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  1. SOLVED!: After a few hours, I found out that I could easily accomplish this without Blender, found out that I could just load node branches from each .nif, copy it, and paste it on another branch. I hope this helps other people. Hello fellow Nexus users! Hi, what I am trying to do is simply get a few vanilla objects from Skyrim, load them all together and combine them as one mesh, these meshes are static dwemer meshes. What I am currently doing is: 1. Unpack Mesh BSA for all the meshes I want with FOMM 2. Load all meshes in Nifskope and exported them all as .obj 3. Load all said .obj in Blender, assemble the way I wanted, save, then export as .nif 4. Move the .nif to C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\meshes 5. Open Creation Kit and add the new .nif And from there, the problem is that im just getting an exclaimation mark and I have no clue why. :sad: Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to do it properly? the meshes are: 1. dwechandelier02on 2. dwepipe1wayx4 3. dwepipecap02 4. dwewallsconcecover01 Pretty much all I am trying to do is assemble a lamp out of objects from the vanilla game but not alter anything, it'll just be a static mesh too. Any help would be appreciated and thanks a lot for reading! :smile: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51369/? Decided to link my mod so you guys can see from screenshots of what im trying to do, I am planning on replacing those lamps with exact replicas but as one mesh to reduce IDs to load to optimize performance.
  2. 1. Run SkyrimLauncher.exe, or just get the regular launcher up. 2. Click options 3. At the bottom you'll see Anti Aliasing, switch to Off (Best Performance) 4. Run the game (or run Skse.exe) 5. Hold Shift and press Enter in-game 6. At the bottom left window you'll see a long list of stuff if you've installed your ENB properly, you'll find "Use Depth of Field" and "Use Sky Lighting" near the top of the bottom left window, uncheck those. You may also want to uncheck High Quality Shadows and Ambient Occlusion because those hit performance really hard as it renders better shadows. 7. Turn Specularity Fade down to 25-50, no lower, no higher. I have a low end PC myself, I have an ENB installed but never use it, only for the speed hack. The only time I use it is when I do screen shots.
  3. 1. Try turning your resolution down if it's maxed 2. Try turning down Specularity Fade (down to around 25-50% recommended, below 25% and your game will look bad even to low-end PC standards) 3. If you dont care too much about grass, increase density to 80-128 and/or if you're using 4k-8k shadows or have Shadow Blur above 5, try reducing them (this mod can help configuring your .inis easier http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/814/? , more newcomer friendly than doing it manually). 5. Try turning off AA and Anisotrophy 6. Try this mod out http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? , it's really easy to use, follow installation instructions, run the software, in the profiles option select minimum (safe), and click run. It frees up a ton of memory with a small amount of quality loss (I promise, I use it myself). Happy modding :)
  4. As a user, I think the file feature is a great idea. It's kind of like a kid bringing his toys to a playground and is nice enough to share, if the sharing kid has a problem with another kid for whatever reason, I would believe the sharing kid has every right to say that he is or not allowed to play with his toys.
  5. Okay Skyrim has a courier delivery system but... why not have mailboxes that holds your mail next to your home where it will always be that the player can retrieve at any time while keeping the couriers around in case the player doesn't go home on time? and ofcourse there will be only TWO couriers at a time whenever the player gets mail, one for personal delivery and only one other active for one mailbox at time to avoid the game crashing by spawning millions of couriers at once lol. To make the mod compatable with even custom homes and not irritatingly adding a mailbox to every single home manually in vanilla, the player is given a power used by the Z key and will start playing a dig animation that will place a "dug hole" interactive static that will place a mailbox in it if the player has crafted a mailbox (chopped wood and iron ingots etc) by pressing E. The mailbox is ofcourse treated as a treasure chest which will hold deliveries. It would be rather strange if the player spawned millions of mailboxes where a home isn't anywhere nearby so for the mailbox to receive mail, it would have to be within a short distance nearby a home that the player legitimately owns so he/she doesn't have the ability to get mail out of nowhere before anyone even delivered the mail lol. You may ask "wouldn't the player receive mail personally and by mailbox at the same time?" well, for the sake of immersion and the mod being useful at the same time, delivery to the mailbox will come first while personal delivery takes longer since it took a long time to magically find the player.
  6. Wow, you seem to of had taken this very well lol, I dont know about you but I would freak out if I were you lol.
  7. I've read a lot about this information in the Skyrim forums, and I believe your case is the same as everyone elses'. If it is so, it is very likely that it's from a recent CK patch which causes dialogs to not appear. The only solution i've ever heard discovered is to quick save or save however you want and reload that same save and dialogs will very likely work properly by reloading.
  8. Haha your comments never cease to be useful, seen many of them. Thanks for making so many useful comments, they've helped me a lot.
  9. Dark Brotherhood World Introduction: Hello and thank you very much for your time reading this topic. I am new to modding and only have experience in the basics of modding, so i'll need some help before I can actually be capable of finishing and releasing this mod. Anyways, enough of this and i'll get to a small sum of ideas of this mod that I am currently working on. The New World: In this mod, i'll be creating a new place for the new world for specifically the faction; The Dark Brotherhood, where nearly everything about this land revolves around just that faction. So far, my current idea is to make this land and island but perhaps in the future i'll change my mind and make this a continent. Before entering the land of the Dark Brotherhood, you'll only be capable of moving on past the obstacle (currently a gate) if you are blessed with one of Sithis' blessings, these blessings are: Sithis' Child and True Son of Sithis. When you accept any of these blessings, your items will be placed in a chest next to the gate excluding your armor and one of the blessings have a significant effect, the True Son of Sithis. While having this blessing, your health will be set to 1 and your melee attacks will be significantly increased to a point where you'll be one shotting everything, causing you to rely entirely on stealth, rendering most shouts and spells to become useless. Blessings: The blessings of Sithis is to enhance gameplay to change player experience. True Son of Sithis blessing is to create the game to become more of how the game was intended to be; stealthy and more difficult, it's either they die first, or you become spotted and may die first. There is no point in heavy armor because well, you cant reduce damage to be at a value below 1 when you're hit, there will be many traps all over this new world in big numbers to make it much more intresting; the player must stay careful. The blessing Son of Sithis doesn't affect stats as much, making the game sort of default still, it still removes your items into a chest but it is meant to be used as an alternative way to get past the gate. Quests: The quests I plan for this mod is to give more of a mini game feeling like it was in Oblivion, assassinating but in a fun-thrilling way! but there wouldn't be just like 10 quests, it'll be a whole world of quests just like that! Storyline In Store WARNING: SMALL VANILLA SPOILER I wont tell TOO much, but i'll tell the idea for the intro I CURRENTLY have (it may change). After completing the Dark Brotherhood quest series, you'll receive an urgent message requiring more brothers and sisters to help an investigation case on the Dark Brotherhood (years of the brotherhood recruiting after the incident) being assigned top priority by the guard captain (sounds familiar?) and many families have been captured, so you'll need to free them. Umm... Unbalanced? -It may seem that it may not be balanced at all such as me setting all NPCs in this new world to have 1hp, but that's not what I am doing. With "True Son of Sithis" blessing, you may only one shot things with MELEE weapons, so NPCs will have a ton of health while this blessing is active (making shouts and spells useless and force you to be more into sneaking, im not sure what I should do with bows though, perhaps this is where a scripter comes in and makes a "headshot" trigger to 1 shot? ;) ). -With the normal mode blessing "Sithis' Child", you wont have the dmg or health increase/decrease, everything will be played as if it was any other mod. Outro: That's abit of it that I am planning, as i've mentioned in the intro; I am new to modding. I have no clue how big this mod may be, no clue how long this will take for me to learn to become capable of doing this by myself so talented modders out there, you have a choice. A) If you really want this process to hurry and you're excited for this to become released, you may help me! :biggrin: or B) You can wait forever for me to learn how to properly use CK, learn how to use model creation programs such as Blender, learn how to full understand scripts, and finally do the whole thing. The choice is yours, im doing this regardless any option, by the way, this info isn't the entire mod... There will be much more! ^^
  10. Hey everyone reading and thank you for your time reading about... me! :biggrin: I am new but my profile age says otherwise (I haven't really been active at all in other words) but I am very intrested in creating mods for Skyrim. I have gone through a few basic tutorials and feel as if I really enjoy working with the Creation Kit. I dont really have that satisfaction of creating mods because of being able to play it for myself but I like the feeling of just creating as if im performing a type of art. I enjoy every bit of creating interiors and quests so far and I can seem to understand scripting at a steady process by far, and perhaps if I like doing this at the end still, I may even get into doing computer programming for a living (after going through college :down: ). I might stay active for quite a long time so feel free to send me a friend request!
  11. Im new to modding myself and inexperienced, im not sure if this would be accurate but by guessing-I dont think that you can make a two-handed weapon to keep one-handed animations as its' own true value, I think it would be much easier to just create a duplication of a one-handed weapon in the vanilla game (with an animation you want or perhaps customly make your own animations for it) and replace the mesh/textures for that weapon with the spear's. If you've seen people make mods to have one-handed weapons to have two-handed weapon animations (or vice versa), I would believe they just replaced the mesh/textures of one-handed weapons with two-handed weapons to swap places with each other to make an illusion to make it seem as if their weapon properties changed. I hope this info works for you!
  12. An amazing Hand-to-Hand combat system
  13. My screen goes to the top of the screen when I try to click on Download too, but have you tried scrolling down until you could see the files? clicking on Download switches your tab on the bottom from Description (default) to Files^^ Edit: Sorry forgot to mention... You have to click on the link (files' name) to initiate the download process
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