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  1. Mercbird's got me remembering - Die Toten Hosen are one of my absolute favorites and NIN is incredible (I say is because the only permanent member of the band is Trent.) Aphex Twin, Kruder and Dorfmeister, and DJ Kristoff are quality electronica - check 'em out.
  2. The naked Vikings running around after the supposed "Witch." Pretty wierd stuff. o_O
  3. Been listening to Waking the Fallen by Avenged Sevenfold quite a bit lately. Not too big a fan of their new stuff. New acquisitions? Most of the new Depeche Mode CD (iTunes), The Politics of Dancing 2 by Paul Van Dyk, Mutter by Rammstein, The Bravery, and Van Halen's The Best of Both Worlds. She Wants Revenge is pretty nice too.
  4. Good luck. Have fun, and don't get too trashed. :tongue: Hopefully you can figure out how to open the right ports. Should be simple enough, unless the school has some serious protection [which, unfortunately, is probably the case.] Yar.
  5. This is true. The game doesn't look enticing at all. Now D&D Online....
  6. Meh. I'm not one for change, but I'll get used to it, just like I did with the past changes. I can see the code as well [i'm using IE 6.x.] It seems to be a bit minimalist [just the small Gaming Source logo.] I also like the way the backgrounds resize to fit the posts. Overall - 9/10. EDIT: I found a small problem. The top control panel doesn't mesh smoothly with the sides. It's slightly lower in the middle than on the sides: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/Slaiv/newfora.jpg EDIT: I found another small problem: when the backgrounds are stretched to fit an image, the dark[er] gray bars at the top of the oversized post do not stretch along with the body of it. Not problems. Just small bugs.
  7. Everyone knows that EA sucks. This only proves it further. Any plans on another release that *gasp* won't do more bad than good?
  8. Don't have it yet... Just bought an Ipod. Hope to pick it up soon though.... I'll be spending my time on the CAD/8Bit and Gaming Source servers, so if anyone sees "Slaiv", it's me....[duh.]
  9. Slaiv


    I just liked the whole experience better than the second. Despite fewer sprites and lower resolution, I liked the fact that any class can learn any spell.
  10. Slaiv


    I concur. The original was better... one word: duping. :tongue:
  11. Slaiv

    Guild Wars

    Well, I've finally picked it up. I'm currently a level 6 R/M. In a guild with about 7 of my friends, so that's a plus. So far, I'm addicted. Dunno 'bout later, though... If anyone sees a ranger named "Slaiv The Merciless" running around, it's me.
  12. Slaiv

    Guild Wars

    I still haven't picked it up yet - hopefully I can get ahold of it today. I plan to be a Ranger/Necromancer or Elementalist. Good stuff...
  13. Slaiv

    Guild Wars

    Should be getting it this week - look out for Slaiv the Merciless [unless someone took that name already... in which case they're going to die.]
  14. The US - Best Buy or Target. Haven't gotten any for a while... Looking to pick up Forza and Guild Wars.
  15. Slaiv

    Guild Wars

    You also forgot to mention the most unique part: no monthly fees. They plan to support servers with smei-annual expansion releases. I fully plan on getting these, as the game is more fun than I've had in a long time.
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