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Posts posted by Wyrdfire

  1. Haven't tried, but the player.setscale console command could work (player.setscale 1.2 should make the character 1.2 times bigger). And by clicking an NPC and typing setscale (without "player.") should also let you resize nps or objects.
  2. Oblivion console commands should work (I haven't tried). Launch the console using the ~ key and enter the commands:


    player.setcrimegold 0


    player.setpcinfamy 0


    The first one sets your bounty to zero gold, the second resets your infamy points.

  3. If you're using in-game screenshots (printscr key) look in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim

    when using Steam screenshot key (F12) look in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata




    EDIT: sorry, misread the OP. Did you say Win98 ? :blink:



  4. Short answer: yes, the Infernal City series describe the events taking place between Oblivion and Skyrim.


    Long answer: I omitted some names, etc. but it's a spoiler anyway, so if you want to know:



    After Martin Septim sacrifices himself, the events of the Auroran Crisis (KotN expansion) take place.


    The Septim bloodline is no more, the Amulet of Kings is destroyed and the throne of the Empire is left empty. The High Chancellor, the Elder Council and the Blades struggle to maintain order, but their power is challenged and weakened by the various provinces taking advantage of the weakened Empire.


    The novels describe the events leading up to the crisis in Skyrim. Forty years after the Oblivion crisis, a huge flying city moves across Tamriel killing those it falls upon and raises the dead to power itself. A young Breton girl and her Argonian friend decide to seek to find a way to stop the destruction.


    During this time the city of Vivec is destroyed when the Ministry of Truth falls, triggering Red Mountain to explode, destroying Vvardenfell island and causing massive destruction to the rest of the province of Morrowind. The Empire collapses, and all of Tamriel are thrown into chaos.


    The Black Marsh is no longer part of the country of Tamriel, and neither is Elsweyr. Morrowind is invaded and overrun by the Black Marsh Argonians who drive out the Dunmer (there you go Telvanni and slave traders!)


    When you start in Skyrim (4th era) the High King has been assassinated and many nords wish to secede from the Empire since the fall of the Septims two centuries ago, while others want to remain part of it. According to the Elder Scrolls, these are the last events to occur before the return of the great dragon Alduin, the nordic god of destruction.


  5. Ban Wyrdfire because I hate pokimon

    That's not a pokemon :pinch:


    Bans Delikatessen for having 291 posts. 291 is my unlucky number :laugh:



  6. I've only seen screenshots so far, but I don't think they look that bad. I swear some of the mods in Oblivion made characters look like little anime girls that just stepped off the runway. At least they blend in now with the rugged climate. :rolleyes:





    Trust me, it's impossible to make a decent looking character :)



    /me waits for Robert's body mod...

  7. Well the LHC is trying to find new particles that can change the entire way we view the world.

    I don't know if the LHC is going to change the way the view the world, but one thing I'm sure of is, it took 16 years and a consortium of 20 nations spending 10 billions to complete plus a yearly operating cost of 1 billion... and it doesn't work. The accelerator will shut down for 15 months for repairs and is scheduled to start up again in a couple of years.


    So what if the Higgs boson doesn't exist at all? In my opinion, we're just throwing money out of the window in a time of deepening global crisis... and the same goes for robot soldiers.


    /end rant

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