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Everything posted by Sersay

  1. You search "Wild Spright" on Google, but the wolf is a blue color, the origins color of this mod. If you want the black retexture from the image you linked, try asking the author for the texture files nicely. Perhaps they'll share. If not, try to recolor the textures yourself in GIMP or photoshop. I work on that wolf's textures myself from time to time for practice.
  2. /popcorn while watching the line for links. :whistling:
  3. Uhg, feel wasted and I havint even gotten into the wine yet.
  4. Shame on me for missing FOUR pages of mod detectiveness, but... I cant help it! I'v got pulled into a RIFT beta. :pinch:
  5. Negative, I am a meat popcicle.
  6. #1 bothers me a lot too. I think it's funny how they download from other "outsider" websites and even post other author's mods on their sites, but don't want other people to download theirs. Kinda like, what's your's is mine, and what's mine is mine? :laugh: Other than that, from what I understand some sites are governed too, not just by the website owner/operator. "Oh no! Humans are coming to our human made sites, and downloading our human made mods, we better keep these humans out and keep all our human made mods to us humans!" :whistling:
  7. The dress can be found on some Chinese Forum (I think it's the new MoM-Forum). But they changed their system (probably to keep people like us away), so all the download links are hidden and I didn't find a way to unhide them after registering there. Wait, the MOM fourms are back up? Since being taken down recently?
  8. Lexx, remember rift? That game that you LOVED the intro for? Well, a friend of mine gota a beta key he can use to invite others to play in the rift beta events, 25 uses. Remembering your reaction to the game, I thought of you. Interested? No, ya dont have to pay a cent playing the betas. :P
  9. Im not entirely sure, as i'v put ALL the clothes from Apachii Goddess store on Ser, but I think it might be one of the dancer dresses. Recolored and alterd slightly. Dont take my word on that one though.
  10. My mind just exploded with mod information. I...think I need a nap or something. @_@
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Aenya


      Multiple personalities?
    3. Kjkirimi


      How could you believe that?

      Shhh.... Kiri sleeps... I'm Evilnessy.

    4. Aenya


      *fans Sersay* you're not dead , are you?
  11. Cleaned! Jeez that thing fills up fast. @_@
  12. Those axes i'v never seen before. Relivent to my interests!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52eHvqsu38M&feature=bf_next&list=QL&index=1
  14. Loving the new images your making out! s(^_^)-b
  15. Maybe they'll rip Warhammer...someday...soon...hopefully... -pout- :unsure:
  16. I do believe its someones birthday soon (MSN told me, dont freak out O_O; ). So, happy birthday! ^.^
  17. While we cant direct you to the DL for this armor, if it helps anyone in finding it better... This is an aion rip from allllll61, from aion pack 7.
  18. No! I will not give in to the fro! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!
  19. Forget pixels, I have more pressing concerns now... Like Alpha Centauri consuming my soul. Again. Yes, again.
    1. Kjkirimi


      Again....? o_O
    2. CommanderCrazy


      That happens to me too! O.O
  20. Whaaaa!!!!???? :blink: Dis them!? Never! I just wonder what new and wild creatures will be seen with another rip. Like Cyberdemons...because im such a doomer.. Gah! Dont jump me! Noooooo! :ninja:
  21. They are also obvious rips, as I recognize the blue horse right away from Aion, having killed a few of those monsters while I played. It must not be the russian site where Krista's stuff is though, I have NEVER seen these in oblivion before... Jeez, what will people rip into oblivion next? Maybe I should rip a cyberdemon into MY oblivion. :rolleyes: Kidding, of course. I quite enjoy rips! especially ones that add monsters from other games. I like adding them to WAC leveled lists, they really spruce up the atmosphere! And thus I stand by my previous thoughts of a Cyberdemon from Doom 3 getting ripped into oblivion. Then, sprucing up the atmosphere would be a serious understatement. :devil: -Insert rocket launcher PA-WOOSH sound.-
  22. They are also obvious rips, as I recognize the blue horse right away from Aion, having killed a few of those monsters while I played. It must not be the russian site where Krista's stuff is though, I have NEVER seen these in oblivion before... Jeez, what will people rip into oblivion next? Maybe I should rip a cyberdemon into MY oblivion. :rolleyes: Kidding, of course.
  23. Rainbow...afro...incredibly distracting. -stares-
  24. -many hugs- Sorry its been awhile.. :o
  25. Hmmm, looks like spartan team red is having a rough morning? Nice new avi. :P
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