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Status Updates posted by Wyrdfire

  1. Special relativity holds as much water as Star Trek physics :D

    Galileo discovered SR, and Hasenöhrl derived E=mc2 without the SR theory, before Einstein. Um. Now where's that quantum cavitation engine I was working on?

  2. Ello :) Hope you're doing okay.
  3. Hi Cheesey hiiii :P
  4. ROFL xD i can imagine the poor guy trying to play his 360 without cables and without his underwear on :P
  5. *sings* "yeeeaaaeeeaaah, cut right into meee"...

    sorry you're feeling down. why not tell me something that makes you irrationally angry?

    or... uh, do you want some of my dessert? it's vanilla ice cream served with banana-mango syrup :-9

  6. aaah calculus! D:

    good luck, grue!

    *throws ninja smoke bomb and disappears*

  7. You've all been suspiciously quiet today, and I think I can hear some evil chuckling going on there...
  8. *waves at grue waving at lisnpuppy, and smiles viciously*
  9. phew, grues may have invented stalking, but i'm a dream traveler (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klonoa) and you're sleeping now... *ponders* i might pay you a visit :P
  10. um, i might have to add you.... *click*

    too late! :p

  11. "very sweet, funny, talented, helpful"... you clearly deserve a kudo & 5 star for being a good friend to my friend ithil :)
  12. um, we'll see... i can be more immature than a four year old child in a grocery store :p
  13. What is you name m'lady? Lisnpuppy?

    Pleased to make your acquaintance!

  14. Yes you should... but only if you can stand me for more than 5 minutes :P
  15. *preys on grue while he's sleeping, but then remembers about ginger rage and silently slips away*
  16. *pours lemon on grue and chomps other leg*
  17. yep, unfortunately for the 2,768,319 registered members of this forum (minus the banned ones plus the banned members who have created multiple user names), the mods agreed to reactivate my account :P
  18. thank u thank u thank u *hugs grue's leg*


    *gives naive, totally innocent look*


    *chomps into his leg*


    (close up of me making a weird face) Mwa-ha-ha-ha!

  20. (note to self: stealing from grue = ginger rage = hospitalization)
  21. *waits patiently for the laxatives in the cookie to take effect...*
  22. *steals ingredients from other forum members while running like the wind to escape from grue, quickly mixes everything together, shapes them into cookies and puts them into ithildin's oven while she's busy playing skyrim*

    *leaves cookie here with an innocent look on his face*

    aaagh now leave me beeee.....

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