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Posts posted by Sersay

  1. I cant put into words the exact reasons why, but there's something about armor mash ups that facinates me. I admire this work more than even orignal work, I just love to see how one person can look at various mods and fit them together like a puzzle. Works of art out of works of art. :wub:

    It's one of the Lineage rips, I believe. You'll find it on some asian sites.

    Actually, thats not a rip as far as I know. The author HAS done some armor rips from sun online, but I dont think this is one of them. The name of the armor is Lady Apella, and its on a russian site we must not link of. :P

    Edit: Looking back at the very poorly translated version of the page, I spied the word Lineage. So I guess it is a rip from that game then! :sweat:

  3. armor? ( this time i read the comments and there's nothing in the description either )



    Thats a new armor mod released by a guy named fankaizhi on the mom fourms. I dont know if its a rip, but knowing of the authors previous uploads I assume it is a rip. The DL link is still up there, for how long it will stay is anyones guess though. The author is one of THOSE kind that will have a DL link for as short as a day, then remove it. Quite annoying really.


    Aargh, you need an invitation code to register for that forum. I found his userpage, and the thread, but I can't view it because I can't register! Oh, the humanity.


    indeed. there even is a variation of the velvet red rose called "Azhures Regal Dresses".

    though its in a public english section of the forum.

    Really? I never needed any invitaton code to register, I just had a hard tie registering from misguidedly clicking the wrong button on registration, thinking it was taking me to the next step of registration. Instead I kept going to the login page without realizing it. :wacko:

  4. armor? ( this time i read the comments and there's nothing in the description either )



    Thats a new armor mod released by a guy named fankaizhi on the mom fourms. I dont know if its a rip, but knowing of the authors previous uploads I assume it is a rip. The DL link is still up there, for how long it will stay is anyones guess though. The author is one of THOSE kind that will have a DL link for as short as a day, then remove it. Quite annoying really.

  5. For fricks sakes, theres more than just goma pose? Goma CLOTHES? -Que nails on chalkboard.-


    Er, not quite. There are 12 mods in the GOMA Pose mod set, and a set of ripped clothes from other games ported to Oblivion called GOMA Clothes.

    Still...Its another goma. -Sigh- just the word Goma now causes instant irritation upon reading it. -Gets back to internet digging.- :confused:

  6. I am also sick of people who post custom content that is not really downloadable for other people and go all "Muhaha, look what I have and what you will never get, now admire my pictures and write comments, but GOD FORBID ask me what the stuff is!" I use the occational ripped stuff for my screenshots too, but at least I am nice enough to point the people in the right direction! If it's your personal stuff you don't want to share, ADD THAT TO THE SCREENSHOT DISCRIPTION! And don't play koy as if you don't like the attention.


    Sorry. Got a little carried away there, but I have had it with all the ripped/forbidden/private stuff and the "endorse pic, but don't ask" policy some people seem to have around here.

    But, they want to show how much of a special snowflake they are! Harharhar! :laugh:


    Ok, i'v had my playfull prod at the subject. :ninja:

  7. Hey-o detectives! Wanted to thank everyone who contributes to this thread - great to see people helping people out with stuff like this. It's a pain to hunt for mods when you don't even what the hell they're called.


    Which brings me to my own humble request for assistance. :D


    I probably imagined the whole thing, but I have this idea in my head that I saw/read about a mod that added player-placeable lights to the game, mostly for the sake of setting up fancy screenshots. I've been through a couple dozen pages worth of lighting-related mods and haven't seen it yet, so I thought I'd fall back here.


    Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Thanks in advance!

    Two mods come to mind. Theres Screenshooters Illumination

    Or, another placeable light source here Lamps of Oblivion.

  8. Hey guys, I'm looking for a mod or mods that puts in a 'white room' that has good lighting, which a lot of people use to take screenshots of their characters.


    I remember I once installed a big mod with a weapon/armor shop and a dungeon that had one of these rooms at the lowest level of the shop, but I just want that room and nothing else.


    Example here of what I'm talking about is attached.

    That would be Tona's mod store. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29090

    Down in the basement are the rooms your are looking for, but the only other mods that has any screenshooting room is the Green room. For this, the items and stuff sold in the store just come with it...


    UNLESS there's a version of this mod that just adds the rooms and im not aware of it. :blink:

  9. Speaking of the that pose, questions have come to mind concerning them recently, and they bug me. Perhaps you might know. Was this intended to be a private mod? Or is it just links to it are dieing. I dont recall any mention of it being private, so its difficulty to obtain baffles me. :wacko:


    I'm not sure, all the ones I have were given to me. They seem to released on certain Asian forums that are very difficult to register with.

    Or russian, and of course because of difficulties with registering, I cant prove that. :laugh: It sounds like its distributable, then. Unless in your case it was given to you by the creator of the pose mod.


    Of course, these just educated guesses. Dont go by it, people. With my luck im still usually wrong.

  10. Would you have a reference image? I know the Goma Pose mod has such a pose with them.

    Speaking of the that pose, questions have come to mind concerning them recently, and they bug me. Perhaps you might know. Was this intended to be a private mod? Or is it just links to it are dieing. I dont recall any mention of it being private, so its difficulty to obtain baffles me. :wacko:

  11. is there a mod out there wich adds flapping angel wings?i've only seen flapping demonic wings but none with feathers.i want feathers.big white feathers.



    green is ok too.

    Is purple ok too? :teehee:

    I think Midas Magic has a transformation spell with flapping wings as well. The wings are rather old meshes though. Alexander angel wings.

  12. Its by the same person who did the Tera armors that was mentioned a few pages back, I know that mutch. The sheep mark on the images is the clue... I just cant remember the name of that person... Hmmm, who knows them?
  13. The armor for the pic, bearmilk, appears to be Silverlight armor. I THINK it may be slightly modified, but I cant tell very well from the pose. I just have a feeling something is missing for it to be Silverlight unmodified.


    Edit: Does anyone ever get posts here in this topic to show up in their "My content" part of the profile? Mine sure dont. Grrr.

  14. is it possible to get hold of any of ancientlaws dragons?the frostwyrm,valakas etc?or is he only sharing them among friends?



    And the world wept.

    This has been a two liner tragedy, brought to you by Sersay. -bows- Take that, Shakespear!


    However, 2 lesser dragons be found somewhere, though. If you are willing to settle for that quality... Look for Frost Wyrm or Nazagear (Im not 100% sure on the spelling accuracy there).

    And on a completely unrelated note, happy halloween detectives!

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