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Posts posted by Sersay

  1. I KNOW that its out there, but the bloody mod has escaped me and this is needed for a out of the blue, timed request to get it for someone. There's a mod that adds a modern style band into the game, guitars and pianos and drums and stuff. I just never cared for that stuff in my game personally so I didint really pay it much attention to know what it was when im being requested to track it down. Time is short now, so im here in desperation. And I'v already got a hold on the Umpa pose mod with the band stuff. Help me out please! :ohmy:
  2. i know im posting twice in a row, but i just thought of something

    i have a mod suggestion for a dawn/duskfang armor

    dawncrest and duskcrest

    this could be a cool duskcrest AND dawncrest (if made a little less evilish)

    But Shreder-ish armor of evil is awesome. And the Dark elves of Warhammer LOOOOOOVE Shreder. :thumbsup:


    i dont play warhammer... so im kinda lost

    infact, i dont play any games that make you pay AFTER you buy the disk in order to keep playing

    hence i play the following

    guild wars (online mmorpg)



    fallout 3



  3. i know im posting twice in a row, but i just thought of something

    i have a mod suggestion for a dawn/duskfang armor

    dawncrest and duskcrest

    this could be a cool duskcrest AND dawncrest (if made a little less evilish)

    But Shreder-ish armor of evil is awesome. And the Dark elves of Warhammer LOOOOOOVE Shreder. :thumbsup:

  4. I was curious because while im not truely apart of a modding group as I can only do a few things in CS, I have been helping a mod group along with quite ALOT of Warhammer based items and armor. Armor like this. Thought you might be interested is all. :thumbsup:


    As for the armor, both with and without the cape it would look great, perhaps there should be two variants of this with and without the cape if it is ever released. And perhaps a layer of chain behind the skirt, just visible in the split.

  5. For those who are interested, i made a little mask to match the armor when i downloaded the file:







    If someone wants it, I'll put a download link here, altought you will have to make a glow map and reflection to match completely.

    ...Also, ignore the earrings, they are just part of my char. ;)

    -Jumps up and down and waves her hands in the air- Me me me! Wants! :wub:

  6. Does anyone recall the SI tunnels that where like...inside a root system? An example being like the tunnel below the fountian of madness. Reason im bringing that up is because I had this idea a couple of days ago that if that was retextured to look like flesh (Dunmermaiden's armor is a great example), it would be wicked and sick. And Awesome. :biggrin:
  7. If your on order side, just head to the city and find someone with the armor. Or better yet, NPC's tend to wear complete sets, unlike a play who may wear a bit of one set and a bit of another. You dont have to get the armor yourself in WAR to get pics. :yes:

    My Inability to figure out where the hell cities are is a block.

    Ya just need to find the flight master in or near a warcamp, then there will be a map. You wana get to the empire tab then fly to Altdorf, assuming your on the side of Order. If not, well...you could still go to Altdorf if you invaded it :teehee: But if your on the side of destruction you will go to the Chaos tab and fly to the Inevitable City. Of corse...it'll be much more difficult getting Witch Hunter pics if your Destruction. :tongue:

  8. If your on order side, just head to the city and find someone with the armor. Or better yet, NPC's tend to wear complete sets, unlike a play who may wear a bit of one set and a bit of another. You dont have to get the armor yourself in WAR to get pics. :yes:
  9. Speaking of WAR and SORCS...

    Word of Pain will always be a killer.


    ...I bet someone could make a word of pain mod to go with Nexon's armory mod. :woot: But now im just rabbeling on. I should go to bed. Mmph..

  10. Heh, the Chosen I have seen do major damage to Order with a 2Hander...and not get a scratch on him. Of corse it was a chosen from a group of what you would call "1337" players, who did jaw dropping, amazing stuff. Never have I seen a Zealot avoid death and stay alive in a scenario as long as their Zealot could.

    And hey, as for taking screenshots of witch elf armor, both high and low level, just go to the city. I bet you'll find some just standing around! :P Or ask someone to model nicely.

  11. -Sigh- Maybe i'll go back to WAR... Someday. I really do miss it. For someone not having a clue about the numbers and how to properly set up a spec on their own, I did damn good in WAR. I was up there in the top Witch Elves for Pheonix Throne before I quite (constantly killing in an attempt to catch up with Taransula.) And its damn sexy to hear there will be appearance slots, because I was so fanatical about fashion before my actual killing gear that I FILLED my bank up with different armor types in different dye setups. I even had a Red Witch Elf Ranger costume. O_o


    If you guys are both in the game though, yeah it should be no problem getting even more reference images to work with. Might have to be the case too. I keep pestering my friend about those screenshots he still needs to get for the DoK armor. Heh.

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