(Institute). I would love to see Droidekas in this game http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091201144945/starwars/images/c/cd/Q-destroy.JPG
  10. Piloted by an actual bear wearing a NCR helmet :tongue: Bears are cool: http://imgur.com/gallery/ivKoV
  11. FG-42 would fit nicely in the Fallout world, so would the M1941 Johnson : https://www.google.com/search?q=M1941+Johnson&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj87Zv85f_UAhWo4IMKHVT2CWAQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=918#imgrc=_
  12. I liked the reload animation it had in Fallout 3
  13. The power armor reminds me so much of the Jango/Boba Fett armor of Star Wars, it would be cool if our power armors had built in gadgets too.
  14. Found a bunch of interesting photos that would look cool in game: http://imgur.com/gallery/kbsnu That cola can would fit right in Nuka-world
  15. Can someone add this beautiful sniper rifle? educational video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_av1zBdnxXY
  16. Shame I have to give my RL-3 automatron a sentry bot voice instead...
  17. it's a shame, the giddyup buttercups would've been perfect for the Legion as chariots and then wagons for traders
  18. Droids are superior :cool:
  19. Could someone add the female version from the Pitt dlc from Fallout 3? Maybe make the pants a little darker to match the top? http://cdn.staticneo.com/w/fallout/thumb/7/76/Raider_Paingiver_Armor.jpg/120px-Raider_Paingiver_Armor.jpg
  20. looks more morbidly obese than ripped -_-
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