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Posts posted by Slaiv

  1. Better yet, Vivendi AND Electronic Arts make seperate games using it. :P


    They'd probably end up merging to save themselves.....I can see it now:


    "Vivendic Arts is proud to pronounce the sequel to the first film-based Lord of the Rings RPG:


    The Lord of the Rings: The Fourth Age: The Hunt for Sauron."


    Conference room Vivendic Arts Chatter:


    "Waitaminute - didn't Sauron die in the third age?"

  2. Actually, the storyline has been recorded, printed, and dated and is copyrighted by me in a fashion that is legally binding in a UK court of law.


    it's currently stored in a safety deposit box in scotland where it can be retreived if needed....



    (who was aware of the risk before posting the thread, and acted accoringly)

    Let's hope that EA decides to make a game using this storyline.


    *Suzerain sues the pants off of EA, and saves the MEMod.*


    A man can dream.... :P

  3. Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Schein

    wollte ganz alleine sein

    das kleine Herz stand still für Stunden

    so hat man es für tot befunden

    es wird verscharrt in nassem Sand

    mit einer Spieluhr in der Hand


    Der erste Schnee das Grab bedeckt

    hat ganz sanft das Kind geweckt

    in einer kalten Winternacht

    ist das kleine Herz erwacht


    Als der Frost ins Kind geflogen

    hat es die Spieluhr aufgezogen

    eine Melodie im Wind

    und aus der Erde singt das Kind


    Hoppe hoppe Reiter

    und kein Engel steigt herab

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    nur der Regen weint am Grab

    hoppe hoppe Reiter

    eine Melodie im Wind

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    und aus der Erde singt das Kind


    Der kalte Mond in voller Pracht

    hört die Schreie in der Nacht

    und kein Engel steigt herab

    nur der Regen weint am Grab


    Zwischen harten Eichendielen

    wird es mit der Spieluhr spielen

    eine Melodie im Wind

    und aus der Erde singt das Kind


    Hoppe hoppe Reiter

    und kein Engel steigt herab

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    nur der Regen weint am Grab

    hoppe hoppe Reiter

    eine Melodie im Wind

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    und aus der Erde singt das Kind


    Hoppe hoppe Reiter

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter


    Am Totensonntag hörten sie

    aus Gottes Acker diese Melodie

    da haben sie es ausgebettet

    das kleine Herz im Kind gerettet


    Hoppe hoppe Reiter

    eine Melodie im Wind

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    und auf der Erde singt das Kind

    hoppe hoppe Reiter

    und kein Engel steigt herab

    mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter

    nur der Regen weint am Grab


    Till Lindeman, Spieluhr

  4. 1. No one knows where Daerk is. His appearance, though unlikely, would greatly help in this situation.


    2. Most likely not. Suzerain has said numerous times that he would rather have no Mod at all than a non-canonical one. Simple terms: the team will not make it a non-Middle Earth mod.


    3. Take it to Bethesda. Say, "Hey, we're geniuses. We've made this incredible mod. We want you to take us and our mod in, allow us to release it as an expansion to Morrowind. We'll do this, greatly boosting both your fanbase and sales, as long as you'll get us the ability to make it without being sued."


    That's my idea.... Well, it's my version of Dream's idea. ^_^

  5. The most we can do is ask politely for the rights from whoever holds them, and try to convince them....


    Very unlikely, but there's not much else to do... :(


    I have drafted a letter, in my small hopes of helping this mod to succeed:



    Intended for the Tolkien Enterprises Licencing Division:


    As you may or may not know, the production of the Middle Earth mod for Morrowind has halted production.


    If you have not heard of this modification, please visit http://mwsource.net/forum/index.php?act=SC&c=9 and read up on this mod, particularly in the "Daerk On" thread under "General MEMod Discussion."


    After reading the information available in the above link, you can get a sense of just how much of their soul the developers have put into this project. This description of just one person's work on the MEMod, given days before its closing, can also give you an idea of just how much they have worked:


    "I'm going to give an indication of why memod's not dead.


    it's called the contents of my hard-drive. or more accurately, the "Memod" folder.


    And this is just my own part of the work, not to include the rest of the other member's efforts to produce it - that is seperate.



    Contents. 6 sub-folders.



    "Middle Earth Mod For Morrowind"

    "Middle-Earth Concepts"

    "Middle-Earth Promotional Samples"

    "Texture Library"

    "Reference Library"



    "others" contains translations and original anglo-saxon copies of Beowulf, the Fight at Finnsbug, and a huge wadge of linguistic work, including copies of half the academic lectures tolkien gave. the 55 files total 3.8mb.


    "texture Library" contains 933 files, ranging from Photoshop Masters to DDS texturemaps. it comes to a total of 857Mb.


    "reference Library" contains 339 files: 260 of those are photographs and the rest are scans which I have taken for the memod. they range from weaponary and armour to a full year's worth of environmental reference, to allow texture maps for "summer" "spring" "autumn" and "Winter", and for every imaginable category. there are "leather" "portraiture" "food" "stone" "wood" and even a "chainmails" folder in there. the folder alone comes to 1.76gb.


    "promotional Samples" includes articles written for Magazines that never published the articles, screenshots, renders, maps, and wallpapers. one high-res map file alone comes to 138mb. The Entire Folder consists of 139 files totalling 1.41Gb.


    "Middle-Earth Concepts" has folders titled "creatures" "esgaroth" "maps" "arnor" "gondor" "primary source" "tolkien original drawings" and a string of other folders that give away the timeline. Many of the folders contain sub-folders. The entire folder comes to 341 files, and a total of 742mb of images.


    And then there's the biggy. "Middle-earth mod for morrowind" the one with models, Icons, "Household items" "design docs" "creatures" "Audio" "Buildings" and "weapons". there are a total of One Thousand, Six Hundred, and Forty-six files in there, that total up to 1.68Gb of data.



    that, in total is around 6.44 Gigabytes of data, 3,453 files, of work for the MeMod.

    six and a half gig. three and a half Thousand files.


    Every day, I spend perhaps 3-4 hours working on memod. At one stage I used to just draw. then I started trying to manage a team. When D left, I took over the lead for this mod. I try to be dealing with the needs and requests of the entire team - if KFM wants a peice of design, I'm the one who's not getting it to him... when atti needs a drawing of an object to model, its'my falure to give it to him. there's a lot I fail on. Workingon this full time, I'd struggle. Instead, I don't get a penny for the memod work, and I should be working as a freelancer producing stuff for clients. I've had nights that I've failed to end up in bed with partners, because I've had to produce work for memod. I've written, frankly, an unknown amount for memod - now so much one hundred thousand words, it's more likely a million - we've probably written more than many authors, discussing and designing this mod. I've learnt software I never dreamed I could use to create this mod, and I continue to learn. I've probably spent more money than I want to think about. Lenses and film must have set me back five hundred pounds. Software, I'm not even going to try to count. I've bought four copies of Morrowind, because of CD's either wearing out or being broken in one case. I've had nightmares about the MeMod.



    And that's just me. then there's the huge volume of work produced by Theta - both as a designer, and in organising the mod - without her, we'd be no-where. Then there's the insane amounf of art that KFM has produced, often struggling because I've not got the time as the lead to be able to give feedback. There's times I'd gleefully murder him, and give praise to dark god as I burn his body sometimes... but I'd give him a hug for being a suffering sod, just as often. there's DP and Kahenraz's work, and Ember's ideas, Rynos, who started off wanting to do art - and a frankly dire artist, only to have evolved into a bloody effective PR and researcher who's doing a fantastic job of helping get the mod running in some sort of order, with theta's skills and guidance. And there's a hundred other artists, modellers, designers, and assistants, from Devs to teamsters that I can't even list, in some cases - atti, howlingoak, greywolf, and countless others. Each one has been of priceless value. And I can't give half of them quarter of the feedback they deserve."




    It is these devoted Tolkienites' dream to create and present the perfect tribute to Tolkien and his wondrous publishings. Day in and day out have they worked to accomplish this dream, that only a team with such a good relationship and devotion to Tolkien could produce what they have promised.


    The decision to halt production on the mod effectively crushed these dreams.


    Suzerain, the lead developer of the Middle Earth Mod, stated the following on 18 September, 2004:


    "Dear Players.


    Following contact and negotiations, first in letters with the solicitors to the holdings of Tolkien Estate, and today, in international telephone calls to the holders of the electronic media rights to the works of Tolkien, a decision on the Middle-Earth Mod has been made.


    As a result of the contacts and discussions, it has been concluded that, barring a near miraculous turnaround in legal stance, MeMod does not have the right to the use of the copyright content of Middle-Earth for any Electronic Media production, profit-making or non-profit.

    Nor, it would appear, has it held any such rights over the last two and a half years, despite our belief in such an agreement. This comes as just as much of a shock to the current Dev and Team members as it does to you.


    This situation therefore means that Memod is no longer a viable project, irrespective of it’s nature as a non-profit tribute. In light of this breach of copyright law with the holders of the rights, we would be unable to release the MeMod without threat of legal repercussion on all members, and it is therefore our only practical option to call a halt to the project at this stage.


    In light of this closure, I would like to publicly thank the following members, for their work and effort for the Middle Earth Mod, over the years.





    Communist James



    Dark Lord Sauron



    Diseased Punk




    Ent Went Moot,


    General Timothy C








    Immortal Snafu









    Lord of the Boards

    Lord of the Cheese



    Mighty Mule


    Mr Badger



    Porcupine 1






    S MacNelly


    Sone One




    Theta Orionis







    There have been many others. Each deserves their mention, and I wish I could, but in the course of two and a half years of work on this mod, as an artist, as lead artist, and as the lead designer for the entire mod, I’m afraid there are more than I can remember.


    Thankyou. Each and every one of you, for the effort you gave, that got this project so far, to be halted. We’ve overcome letdowns, design changes, leadership issues, technical problems we thought would be impossible to overcome, and a hundred other problems. Sadly, this is the one problem we cannot get through.


    Likewise, I’d like to thank everyone who applied to join the MeMod team over the years.


    In a later post, I may well outline what MeMod’s timeline and story were to be. But that’s not for today. Today is to say goodbye to a dream we struggled for years to produce, stillborn.








    Many of us have been following this modification since it's inception years ago. Others have joined up more recently. There are currently 397235 registered users on the Morrowind Source forums, which host the MEMod forums. As you most likely can tell, this came as quite a shock to us. Read our reactions here: http://mwsource.net/forum/index.php?showto...topic=10645&hl=


    So what, you are probably wondering, am I writing to you for? Simple: I am asking if there is any way to obtain the rights required to make this dream possible? This organisation of developer skill and talent is doing this for absolutely nothing - no profit whatsoever. Yet they still worked for countless days to realise their hopes. This is because of their love of Tolkien's worlds and works. These people are not greedy in any way at all. They are completely selfless. If I could help them in any other way than asking you for help, I would.


    To restate the question: is there any way to save this modification? To prevent thousands of hours of work going to naught? What are the licences required for this mod to be able to continue production? And, finally, if you do not hold the rights, who does?


    Please, help 40,000 people in their time of darkness, need, and sorrow - please help the development team for the Middle Earth Modification for Morrowind in realising their dreams, and creating possibly the greatest tribute ever made to J.R.R. Tolkien.


    Sincerely, Benjamin Holt

  6. The Road goes ever on and on

    Down from the door where it began.

    Now far ahead the Road has gone,

    And I must follow, if I can,

    Pursuing it with eager feet,

    Until it joins some larger way

    Where many paths and errands meet.

    And whither then? I cannot say.



    We are where many paths and errands meet. Now, we do not know what to do, but we must go on....


    Maybe something will come up. Just maybe.

  7. April Fools, right....??





    ...Right? :(



    I have just a few comments - please ignore them if you find them offensive [i don't know how you would].


    While there are certainly many negatives that come of this, such as the possible disbanding of the greatest mod team ever, we have to look up - it's better than staying down.


    Now, a few questions/suggestions:


    Are you going to release the realism scripts you have made?

    Are you going to release the pixel shaded grass?

    Maybe I should just ask: Can't you release all of the "technical" [for lack of a better word] scripts, such as sleeping, temperature, house-building, etc... since they don't have to do with ME?


    There may be hope yet, however unlikely:

    You could change the mod into one of your own - a completely original intellectual property. A lot of work would be required, but I, along with many others, and probably yourselves, do not think that your hours of hard work should go to waste. Keep Wookiee's scripts. Keep the weapon models. Make an entire new world. Better yet, you could make your own game......



    Just a thought.



    For those of you who say you are leaving now that the MEMod is dead - don't.



    -Benjamin E. Holt

  8. Necromancy'd! ;)


    Oh, and this isn't exactly the place to post your complaints. Try the report function next time, as your comments have nothing to do with the thread topic.


    Well, since the thread has been brought back to life, I might as well add to it. Morik, they are probably not immature if you're not using them in an immature way [such as saying them every other sentence.] Humour has kept many threads and forums alive, so I'm pretty sure that's not a problem.

  9. Let me restate that:




    Now, let me elaborate:


    Despite what many have claimed, no one has ever been able to mod Morrowind in order to make it multiplayer. There are so many complications and technicalities to list here, but, suffice to say, there are enough to make sure that it never happens.


    No one ever will, too. Unless they have direct access to both Bethesda and the source code, it is impossible. To make Morrowind online, you would have to edit the source code, which is not available to just anyone. Plus, editing the source code is illegal. So even if you were to somehow access the source code and spend hundreds of hours editing and adding code, you would most likely be arrested and your mod shut down and removed from existence.


    A quote from Daerk [quite a while ago]:

    Zenogias wrote in this thread:


    Re: Morrowind: TOTAL - New Year Announcement [Re: QuiTu]

          #2111211 - 01/02/04 09:36 AM


    I saw that post by Daerk.. all he said was that "It's a load of bullshit, Morrowind can never be online, How many times do *I* have to explain it?" and then locked the thread. Seems like a textbook 'online Morrowind' reaction to me, maybe he didn't even actually read about this particular project, as he didn't seem to explain why this particular project can not work. Instead seems to have just seen the words "Morrowind" and "online" together and immediately screamed in recoil at how Morrowind can never be online because he says so, and locked the thread so people can't even discuss it. How silly.. this project obviously has at least some credibility, and if Daerk (assuming he is not the ultimate be-all end-all of knowledge) says its impossible, then maybe they know something Daerk doesn't.



    Here's my response via PM to Zenogias:


    Just a note, considering the fact that the mods have shut down the Morrowind:TOTAL thread:


    I read your post. Basically, here's my statement...


    I've done more decompiling work and "reverse-engineering" coding work for major industries (including military) than likely anyone on this forum or the official ES forums. I have done extensive research into the Morrowind vanilla binary, as well as the patched Tribunal binary and the patched Bloodmoon binary.


    It is impossible for the engine to handle two "player" data streams, and even if one were to utilize some form of hacked frontend that loaded a player's stream and then created an NPC version of them for display in your own stream, the streams are not able to be refreshed unless a full forced save is performed and then a force load is parsed. This means that it'd only be possible if you literally saved, exited to the menu, and then loaded again... once every second of ingame time.


    This would be the ONLY way for the Morrowind engine to parse multiplayer capabilities.


    The main reason is, although Bethesda Softworks purchased a license to use the NDL NetImmerse Engine, they received the engine as source code and then edited it for their needs. They completely removed the tcp/ip hooks and then compiled their own customized version of the NetImmerse source. That means that although the NetImmerse engine supports multiplayer on other games, it is IMPOSSIBLE on the Morrowind game unless Bethsoft recompiles the binary, or someone creates their own Morrowind binary from scratch, which is illegal.


    As such, it is impossible for Morrowind to be multiplayer.


    -- Daerk


    And finally, a quote from Peregrine, which I believe sums up everything in this post:

    Those people are idiots, it's that simple. Either they have no idea what they're talking about, or they're lying to get attention. For the (apparently) 10 billionth time, MULTIPLAYER MORROWIND IS NOT POSSIBLE. To add multiplayer ability to Morrowind would require completely rewriting the game engine. Which is completely illegal, even if it is somehow possible.


    Yes, programmers can do almost anything. But not when they don't have access to the source code, and they have a threat of lawsuit if they modify the wrong things.


    Multiplayer Morrowind is never going to happen, and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar or an idiot (if not both). End of discussion.

  10. Ad-Aware + Norton Internet Security 2004 = Ultimate protection.


    Norton includes a pop-up blocker; I have yet to see a popup on my computer yet. Even so, if one should happen to pop up, there is an ad trashcan to which you can just drag to desired ad to and press aply. Then no more will that ad bother you. This works really well with "bar" popups on site, the kind that are at the very top or to the right.


    Just for the heck of it, get the Google Toolbar if you don't have it. It works. Really. Just not 100%. Maybe 90%. Still, it's nice to be able to search from anywhere.

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