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Dwight Darkmoon

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Everything posted by Dwight Darkmoon

  1. These are the true entities in power. They are the ones controlling almost every governments in the industrialized world. I started following American and international politics about 18 months ago. The night when i discovered how they robed the american people, i couldn't sleep. I was so upset i was almost shaking in front of my monitor. I also discovered in the following weeks that reality is much worst than fiction. That most of the conspiracy theories of the 90s are not only true but the reality is much much worst than i ever thought it would be. What got me searching for answers is that the actions of the politicians have nothing to do with what they say. I started listening closely to what they say and what kind of bills they were trying to pass. If you look at the kind of bills they are pushing forward in the USA since the Bush era, you will start to think that there is a special interest group that is trying to shift the USA into a electronic dictatorial police state. They kill competition and they don't like capitalism or the free market. They use mainstream media for propaganda and they installed backdoors on every gadget, bits of technology or services that everyone loves. Most of this information can be found pretty easy on the net. Almost nothing is top secret. People just don't give a s*** anymore or are willfully ignoring it. The only thing preventing them from taking over the world is the american middle class. If people don't wake up, the american middle class will disappear and the rest of the free world will follow.
  2. This is the new trend. A few years ago, company that used this were pretty rare. Now its the norm. I am not talking only about the video gaming industries. It is also cell phone, software and many online services. The EULA prevents any of there users to sue them for good or bad reason. When you agree to the EULA you forfeit all your rights. Even the right to a good product or service. This doesn't fit with anything we ever known in north america. Every company, what ever the goods or services they are selling is forced by law to put out a good working product. All the EULAs that we see now is a side effect of having too many people not caring about what is going on in their country and having our politicians and judges bought by corporations.
  3. After reading your post, i clicked on the link metalfourbe gave us and noticed that Journal Mod by Kyoma was uploaded on 14 February 2008 and was last updated on 16 march 2011. That is good news. Chances are that this person is still around and busy playing skyrim. I hope we will get lucky. :)
  4. This is a great idea. I never even thought about this before reading this post. I like the idea and i am sure i would use it, at least a little. I was doing this in world of warcraft. I use to wrote little notes about the NPCs, beasts, quests, region or loot. Stuff that matters to a adventurer. I hope someone makes this for skyrim. Since the game is in C++ now, i am not sure if we can port mods from Oblivion to Skyrim. I also think that you won't get any response from the author. Our best chance is to get a modder interested in making this mod once the creation kit is out. I hope we will get lucky.
  5. That is good news. Thanks kitsuneshoujo. We need to find someone to make the models now.
  6. Hello, I have been playing skyrim for many hours now and i noticed something about crafting food. Something small that could had some flavor to the hundreds of house mods that will be made once the creation kit is out. The developer did a good job with the crafting and the food models and textures but it could use a little diversity. The soups and stews are sharing the same texture and model. That is Apple and Cabbage Stew, Beef Stew, Cabbage and Potato Soup, Elsweyr Fondue, Horker Stew, Tomato Soup, Vegetable Soup and Venison Stew. My request is for someone to make new models and textures so that every food looks different. Here is a picture of the default model and texture for soups and stews. http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/7109/skyrimsoriginalsoupstew.jpg Its pretty good but i think a little diversity could spice things up. If anyone is interested in making this, i have included pictures to spark your imagination. http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/4131/appleandcabbagestew.jpg http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2149/beefstew.jpg http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/5390/cabbagepotatosoup.jpg http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/3435/elsweyrfondue.jpg http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/236/horkerstew.jpg http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/6238/tomatosoup.jpg http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/1874/vegetablesoup.jpg http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8905/venisonstew.jpg Since Horkers are fictional creatures, i found the next best thing. A picture of a seal stew. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif This could be a cool mod/modder's resource. Anyone up for the challenge?
  7. Adrius2 is 100% right. I play 1 or 2 hours a day and i can barely find the time to look up the forum to know if the creation kit is out. This is how i came across this post. There is some balancing to do. Some stuff are too hard for some class while being too easy for other. Nothing serious in my opinion. i think its normal with a game of this magnitude. The good news is, it will only get better with time. I love this game and i already voted Skyrim for game of the year! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  8. I am looking forward to make a better house and a inventory sorter to help me with my digital hoarding problem. That is pretty much it. I think skyrim is much better than oblivion and i really don't feel the need to mod it. There was several things that i had to mod to make oblivion enjoyable. I am glad to see that vanilla skyrim kicks vanilla oblivion's butt! :)
  9. Hello, I am currently playing a mage and i don't have enough hotkeys to make the combat really interesting. Pausing in a combat is a game breaker for me. It just kills the fun. I am looking for a mod that could had hotkeys. Adding 9, 0, -, = should be enough for me. After using the search tool i decided to post here because it wasn't returning anything good. Is there a mod that will let me add hotkeys?
  10. I don't know anything about this person or where is he comming from. That means i can't really say that it is a good or bad thing but using torrent is a brilliant idea. I am surprised that the nexus doesn't partialy use this system. It could be used as mirror to take out some stress off the servers and lower the cost operating nexus. Assuming that is pretty weak logic. What prevents someone to use, modify or upload your mod everywhere is his own morality. That as nothing to do with the way the mod was distributed. There are laws that everyone has to follow. Torrent or not, if you break the laws you will have to answer for your action.
  11. One modder made a mod so that the leveling in oblivion was more like fallout. I don't think there would be any problem making a mod to make fallout leveling more like skyrim. A good script writer with lots of free time should be able to do this.
  12. I don't really care about this issue. Nudity won't ever influence my judgement over a game. I voted nay for TES but if a game developer thinks nudity would serve his game well, i think he should go for it.
  13. About once a year i get a weird bug like that in a game from steam. Its small bug that doesn't broke the game but it is a bit annoying. To fix it i hit verify game files integrity. Most of the time there is a corrupt file that is causing the problem. The problem should be fix by the scan. I hope it helps you.
  14. I just gave the offline mode another try. Works perfectly on my PC now. I wish it had 2 months ago when i needed it.
  15. 2 months ago my internet connection was down for about 3 hours, my isp was doing repairs and upgrades on their network. Guess what, i couldn't play any of my steam games. I was a big fan of steam up to that moment. I also bought a game that was broken and i couldn't get my money back. I discovered that steam is hiding behind a bullet proof TOS and every time you buy a game from steam you forfeit your right to a good product. Good or bad your money is gone. That is wrong in a modern society. If i could play my games offline and have the opportunity to get my money back for bad/broken games i would absolutely be steam's biggest fan.
  16. I tried adding 0 at the end like 6 weeks ago and it doesn't work and i forgot about it. The script was working anyway. I am about to start a second game and this time around i thought of getting rid of it. The link to geck page you gave me said to add 1 at the end. Makes sense if zero doesn't work. player.additem SuperStimpak 10 1Adds 10 super stimpacks to the player's inventory and no message is displayed I am not sure where to add the 1 though. Player.RemoveItem WonderGlue tempCount 1 or Player.RemoveItem WonderGlue 1 tempCount Anyway it shouldn't be hard to find :) Thanks for the response. <div><br></div><div>Oh snap! The editor ate my post :(</div>
  17. Hello, I use a sorter script in my mod and i want to know if it is possible to get rid of the messages. Its a bit annoying http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gifwhen you have lots of items on you. This is my script. SHORT TEMPCOUNT If (Player.GetItemCount WonderGlue >=1) Set tempCount to Player.GetItemCount WonderGlue Player.RemoveItem WonderGlue tempCount LHCrPaLoCaRef.additem WonderGlue tempCount EndIf
  18. There is a mod called Zap Away! NV. This mod puts a small pistol that can get rid of corpses. This mod is bug free and works perfectly. Its much better than 99.9999% of the mods on nexus and yet still pretty much unknown. If you use mods that spawns a lot of NPCs like wasteland defenses or many others, you willl love this mod. You can zap the corpses you already looted. Helps to see what corpses are left too loot. I got this mod because i use the mod Luxury Hideout in Goodsprings. I was tired of seeing Joe Cobb's body and the rest of his powder gangers corpses lying around day after day in fron of my hideout. Got the gun, zapped the corpses and now i am one happy customer. I was reading the nexus forum and found a post about a guy that liked this mod. That is how i found out. about this mod. So now its my turn to spread the word. This is a quote from my endorsement post of the Zap Away! NV Mod. Zap Away! NV http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=38095 Luxury Hideout http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=37827 @Flokii The mod you are talking about Misc Items as Weapons. Did not have screenshots uploaded with the mod. A lot of nexus users including me feels that the majority of the mods on nexus are crappy or worthless. So basicaly we don't download mods without screenshots. Its a way of protecting ourselves against unwanted nuisance. If you put some time and effort in making a mod. I am sure you won't have a problem taking 5 mins to make and upload screenshots. Uploading mods without screenshots is pretty much shooting yourself in the foot. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif
  19. Looks like the youtube BBCode doesn't work so here is a link to the video. Hello, I am working on a mod called Alternate Rose of Sharon Cassidy. Its now ready to be uploaded but before i do, i would like to share it to potentialy find some bugs and get some input from the community. This mod makes Cass a Sniper/Stealth character. So if you are interested in such a thing please give it a try. What i don't like about my mod and what i would like input on is: Body. (Head and body doesn't match) Hair (cliping on the forehead in certain position and dialogue) I would like to get body and hair suggestions. If you know some resources/mods i could use. I do have photoshop and knifscope but i have a very basic knowledge of both of them. So tutorials are good too. If you would like to give some input on gear too there is no problem. I must warn you that i like her gear like it is now but it is the coolest gear i could find. (to the best of my knowledge and personal taste) If by any chance you would like to contribute one of your mods or resources or make something from scratch for this mod. Just let me know. Here is a link to my mod http://www.mediafire...xelkbs9hn41u7w7 Here is my readme WIP. If you contribute something don't wory. I will list your name and credit you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/8791/altcass.jpg Name: Alternate Rose of Sharon Cassidy Version: 1.0 Date: 01/14/2011 Category: Companions Author: Dwight Darkmoon Requirement: Nothing :) F.A.Q/Conversation with myself ;) ======== Q: Why did you make this mod? A: I made it for myself. I thought that maybe someone else could be looking for easy customizable alternate Cass. When i got all the permissions i decided to upload it. Q: What is this mod? A: This mod makes Cass a sniper. She looks more stealthy and professional. At least at long and medium range. Q: What do you mean? A: Well... I gave Cass a chainsaw! So at close range, not so stealthy. More like New Vegas Chainsaw Massacre. Q: Its a bit of a paradox to give a chainsaw to a stealth character don't you think? A: Yes, but its a lot of fun. See video. Q: Looking at the video and screenshots i think i can see the ghost bodysuit for type 3 body and a few other mods. This mod must have a lot of requirements? A: Nope. Thanks to the generosity of a lot of community members, i was able to get permission to use a lot of assets. See Mods and Credits below. Q: Sounds great but what does it change for me? A: Because of all the permissions, i was able to repack everything into a .bsa file and make everything unique. (New ID) Cass use only the resources from this mod. Because of this, Cass can't be affected by other cosmetic mods. Q: What about compatibility with other mods? A: Since everything in this mod is for Cass only, Its compatible with every mod. (Unique race, body and gear) Q: What about installation and customization? A: Easy installation (only 2 files) and easy to customize. If you extract the .bsa with fallout mod manager, you will be able to change EVERYTIHNG on the fly by renaming and overwriting files. Body, Eyes, Hair etc... Without the fear of messing around with all the female characters in the game. Q: All mods can be customize. Why do you say your mod is easier? A: Because of the folder structure, file names and file paths. As simple as it gets. I don't use the normal paths or names, i made it even simpler to understand. Q: So you are saying that if i am new and i am looking to start modding characters and body parts i should start with yours? A: It could help. Since its easy to install and uninstall. Just delete the .esp and .bsa. If you extracted it, all the files from this mod are in folders called alternate rose of sharon cassidy. (Meshes, Textures and Sounds) Q: Anyithng else we should know? A: Yes! If you want to mod the head of the character you have to read throttlekitty's readme from her mod Eyelashes Fallout 3. Included in this download.[YOU HAVE TO] These are not the regular head meshes and textures. They have been made to use eyelashes. Mods and Credits ======= Hair ---- Name: Ashara's hair Conversions Version: 4.0 Author: Ashara Source: http://www.fallout3n...ile.php?id=6982 Thank you for sharing the mod's assets without asking permissions. Eyes ---- Name: Sparkling Eyes Version: 1.2 Author: AntoniusMaximus Source: http://www.fallout3n...ile.php?id=6443 Thank you for giving me permission to use the mod's assets. Body ---- Name: DIMONIZED Type3 Body Official Release Version: 1.0 Author: dimon99 and Backsteppo Uploader/Support: Kendo 2 Source: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=37537 Thank you for giving me permission to use the mod's assets and for generously offering me a unreleased redhead body texture. Eyelashes, Head Fixes and Merged Mouths --------------------------------------- Name: Eyelashes Fallout 3 Version 1.1 Author: throttlekitty Source: http://fallout3nexus...ile.php?id=6483 Thank you for giving me permission to use the mod's assets. Armor ----- Name: Ghost bodysuit for Type3 Version 2.6 Author: Fizz Source: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=34985 Thank you for sharing the mod's assets without asking permissions. Sunglasses ---------- Name: Sunglasses Collection NV Version 1.0 Author: farbentier Uploader/Support: StrykZ Source: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=36333 Thank you for sharing the mod's assets without asking permissions. Sniper Rifle ------------ Name: SVD - Dragunov sniper rifle Version 1.1 Author: HeroinZeros Source: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=36085 Thank you for sharing the mod's assets without asking permissions. Sniper Rifle Retexture ---------------------- Name: HeroinZeros SVD - Dragunov Sniper Rifle Black Retexture Version 1.1 Author: xRevan117x Source: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=39108 Thank you for sharing the mod's assets without asking permissions. Lower back tattoo ----------------- Name: well... Lower back tattoo Author: Me Source: This mod. Bug Report ========== If you find a bug, please send me a private message on New Vegas Nexus or Planet Fallout to let me know. Files ===== Alternate Rose of Sharon Cassidy.bsa Alternate Rose of Sharon Cassidy.esp Alternate Rose of Sharon Cassidy ReadMe.txt Tools Used ========== Fallout Mod Manager - http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=36901 New Vegas Geck - http://fallout.beths...loads/geck.html KnifScope - http://www.brotherso...ope-171780.html Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com...otoshop/family/ NVIDIA .dds Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop - http://developer.nvi...ds_plugins.html Readme Generator - http://LHammonds.gam..._generator1.asp Licensing/Legal =============== You must contact me and obtain my permission before doing anything with this mod.
  20. I think you also need to un-tick the 'Playable' box in the Weapon Flags. Thank you for the answer. One of the only 2 things i did not try. Maybe there is also a form list of the weapon that use AmmoCompanion. I will try that also.
  21. Hello, I made a new weapon for cass and made it use AmmoCompanion. I also added the custom weapon to these form list: CassItems, NVCassWeapons and NVCompanionWeapons. Cass stills runs out of ammo. Is there something else i need to do to have unlimited ammo for companion?
  22. Thank you for the answer. I will give the mods a try.
  23. Hello, When i was playing oblivion and fallout 3 i use mods for animations and poses. Actors in Charge, Actors in Madness, UmpaAnimation etc... Now i am playing FNV and i can't seem to find any. I see a lot of screenshots that suggest that players are using some. My question is. Is there any mods for animations and poses in FNV? I am also looking for a knife mod. One without the need to ask for permission to use the assets would be great. I am working on a mod that needs it and all the author i have send messages to are not answering. The knife mod can be from oblivion or fallout 3. One last question. Might not be the best place to ask but i will try anyway. If i make a mod (that is only a esp) with someone else's mod as parent master. Do i have to ask their permission to use the mod even if i don't repack, distribute or upload any assets from their mod? Thank you.
  24. Thanks TallgeeseIV This will help. I have been tweaking stuff in the geck for a long time but just started learning more to make better mods. I wasn't using the PlayMusic function. I rewrote a script from fallout 3 that was working without using this PlayMusic function. Maybe that is what changed from FO3 to FONV, maybe i did miss something. I don't know but if you can use the files with the play function in your script, something tells me i will too in a near future. Thanks again.
  25. I also have the same problem. Something changed from FO3 to FONV. I was working on a jukebox that play the new vegas soundtrack and i gave up. I just don't get how to use the sound files. I have tried a lot of ways to make it work but it doesn't. Troubleshooting is a bit hard. How can i find the problem if i can't get it to play in the geck first. I am pretty sure my script was good because i have use it for other things that works flawlessly. Any help would be much appreciated. Now that i am thinking about it... In the quest where the courier launches the rockets for the ghouls, when the courier activates the console, rides of the valkyries starts playing. I think we should take a look in this cell. We might find something interesting.
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