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  1. Yeah, I tried doing that for a while too. It gets pretty damn chaotic! I ended up having to turn them off though- on master it sucks being 1-shotted by a single spellcaster. When theres 8 of them in a single room it's pretty much gg :P
  2. The problem with the lag bone is that it doesn't actually have any spring motion. It simply takes x amount of time to catch up with it's parent bone. Similar to a spring with high drag but no tension or dampening.
  3. The Lag bone contorller is one of Nifskopes functions, not havok. It's original use was on the flame trails for attronachs to make them lag behind. It works as a temporary solution for jiggle bones though. Unfortunately if you set it too high it looks ridiculous :P
  4. Bouncing support has been added to my Colourful Barkeep Clothes mod. Grab it here! Enjoy!
  5. You can tell all of that from a 380x177 picture? Crikey :P
  6. I've succesfully skinned the barkeep outfit to work on all races with the new skeleton. I'll add the option to my Colorful Barkeep mod once i've finished weighting a few stray verts.
  7. I might try a quick test- weighting every single vertex 100% to the pelvis. That way we can rule out if it's a vertex weight problem or not. Edit: This caused every race to crash :P
  8. Ah- thanks for letting us know FallenJudge. I guess it kind of makes sense. Kind of strange though since the exact same weights work fine for the other races. I'm gonna give it a few tests. I've read that it's wise to have at most 2 bones skinned on a single vertex. Do you think 3 might be acceptable in some places?
  9. When the femalebody models are deleted it doesn't crash when you change to a highelf (even with the new skeleton). The problem must be related to them somehow... I've tried checking the nif files, but pretty much all the data seems correct. :wallbash:
  10. Just want to let people know that I've done some tests using LagBoneControllers for real time jiggle bones. It works with some success- it results in a lot of deformation though, especially with larger breast sizes. Running forward also means they shrink slightly, and running backward makes them slightly bigger. The plus side is that it works during any animation. Cherry- do you want the skeleton_female.nif to include as an option in your next release?
  11. Yeah that's a tough one... I can't think of anything different about those races which would cause the crash
  12. Hmm... I just remembered something which may be useful in your quest for real time jiggling. Fire attronachs have a bone in them which lags behind the movement of the fire attronach in real time. Fire is attached to this bone, so it leaves a trail. You could probably check out the settings on this bone and apply something similar to the breastbones. (I'm 90% sure this was done in the bones system, not the NIF. Throttlekitty might know more). It wouldn't have a perfect result, and it wouldn't take momentum into account so no actual jiggling would occur. It would result in basic secondary motion though. The lag would obviously need to be set to a fraction of a second, otherwise the breasts would end up about a meter away from the body when you run. Even if it isn't an acceptable solution at least it proves that there is room for experimentation in the current skyrim engine. EDIT: I've checked out the fire attronach. I think some of the info is in the .NIF and some seems to point to an external .hkx file. Theres a property called BSLagBoneController with various settings on it. I'm not sure if adding this on it's own would be enough.
  13. I can offer all of the knowledge I have on this subject. I got 3 or so years experience in 3DS Max (and a degree, which will be handy if I run out of toilet paper). Spring constraints (within 3DS max) are definitely the way forward if you are going to continue using your current method (springy animations baked into the .hkx files). I presume you animated the breatsbones by hand in your inital tests. It's quite likely that trying to export with the spring constraints added will crash on export, so what you might need to do is have your normal set of breast bones with a clone of them copied in exactly the same place. On the clone you can add the spring constraints. For each animation you can align the real bones to the cloned ones and just make enough keyframes to mimic the simulated movement. When that is done you can just delete the cloned bones and export as usual. This would be an accurate way of remaking a large batch of animations. One of the comments in your mod mentioned the possibility in the future of keeping the breastbones as ragdoll simulations all the time in game. If you could somehow work out how to do this then that would be amazing. I'm not an expert on havok animation though so I can't offer any real advice. This method would also be timesaving- you wouldn't have to remake a single animation. I'm not even entirely sure if it is actually possible though. Keep up the good work on this mod- it has a lot of potential.
  14. I think enchanting would be so much better if the extra affect perk allowed you to add an extra enchantment to already enchanted gear, instead of adding two to unenchanted gear. This would mean that hunting for decent gear would still be fun.
  15. I think a wound mod would be good. It would require a few things: 1: A replica of Corpse Equip mod on fallout 2:A couple of armor meshes which cover the body in cuts or burns etc. set to non playable so you can't see them in menu 3: Script effects on weapons. A sword would check if the NPC being attacked has sword wound armor on them. If not it adds one to their inventory. 4: If you take their armor when they're dead corpse equip will swap the wound onto the body.
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