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Everything posted by TwiggySkyrim

  1. I have a friend who used to be terrified of tomato sauce. he went pale and quiet if it was in the same room as him. After several years of me and my mates abusing him, throwing it at him and hiding it in his food he finally summed up the courage to try a spoonful (after which he immediately threw up). The point is- he's no longer terrified of ketchup, merely disgusted by it. Maybe you could get rid of your fear by easing yourself into it. Spawn a tiny spider at 0.01 scale so it's just a dot and kill it. then another one at 0.2 scale etc... then slowly work your way up :P
  2. judging by the comments on there it looks like exporting to skyrim isn't working yet. definitely some good progress though!
  3. Like other people have said before- if i'm gonna spend 200 hours staring at a pixelated arse it might as well be a female one :P
  4. Yeah I got a similar new bug. Instead of yellow it was just completely invisible, along with the usual purple trees here and there.
  5. Imperial soldiers sometimes say "What the stormcloaks seem to forget is that the empire is the only thing keeping the Thalmor out of Skyrim". I side with the empire! For added integrity I always gank any thalmor I see who are escorting prisoners who worshipped talos.
  6. It's in an additional channel, not the main bit where you colour it in. Certain models aren't told to look for a transprency channel by their NIF, so no matter how much tinkering you do it won't add transparency. Models which have transparency already are fine. If you press channels (next to layers in photoshop) there should be a channel called Alpha 1. In the diffuse texture I think this works as the transparency map, and in the normal map I think it works as the specular (shininess) map. I might have got it the wrong way round though. Think of white as 1 or full and black as 0 or none.
  7. It won't render textures on Skyrim nifs because it can't yet. it can render UVW templates perfectly though so the UV coordinates must be intact in there somewhere.
  8. When the DLC is released you'll be able to pickpocket peoples kidneys
  9. A simple mod idea... Change the animation for shouts into turning around and bending over. Perhaps replace the shouts with fart noises... Would certainly make for some interesting youtube videos
  10. I would imagine theres a few theives guild quests where you need to pickpocket someone important and not some random person.
  11. I read somwhere that to get certain esp files to work you need to manually edit the load order. No idea how though :P
  12. either A: When NIFtools is updated or B: When every male on earth is infected with a disease which makes his penis 2 dimensional and thus easily represented by a texture map instead of geometry
  13. yep. throttlekitty & corwen + others are working on updating Nifskope at the moment. They're slowly making progress one line of code at a time
  14. Try soaking up a few arrows or another icicle. should fix it eventually
  15. look through the barrels outisde buildings around town for salt piles- usually one or two have salt in. I think they're meant to be trash cans :P
  16. This is almost definitely correct- they probably made ultra high poly models and then baked them onot the low poly game models. One important thing to remember is that there ae different types of normal map used in skyrim. I'm not an expert but I think characters use model-space normals and scenery uses tangent space. As for what that actually means I don't have the foggiest :P
  17. Great news :D I had a go with one of your new XML files earlier, got a lot further than before.
  18. Well you can open the console and right click on her and type removeallitems- this will zap everything she's carrying away permanently. then she'll equip most things you give her. Occasionally she'll end up back in default armor though if you do certain things. As for the bow im not too sure- this trick might work.
  19. Yeah, fallout mod manager seems to be the way to go. Theres a fair bit of guesswork and tedious renaming involved if you want to swap armor models. It works perfectly though if you get it right.
  20. I will offer a bounty of £0.37 and a small selection of dog ends from my ashtray to whoever completes a multiplayer mod first.
  21. Excellent idea- this thread should definitely be stickied.
  22. Is it possible to edit the UVW mapping of nif files yet and import them back into the game? There seems to be a lot of armors with overlapping sections on UVW maps so it limits what you can retexture.
  23. On master I found that dragons were a peice of cake end game. High level draugr can still give you a run for your money though.
  24. Has anyone found the mysterious candle fairy which goes around lighting the candles in these sealed dungeons? Maybe M'aiq will know where to look :P
  25. I dont think alduin even noticed I was there! :huh:
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