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About Half64

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    United Kingdom
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    Skyrim, 20 mods installed

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  1. In response to post #8053952. Are you for real, runs well on my GTX 560 TI 2GB, above 40fps on Ultra 1080p. Uber sampling is a different matter because it's supersample.
  2. In response to post #8053499. #8054123, #8054245 are all replies on the same post. Modding part yes of course but official support is all but dead, typical Bethesda. CDPR is still supporting The Witcher 2.
  3. Being as Skyrim is dead now then this is great, really sick of how shallow Skyrim is but mods help it but not the poor quests which are mostly fetch this, fetch that, look for this. Might gives the REDKit a try, just need a bigger SSD. :p
  4. You're confused, a 32bit app can access more than 2GB if the flag is set large large address aware, this will only work in a 64bit OS. A 32bit OS is the one with the per app memory access limit. The game shouldn't crash if it runs out of VRAM because it goes to main ram, so all you will get is pausing because main ram is much slower. A 64bit OS for games is the way to go, don't even think about a 32bit OS.
  5. It's not rocket science that you remove shadows and the game runs smoother, may as well remove textures and use only 100mb of VRAM, lol
  6. Known bug, there is a shadow stripe fix mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27418
  7. Save game file bloat has been a problem since day one, my current save file is at 9.55Mb. I think the most I've seen my saves files at about 15mb but not 120MB LOL. Disabling autosave as a positive effect on loading times but that's not you problem.
  8. It's a bad idea because they want their money quicker and games on day one release now days are bad anyway, Skyrim was one of the worst day one releases on the PC next to Crysis 2. I don't know why PC users bother because we're getting a slightly better XBox360 version anyway.
  9. Personally I don't think Skyrim gets better and the start is one of the best parts of the game. A lot of places are uninspiring and repetitive although the design of the world is impressive, it just feels very repetitive and one reason why starting again is good for a fresh feel. What doesn't help is the sounds, music and voices are very repetitive so the game doesn't seem to progress from the start much.
  10. I can hit 2Gb of VRAM with 16 mods, all texture enhancements, 2K textures, ENB plus Anti-Aliasing at 1920x1080. If you start getting bad pausing then you might want to think about a 3GB card, just make sure you want it for other games as well not just for skyrim I have a GTX560 Ti 2GB.
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