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Posts posted by blattgeist

  1. First off: I did not follow any forum conversations during these last weeks, so this comment is only about the news here.


    This essay was a little more than what I expected. You made it sound like the community is working together towards are shared goal but in fact it is not. Everyone has their own things that drive them forward. So telling people to "piss off" or leave the community just because they have a different opinion on things does not sound right to me and it actually surprises me to see such words here on the news section...


    And no, I don't particularly care about whether mods belong to consoles or not.. or the whole PC vs console war. I just think that it is not OK to tell people to go away just because they have an opinion.


    I agree about the rest of the essay, mod theft is NOT OK and Bethesda should really do something about it.. and better sooner than later. There are enough douchebags and trolls out there who don't care about morals and rights of other people who worked their asses off to create something that the community enjoys.

  2. I never regretted taking the 1 month of premium membership. Being a supporter for something that is as great as the Nexus and all the people behind it feels really good.


    Keep going @ Nexus.

  3. Quote from STEP: "Boris normally recommends setting VideoMemorySizeMb to be equal or a little under your actual amount of VRAM."


    Quote from STEP: "64-bit systems with >8 GB of system RAM should set this equal to (Total Available Graphics Memory- [170 (for Win7) or 350 (for Win8+)]."


    Means, simple take your GPU memory and subtract 170 or 350, depending on your operating system. For a 2GB GPU with Windows 10 that would be 2048-350=1698MB.

  4. Try this instead. It saves you the trouble and is good for the health of your fingers :wink:


    It even has patches for Inconsequential NPCs and Interesting NPCs + no scripts.





    ETAC has its own patch for my mod on their site. If you still want to do it by hand and only edit a few NPCs it's ofc. doable. Just target an NPC actor entry in Tes5Edit and edit the ACBS actor values, set the flag to essential.

  5. In response to post #31815380. #31841755, #31849450, #31850240, #31862285, #31878075, #31878370, #32023345, #32076915 are all replies on the same post.

    DeGorro82 wrote: The Witcher 3 surely a GOTY, but the life span are at the end. After 1st Big DLC, TW3 had nothing to be expected until the 2nd Big DLC coming out. So here they are, making Mod Contest that surely will prolong the game until the next DLC.
    blattgeist wrote: The life span of an open world RPG does not end that easily. The modding community prolongs it pretty well. Your statement would be true for the first 2 Witcher games maybe, but even these still have the replay value of making different decisions and finding out what other rewards they bring.
    gmbee wrote: Lifespan might be over for people like me suffering Geraldism after 200 hours. I mean I would go back for another playthrough, but due to the lack of character creation I will not. Without character creation I have no interest in this series anymore, no matter how good it was.
    cerealkiller93 wrote: @blattgeist CdProjekt f*cked up when it came to mod support. The tools offered were lacking and the Witcher 3 will never have the kind of modding community like Skyrim or Fallout. They can't even make new outfits or armors, and i am not even talking about new maps, quests, gameplay changes, and even overhauls. Tweaking and texture replacement sums up Witcher 3 modding.

    And i am not dissing the game. Still think its the best RPG and GoY for 2015, better than Fallout for sure. But the modding part was disappointing.
    LuckyStars22 wrote: Are we realllly trying to slap Witcher 3 game? I love both FO4 and Witcher 3 but what happened to Fallout community? Just because Witcher 3 is a better game every Fallout fans shits their pants and start to throw their own fecal matter everywhere on forum. Why can't there be love for both games? They're both single players and worth every $$$ you spend, unlike other so-call video game, where they rip you off!
    SjoertJansen wrote: @LuckyStars22
    What?! Who's slapping Witcher 3? Some perfectly valid statements are made here, and I think everyone agrees TW3 is a great game?....

    It is sad however, that the tools available to mod the game are not easy to understand and use, and that is putting it mildly. This does in fact mean, to a certain subset of players, that the life span of a game becomes shorter (This counts especially for Bethesda game fans, who are the primary Nexus users).
    Also, there are some seriously fundamental differences between FO4 or Bethesda games in general and TW3. In no way does that make either of them bad, but you cannot state that fans of one should be fans of the other.

    TW3 is primarily story focussed (and an excellent one at that), has a voiced pre-made protagonist that has an already established back-story. Being so heavy on story, it is riddled with cut-scenes, it basically is an excellent movie cut in pieces with good gameplay in-between. There isn't the same amount of I go and kill everyone freedom you get in Bethesda games, nor can you go first person. Depending on what type of player you are, these pre-moulded and cut-scene riddled games may not be for everyone, and vice versa. Bethesda always lacked a seriously good story, apart from perhaps Morrowind.

    Again, both great games, but you can't say one is better because you happen to like it more. They may both be single player RPG's, that doesn't mean they are equal.
    Moksha8088 wrote: I agree with Blattgeist about mods prolonging the life of a game, but I noticed that Witcher 3 has less than 800 mods and there is no category for quest mods which I think is at the heart of this extended life. Quality companion mods help as well.

    If there was a holiday themed outfit for Inigo and Vilja, what would we do in January? Of course, in Skyrim, you can never go wrong with winter wear. ;-)

    Seems like Witcher fans should demand more mods. Never played Morrowind, but I noticed when I was looking for Witcher 3 mods that Morrowind modders have been stepping up to bat in creating mods since the dawn of... well, whenever it came out.
    UhuruNUru wrote: No mods don't prolong the life of the game or more accurately, that's not what modders actually mod, we mod the engine/sandbox, not the game and it's life doesn't exist, just our extensive use of it.

    Skywind for instance, won't prolong the use of Skyrim and many modders never even play the Vanilla game at all.
    I have the Legendary Skyrim for modding and have never finished the main quest or even started the DLC.
    Skyrim the game I finished when a bug stopped me from fighting Alduin, think it was a portal Parthanax was supposed to open for me, but some bug stopped the main quest continuing and it involved Parthanax/blades. I finished the game then.

    Indeed I may be done with Fallout 4, as a game and I've only just got to the institute, I will get the DLC in a sale for modding assets, but am no more likely to play them, than I did Skyrim. I currently have no desire to experience more of BGS's bad game.

    Don't argue, I''m a modder, if I say it's bad, then for me, it's bad, your opinion is as irrelevant to me, as mine is to you.

    The sandbox/engine will be modded into a state I determine is good for me and only me.
    It doesn't matter if I want a combat that's challenging or Death Claws I can have sex with.
    If that's what I want and the mod exists to provide it or I make it, it's right and good for me.

    BGS haven't made a good game since Morrowind, anyone who thinks Fallout 4 is GotY material, needs to try any other game, any game will do. The Witcher 3 is my GotY and again only my opinion matters, only yours shouild matter to you.

    Now don't get me wrong BGS make the best modding/sandboxes in gaming and I love them for it, but the games get worse and worse.

    There's too much I will change to list, but the one thing I never thought I would hate most about any BGS release is the Looting/crafting system.
    I hate the system in Fallout 4, looking for LOOT should be fun with rare momenyts of joy.
    Instead I found I must collect all loot and use everything for crafting.
    I've always hated the idea that anything like bottlecaps could become money.
    It's a stupid idea that would never happen, but so is the pip-boy brick on your arm.
    Money was useless, I never bought or sold anything, the components were always more valuable and my crafted kit always better.
    Eventually I grew to detest the entire crafting settlement system, due to this loot all mechanic, even looting isn't fun, just a monotonous chore.
    I expected liberating the settlements to be vital to progress, not optional and irrelevant.
    I wanted to turn the whole of Boston into a nation (Settlement), to protect them from every other faction.

    So that's just the biggest dissapointment in the game and one that leaves me with little desire to progress.

    Companion AI is a little better, but companions are stupid and uninteresting with little unique dialogue, despite the many great companion mods for Skyrim, the BGS ones are as pathetic as Lydia and for gods sake stop the repeating comments, better voiceless than another constant repeater.

    Game worse, sandbox good as ever, nothings changed that much, to me.
    The voiced protagonist doesn't limit roleplay, the 4 dialogue choices are much more limiting than hearing what's chosen and role play needs mods for me, anyway and voiceless is a mod option.
    Thing is, we all have opinions and few modders are Bethesda Fanboys, modding implies the games flawed to the modder and those who truly care, are the most critical of all.

    Some gamers can't tolerate different opinions, modders usually can.
    My opinion is always right for me, your opposite one, is right for you.
    SjoertJansen wrote: @UhuruNUru

    Who are you replying to?

    I agree with most you say on opinion and how for some, modding is more important than the game. But you mod the sandbox that comes with the game. I personally, as others probably do as well, would use those interchangeably. And hence, even though I never finished Oblivion or Fallout 3 either, and only partially finished Skyrim (if doing the main quest is finishing the game....) I still "play" it, to mod it.

    Not every modder is the same. I tend to mod for a long time, or create mods, usually for my own. And then go through a phase of actually playing again. I regret the fact that TW3 as a sandbox, is not easy to mod. If it was, I'd probably buy the DLC and actually play at least part of it. As it stands now, I probably never launch it up again. That is a real shame! I generally dislike cut-scene games, but I actually liked this one.

    I've seen the "movie" (the cut-scenes), and that's it really. Doing it over and changing your choices would remove the whole game wonder for me, I have to force myself down a route I wouldn't go. It also would ruin the "film" aspect of the game. Who wants to re-watch an awesome movie, just to find out all the plots changed? A different ending? But obiously as you rightfully note, this is an opinion, not a factual thing. There will be many others like yourself who have a totally different opinion.

    No mods don't prolong the life of the game or more accurately, that's not what modders actually mod, we mod the engine/sandbox, not the game and it's life doesn't exist, just our extensive use of it.
    For me mods definitely prolong the lifetime of a game. If I'd stop playing Skyrim because I hate how fast the leveling goes but pick up a mod that slows it down and continue playing that's prolonging the lifetime of a game.

    If a game's graphics get dated over a 10 year duration and some modders spice it up like they did with morrowind. Then that's also prolonging the lifetime because suddenly it looks nice again and gives me the courage to play it all over again. Well that's my opinion ofc. and you are free to have yours but you stated it like it's some sort of fact for everyone, that's why I felt like replying here.

    Some gamers can't tolerate different opinions, modders usually can. My opinion is always right for me, your opposite one, is right for you.
    I agree. And I am a modder too.
  6. Thank god there are no standards in games, otherwise I'd stop playing. That's one of the few places where you can still do what you want and how you want, without having to render account to some moral apostels. No, modding has not and will never go too far. It's up to you what you put into your game. Mod authors are free to set their ideas in stone and publish them.


    Nah, heavy armor made of steel and iron are very easy to move in. It weight spread across your body and you hardly feel it. In fact, being fat will hinder your movement way more than an armor of steel. You can run, swim and do back flips in it easily with a bit getting used to. There is also many metal types armors made to be even lighter, like scaled armor and chain metal if I'm not wrong.

    Fair enough. I must admit that I've never worn a heavy armor so can't speak of experience. I always thought that they must be somewhat restrictive and clunky.. but oh well.



    Heavy, lower stamina regen, movement speed and instead of a dodge, you get a back step and less stagger/poise from attacks.


    Don't forget spell fizzle chance, if we could bring some D&D rules to the table ;)

  8. Lachdonin


    We absolutely should see a dodge feature for heavier armours. And lighter armours. And no armour. The only thing that should impair dodging (not rolls, rolls are incredibly stupid) is total encumberance, which again shouldn't be based on an arbitrary weight class.

    I was referring to rolls too, when talking about not implementing for heavier armors. Dodge is fine with all.




    Wearing enough leather to protect you in any reasonable way is still going to come out between 30 and 50 pounds.


    Well a full plate armor (with helmet, greaves, gauntlets, chest piece) should weight considerably more than 30-50 pounds.




    The more you wear, the more they restrict movement. So a full, head to toe covering of Leather is going to impair you the same as a full plate harness.


    With the exception of plate still being heavier and more restraining because it's made out of metal.




    But by keeping the Light-Medium-Heavy divide, you basically create a situation where you need to maintain competitive equilibrium between them or you risk totally invallidating options. You can't make Light protect you from Magic, Heavy protect you from Physical attacks, and Medium do both, because it creates an obvious choice and heavily impairs the other two.


    Yes it needs a competitive equilibrium. And one type being inferior to another with regards to magical damage reduction, the ability to avoid physical attacks or reduce them leads to more variation and player choice for different situations depending on the location. I.ex. if you know that you are facing a lot of heavily armed orcs in a fortress with not many casters then you're gearing up in heavy armor yourself. On the other hand if you are going to eradicate a hagraven camp then it would be wise to gear in light armor that protects you from magic, assuming we take on your approach of light armor being more resistant to magic.


    It does not mean having to carry around different types of armor. Light armor protects to a certain degree too, not as much as heavy armor... although one could argue that the chinese used paper armor that was almost as effective as plate (according to a colleague of me) but light in comparison. You could as well store them in your home. But we have different opinions there. Who knows what Bethesda will do and what not. We will see. :wink:


    Yeah Dark Souls' armor system is pretty good.

    Like most things in Dark Souls, I found it to be rubbish. Not TES rubbish, but pretty darn close.



    To each their own. I'm not trying to convince you.



    Ah, but you see, the divided skills in fact take away more choice than they offer. They limit damage forms, homogenize defensive approaches, and impose on other Skills. Armour should be about Mitigation, that's all. And having 2-3 Mitigation skills with only superficial differences isn't really adding to variety. It's just the difference between Vanilla, French Vanilla, and Original Vanilla.


    They limit damage forms? Why do you think people in the middle ages used different armor types? We read stories about sneaky thieves, heavily armored knights and monks in robes. They have roots. I can imagine the elements playing a bigger role in future TES games, like fire and ice having a greater effect on lightly armored players, swimming through water or trying to run having a bigger impact on heavily armored ones. It's not all about damage mitigation imo. Ofc. the impact of a weapon is weaker against someone with a strong helmet and chest armor, but it also takes away his stamina and thus making weapon swings slower. The thief on the other hand can move quicker in his leather armor and score more critical hits that way.



    PS: We need a roll or dodge feature btw.

    Yeah. I would like to see that, but not for heavy armor users.

  10. Yeah Dark Souls' armor system is pretty good.



    Bad idea, just having a cap like armor cap is simple.

    How come? What don't you like about it? I think having an enchantment amount cap like max 2-3x magicka boost or only the highest enchantment of that type count leads to more build diversity than having an overall cap that i.ex. caps magicka cost decrease by 90%.


    Hope Beth will come up with something better in TES 6, but merging all armor in 1 skilltree still isn't best idea IMO.

    Merging armor is no good imo. It takes away from variation and player choice. I want to have at least 2 different armor types.. 3 would be way better if they are balanced properly. Heavy - good damage absorption but lower movement and attack speed + spell cast failure chance. Light Armor - Flexible movement, swift attacks, very low spell failure chance. Medium armor - well a good medium between heavy and light armor... and no armor or robes for casters and hand to hand combat characters. But to each their own.


    If something is properly balanced I don't see a reason why it should not be added to the gane. The same goes for belts. It's 1 more slot you can think about, 1 more item type to find. For some people finding the hidden gems in games like these is the real adventure. Sure enchanting has never been in a good spot in the elder scrolls titles... it was even more OP in Daggerfall. The solution would be to add some sort of hard CAP, like "only the highest enchantment counts" or "only 2 enchantments of that type add up, everything else gets ignored". That the player would not be able to run around with zero mana cost, like it is in vanilla Skyrim.

  12. LOOT is a failure. I've never gotten it to sort the plugins even once without crashing no matter what fixes from the forum I use to try and fix it. It even crashes with all plugins disabled. I've dumped this POS and resumed using BOSS.

    So just because you can't get it to work means that it is a failure? Pardon? It works for tons of people and I never had a problem with it.


    BOSS is outdated. New mods are not being added to its masterlist anymore. LOOT on the other hand not only has an updated masterlist but also sorts plugins intelligently. There are very few cases where I manually have to reposition a plugin (via my conflict resolution patch) after LOOT did its job. That's why people are advised to use Tes5Edit to check if the proper records have priority.


    1. A gear system like in morrowind, with lots of separate equipment slots.


    That's actually inferior in every way to what Fallout already does. Using Fallout's system, applied to armour, you can have vastly more options without the need to manage any more equipment slots.


    And we're talking, like, orders of magnitude more. Like, 160,000 vs 49.



    I only know how Oblivion and Skyrim handle equipment and that's not enough. In Morrowind you had:


    1. Shirt
    2. Pants
    3. Skirt
    4. Amulet
    5. Left Ring
    6. Right Ring
    7. Mail/Chest Plate
    8. Greaves
    9. Left Pauldron
    10. Right Pauldron
    11. Left Gauntlet/glove
    12. Right Gauntlet/glove
    13. Boots
    14. Helmet
    15. Belt
    16. Robe
    17. Weapon (one handed, or two handed with no shield, or bow+arrows in 2 hands)
    18. Shield
  14. My first guess is this: Pinkt texture problems can be caused by 3 things:


    1 Not enough video memory. But that should not be the case with your GTX.

    2. A bad texture path inside the ESP file. Again, unlikely since most mod authors test their creations and deliver properly packed installers.

    3. Missing texture or mesh files. Do these pink textures only appear on new items from mods or even on vanilla gear?


    Install the mod MFConsole http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596/?

    Go into the game, check the armor or whatever item that has pink textures. Open the console, click on it. It shows the mod that modified it last. Go into the mod folder and check if there are proper textures and meshes... if it uses vanilla assets then check the actual plugin with Tes5Edit and see if the paths to the textures are correct.


    Skyrim suffers from poor memory management. Even with a badass GPU you could reach the limit pretty fast. Use the tools ENBoost, SKSE (with inbuild ini memory fix). Don't use too many high resolution textures... I'm talking about all 4-8k here... It's usually better to simply go for 1-2k. I mostly go for 2k textures on stuff where I really want detail, like armors, body and face skin, weapons and ponytails. The rest can be 1k... for all that I care.

  15. In response to post #31815380.

    DeGorro82 wrote: The Witcher 3 surely a GOTY, but the life span are at the end. After 1st Big DLC, TW3 had nothing to be expected until the 2nd Big DLC coming out. So here they are, making Mod Contest that surely will prolong the game until the next DLC.

    The life span of an open world RPG does not end that easily. The modding community prolongs it pretty well. Your statement would be true for the first 2 Witcher games maybe, but even these still have the replay value of making different decisions and finding out what other rewards they bring.
  16. Thanks for telling is the truth upfront. My trust is still not broken. You are very dedicated in what you do here @Dark0ne and I respect that. It wasn't your fault. What I wonder about is why do people target non-profit sites like the Nexus?


    Anyway.. my password should be safe enough that the hashes alone shouldn't be cracked in no time.. gonna change it today to be on the safe site however.


    And as GeohoundJason already said, the image is the thing that most companies try to hold up. But telling the people about problems when they occur instead of waiting forever for them to get leaked eventually speaks volumes. Thanks.

  17. 1. A gear system like in morrowind, with lots of separate equipment slots.

    2. Scaling enemies, like in Oblivion. I know many hated it, I like it hardcore and challenging throughout the game.

    3. Proper shadows, from both close and long range.

    4. No more savegame bloating.

    5. A powerful script engine that can deal with lots of script heavy mods.

  18. Without taking a deep look at your mod list I'll just give you this advice. Try cutting down your mod list to 1/3 of what it is at the moment. Only keep mods that improve your gaming experience, fix bugs or deal with things that don't feel alright in the vanilla game. Think about it. Do you really need that 1 mod that adds a new weapon, armor or gives one of the merchants a beard?


    My general rules for sorting out mods are these:

    -script heavy, known for causing stability problems? --> out

    -abandoned by the mod author with major bugs left intact --> out

    -needs tons of compatiblity patches for other mods? --> out

    -takes away too much plugin space without providing a good amount of content? --> out

    -reverts many fixes of the Unofficial Skyrim Patches (USLEEP) --> out (I usually end up fixing these things with Tes5Edit if it's not too much work)



    And one more thing regarding merging plugins. I'd only merge those that are kinda small... and don't contain scripts. Also please make a documentation, where you write down which mods you merged, for later.


    Modding is science, Skyrim is easy to break :wink:

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