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Everything posted by luthien21

  1. if the picture have no copyright intact on its free use then you can do that, you could make a random name out of posters and use photo bashing trick on that mod i always do that.
  2. what's interesting about this update vs normal fallout 4, we don't have to put asterisk anymore by enabling manually ingame mod manager it will be automatically loaded when you download mods on nexus too, just don't enable mods on nexus manager download regularly and find new installed mods on nexus mod manager from there you can download nexus mods it will automatically detect as esp downloaded from bethesda.net you can enable manually on nexus mod but you need check if the asterisk already put there on local data. if you dont have internet to sign in bethesda.net and use their manager, you have to put asterisk manually.
  3. Here's a to do list on our conversation in chat erlier - Make a blank esp on fo4edit, grab a record on fallout 4.esm delete that record on the new file - While the esp is on blank state fire up ck - in ck see how bethesda did followers from there make an exact copy or a new person. - study how bethesda did their followers you can copy exact same thing - Re-modify a.i data package so it doesn't run around in one place - Save to test the follower you can go ahead hit tilde for console - Type in coc qasmoke in main menu to test the follower - Type in Help "myfollower" and spawn in game to see if he respond - Spawn an enemy if he/she responded to its attack - Finally Save hotloading if you use that feature otherwise you cant continue playing the game with that follower if you put it only in esp - if you want to put him/her say you want that follower in sanctuary or appear in later game just drag him on render window - Save done. *Make that blank esp active while editing followers.
  4. it does work i tried it, but man it's pain on the rear, you need audio software and converter back and forth i worked with almost 40-50 songs in my personal mod that i'm doing, can't publish because of copyrighted material so i just that on my own. use public domain site if you want to publish radiostation mod and that will likely to give you free pass on bethesda net too. so far i haven't see any of radio mod on bethesda site hopefully they update manual upload so we can upload big file. fo4edit is highly recommended because you can manually set the file anything you like or even linked ba2 file its easy that way, we just need to wait ck tutorial for that.
  5. Have this tool prepared General tips - MultiXwm - Audacity - some good music make sure do some research on each era type of music - plan how many music you wanted Good site to use public domain so it doesn't got flagged as "copyrighted material" http://www.pdinfo.com/ with that out of the way Download any mod radio in this case http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8676/?%27 Download this and hit fo4edit assuming you already know how to use this, not all mod require ck but it is recommended to learn how to edit on there the only difference fo4edit vs ck is ck is harder to put things down you need to manually eyeball all the folders on MUS file directory. Right, once you in fo4edit check where the songs mostly Linked to a referenced target usually in a sound folder so you simply make a folder with your radiostation name, remember on that fo4edit records copy exactly what you see how the mod author put there, that's how the game will automatically read your radiostation, do not publish the same esp unless you got permission always ask the mod author. good luck!.
  6. For CK users and BETA 1.5 users You need obviously the nexus mod manager and Fo4Loot First thing first 1. Locate your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4 if the plugins location for some reason is not there go to main directory. - if you activated your mod before on nexus don't worry acitvate it first - Delete plugin.txt and loadorder.txt to refresh and restart the nexus load order - activate the mod on nexus mod manager it will auto generated but no asterisk yet -Disable the mod All of your mod on manager and follow 2nd step 2. LOOT FO4 - Go back to loot don't do anything yet - Delete .bak file - Re-sort order back while the mod disable click apply - On plugins.txt Put asterisk symbol i.e " *Yourmod.esp " Manually to activate them - Do not Boot the game - Set plugins.txt to read only not load order Things to watch out - Do not use Steam To validate cache it will ruin load order Disable Few Things before The Console Features is hitting at the end of April or start on May 4th What this actually does, Editor hotloading means it will be cross-platform when the creation kit is updated with the console feature atm you can disable this. bEditorHotLoading=0bEditorHotLoading360=0bEditorHotLoadingPS3=0 Do not Save plugins on bethesda.net yet, i'm reporting the issue my mod restarted to default cell when i packed using the creation kit.
  7. Here's Alternative solution i discovered Myself For non CK users and BETA 1.5 users You need obviously the nexus mod manager and Fo4Loot First thing first 1. Locate your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4 if the plugins location for some reason is not there go to main directory. - if you activated your mod before on nexus don't worry acitvate it first - Delete plugin.txt and loadorder.txt to refresh and restart the nexus load order - activate the mod on nexus mod manager it will auto generated but no asterisk yet -Disable the mod All of your mod on manager and follow 2nd step 2. LOOT FO4 - Go back to loot don't do anything yet - Delete .bak file - Re-sort order back while the mod disable click apply - On plugins.txt Put asterisk symbol i.e " *Yourmod.esp " Manually to activate them - Do not Boot the game - Set plugins.txt to read only not load order Things to watch out - Do not use Steam To validate cache it will ruin load order activate the mod after you do loot, now you can safely just sort your load order do not set your load order on read only leave it as it is.
  8. In response to post #36963370. #36980130, #36996150 are all replies on the same post. ahahahahah et go home lol
  9. well i have no knowledge on armor mods, it can be done if a modder use outfit studio or something make it like wearable scarf it's just one item how hard can it be?
  10. dear nexus forum i had good suggestion on this site , what i really want to see the site to have features like blogs that's really useful sometimes to write your mods releases , update or review , it's really hard to track down mods news because you never know what the features are sometimes , hence the description text is limited to how many words we can type so i think its a good idea to put a blog features but also putting rules on it make sure the users don't really post what ever they like that's really not suitable for public viewing. for the blog posting feature it will only visible by the other users they add to their favorite modders. for example when i post a blog it will say on my forum profile " i just post a cool blog " and its only visible to your friends that added you so they can read it. and also they can post stories related with game they playing now that's a fun site to be in! plus not only that blogs also can keep the modders busy while they mod ideas so their friends can sent ideas via comment to how many people vote on it so he /she can release the mod in time. and you can set blog to public = so others can see, or you can set it to private = only your friends can see the blog.
  11. seriously its bs , why do some people DOS attack on nexus , do they think other people who uses this sites, never the less good job on fixing , you guys take it easy :D
  12. looking for best armors for orcs ! anyone know one?
  13. Tools that has been used on recording Editing tools by choices - Adobe after effects - " It's not all about camera sometimes, it's about the effects" - Windows movie maker - " Standard movie editor" in game - Recording *Note* Capturing game requires good machine to run otherwise the video quality is gonna be choppy. - Cam studio - Hyper cam -Fraps well it's up to you how to try the program you can always looked up tutorial on youtube.
  14. Hello nexus, what's up, I'm new on this forum but not new on oblivion anyway I'm looking this type of armor replacement can anyone suggest me Following list I'm currently hunting #1 - Brotherhood Replacement - Dark assassin creed Well i found several mod, but not actually quite fit the taste of what i want well few days ago i ask somebody on chat but i lost the mod link, its a Black Assassin creed armor , that replace with the current Dark brother shroud armor with hidden blade stored on inventory. ** edit that is too much to ask because the last one i already find ** if no respond i ask around in chat.
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