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Posts posted by blackninja50

  1. @daventry why remove all the Cliffracers? the players like me that started with Oblivion rather then Morrowind never got to kill or even see one, we want to kill one too.
  2. Dynasty heroes online let you decorate your house as did a host of other games. So if you gave every player his own player home mini map and let him use a CK to edit it I think this could kind of work.


    PS. The Elder Scrolls online dose not have 8 times more content then Skyrim as that would not only take 12 years to make (Skyrim took 4 years) but the game would be 12 gigs and I highly drought anyone would be able to download that much. I could be wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.

  3. Staying at lvl 1 lol anyone that played Oblivion should know what thats like. I would have stayed at lvl 1 but Skayrim's lvling is way better then Oblivions so there was no need. One question tho how dose one become bored with Skyrim even with all it's mods :psyduck: ?
  4. @Stemin Okay, so your saying that if I make a game in Japanese that requires a special Japanese keyboard to play, then translate it to English but don't change the IU, so you have to use the odd-ball Japanese keyboard that's fine. Because the game was intended for the odd-ball Japanese keyboard? The point ginnyfizz made was that some people buy the game on PC because they don't want to, or CAN"T use a 360 controller. Also, if your too short and fat to play basketball, then buy an adjustable hoop like the people that buy Skyrim for the PC because they don't want to/can't use an Xbox controller.


    @ginnyfizz sorry about being off topic but from what you said, it sounds like you have arthritis. If so I would strongly recommended you try taking Methylsulfonylmethane aka MSM, it's what my old man takes for his arthritis and it really works.

  5. Thats all well and good but how the hell do you kill a dragon then? Save for getting resist fire 100%, Legendary dadric armor (with a shield) and shout cool down 80% so you can Spam dragonrend and other shouts? (there is a bug that lets you spam shouts with only shout cool down 80%).
  6. @Allannaa

    1) There is no INI tweak I know of that dose that.

    2) I don't think Bethesda really cares about moders anymore, if they did Skyrim would have made for the PC and ported to the XBox, not the other way around.

    3) All future games that will ever be made by Bethesda or any large game company will need Steam simple as that. Steam is the future of gaming and there is nothing you or anyone can do to stop it. Because idiots think that it somehow magically stops pirates and makes them buy the game. *sigh*


    Not to sound like an A but thats the way things are, I would love to be proven wrong tho.

  7. I have the same problem with Lyda she drowse her sword and shield then stands there like an idiot and will not move at all. She only attacks when something is right up against her, if she has a bow she will use it to attack but she only ever seems to hit me. Other followers will actually fight and she used to actually fight so I'll try making a new character and see if that fixes it.
  8. Well there are to many tastes in mods and to many mods for anyone to make a "must have list" but this are some of the ones I love and would recommended.

    Build Your Own Home Is WAY better then harthfire.

    SkyUI Makes the UI more PC friendly.

    Immersive Armors doubles the number of armors in game (I believe) whats more you will never know the armors are mod added.

    JaySuS Swords The same as Immersive Armors only it's for swords.

    A Quality World Map - With Roads needs High Quality 3D Map like the name says it adds a better map witch helps a lot when you're trying to find your way.

    ApachiiSkyHair Adds way more hair. Some hairs may not be lore friendly but still a grate mod.

    Run For Your Lives Makes all those town people run from dragons helps prevent dragons from wiping out all the NPCs.

    Skyrim Monster Mod The same as Immersive Armors only it's for monsters. Also look in it's recommended mods section.

    and Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixes bugs and thats always good right?


    PS. You might want to look into Wrye Bash

    (1) It makes it safe to try out new mods because it will restore everything to the way it was when you uninstall a mod

    (2) It makes more mods compatible with each other by importing information from different mods into a "bashed patch"

    (3) It allows you to exceed the 255 mod threshold by automatically merging mods for you

    And Boss (boss sorts your mods load order so certain mods don't make the game crash).

  9. @AnkhAscendant BLASPHEMY! with Sheogorath and some chess all things are possible even if it's not or is it snot? Ho and about Forsworn armor is that Legendary, enchanted or just normal? Because Legendary is way better then normal.
  10. Well if you want to stay close to Bethesda's lore. Try this.

    The first one: Among other things what is Dibella the goddess of?

    Second one: With magic/Sheogorath some strings and shells can make armor stronger then any mere mortal armor. So you could just find the skimpyist armor in the vanilla game and compare it to th armor in question to determine if a armor is un-lore friendly.

    last one: If Sheogorath is not involved it's probably not lore friendly, witch actually could be used as a answer for all 3.


    But thats only me... or is it?

  11. I suppose It could be done with some work. However if you just want something nearly impossible to kill, I or anyone with the CS could make a mod with a nearly impossible to kill mud crab or any Vanilla monster or any mod added monster in a few minutes. Of coarse if you really wanted a Chimera you could probably use NifSkope and add body parts from one monster to another and make a Chimera but I'm not sure how to do that.
  12. Ops I mean tail not tall sorry about that. And the reason for the tail is I'm planing a mod called Oblivion Drops Overhaul or ODO for short the idea of it is to add more items to all none human enemies so it feels more rewording to fight them. My Idea was that rats would drop rat tails, you would get a quest from the fighters guild to turn them in (much like the vampires dust quest).


    The Mud crab shell would be used like the rat tail with a fighters guild quest and all but could also be taken to a blacksmith and used to forge shell armor (I have yet to find one) like madness ore.


    The breakable vase (or jug) is just a item to clutter my dungeon with, guess I like havocked and breakable things (played to much Half Life2).

  13. Yes I know no one takes requests on this forum anymore or reads my posts but it's worth a shot right? I need some items for a personal mod I'm working on, the items I need are


    (1) A breakable vase, dose not need to be a new model a breakable version of the in game lower class vase would do fine (World object).

    (2) A Havocked rate tall (misc item).

    (3) A Havocked Mud crab shell (misc item).

    (4) A retextured black Adept Sorceress (WARNING Adult only). the mod is not free to use Q.Q.

    (5) (WARNING Adult only well kind of)

    The last one is to take this http://imageshack.us/a/img211/3052/screencapture2012093010.th.jpg monster from the MMO Requiem:Memento Mori and add it to Oblivion as a Lich, this would be the hardiest as it would need to be made from scratch as porting/riping it would probably be illegal. I doubt anyone would even consider this but it was worth a try



    Thats really all of them, if anyone thinks they can do one of this pleas post here or PM me.

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