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Everything posted by TheHermit84

  1. There's one that looks almost close to that named Emperor's WIll - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46672/?
  2. Hi all, I just watched a review video for the player home mod Jaggarsfeld and I came up with a brilliant idea for a mod that'd be useful, convenient and (somewhat) lore-friendly. What I love about Jaggarsfeld is the sorting system. I believe future home mods should definitely adapt on this sorting fe feature somehow as it makes life a lot easier and less laborious. I then thought to myself, what if I owned several homes and I decided to move from one house to another? It'd mean collecting all of my loot/clutter, surely becoming over encumbered, then travelling all the way (or console cheating my way) to the new abode where I then have to painstakingly re-place everything all over again! I thought, wouldn't it be good if I could add everything into a crate in my current home and through some sort of option menu I could move it to my newly designated home? But then how could this be integrated into Skyrim so it makes sense? Well... what about an East Empire Company chapter/affiliation that provides house moves (paid for of course). I didn't feel the East Empire Company had much of a presence in Skyrim. I feel the warehouses and offices lacked activity and atmosphere as did the quest lines. Wouldn't it be great to talk to an EEC representative and arrange a house move; They'd collect your goods once your gear was packed and transport it by horse and cart/ship to your new home, and upon arrival they'd even sort it for you (using some kind of smart script algorithm *shrugs*). Incidentally, this kind of mod would work beautifully alongside Real Estate mod. What's more, I feel player homes (including Hearthfires) really lack that individual touch and look bare. Some of the player home mods that are available provide some amazingly unique clutter, but I just wish there was a way to buy that clutter and add it to a vanilla/Hearthfires home with drag and drop simplicity. Couldn't there be another EEC chapter that dealt with general store goods too? I'm recalling mods like House Decorations - Plants and Flowers, Buyable Paintings and Pictures - Place Anywhere and Modders Resource Pack, but something that does more and seamlessly integrates it into TES lore. What do you lot think?
  3. Anybody fancy creating a replica of the Sverd i fjell momument for Skyrim? It looks like it belongs in Skyrim more than in the real world: http://i.imgur.com/qzMxEfq.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lf1g5gc7vC1qbvx8lo1_500.jpg http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4034/4619077255_81256e7947_o.jpg
  4. Hi all, pleased to meet you. I seek some assistance! I bought an XFX 7950 3GB Black Edition back in March 2013. Everything was fine and now I'm suddenly reaching temps of 100c in Skyrim, taking roughly 5 minutes to reach this temp in game http://imageshack.us/a/img109/8430/f978.png I've tried 3 other games, Fallout, BF3, Hitman and the temps are reaching unsafe marks. The fans are working at 100% on full load, there is no issue with the bearings that I can see. I haven't had any BSODs but games will usually CTD once these high temps are reached. My case is a Corsair 500R and is very well cooled.... in fact, nothing in my case has changed and the card used to run at 70c-75c under max load before. I've used compressed air to clean the case and GPU thoroughly. Room temps are normal, a little higher than normal in UK but nothing beyond 5c normal room temp... Not sure what's changed. I've tried to apply TIM thrice now using Akasa (AK-455) thermal paste and I've meticulously tried to seat the heatsink correctly... Everything LOOKS fine and the TIM appears to make contact and I don't use much but a pea size... but my temps are still dangerously high to use the GPU for gaming. Even just watching a youtube video I'm seeing my temps reach 65c! Ha! It idles around 45-50, which is so-so I suppose... GPU-Z readings: ----- IDLE Temp: 41c Fan Speed: 20% Fan Speed RPM: 755 RPM UNDER LOAD (SKYRIM) As soon as I loaded the game to the menu, temps jumped from 41-65c. Once in-game temp jumps to 80c then subsequently increased at approx 1c per second Temp: 97c-102c Fan Speed: 100% Fan Speed RPM: 3587 Game FPS: 60 (with vsync!!) GPU Load: 99% Memory Usage (Dedicated) 1019 MB (GPU has 3GB?!?!?! yet 99% load?!?!) ---- What's more, the case, when reaching these excessive temps... doesn't even feel THAT hot... but the PC and all temp measurement software all show the same reading. So it can't be wrong, right? I'm not getting any noticeable artifacting in game but FPS rates are lower than usual and there are more microstutters too. I've tried a number of different driver versions - reverted to old non-Beta etc... which haven't changed the situation... currently gone back to using the latest 7xxx series 13.8 Beta for 64bit OS. The Black Edition comes factory overclocked @ 900 MHz / 1375 MHz. I don't overclock myself. I see no need for it, so I've left it at stock. Sadly, the company I bought it off through amazon are no longer trading THROUGH amazon, so I cannot RMA... Amazon aren't being any help either. The company are available at their main website, but are reluctant to deal with me saying they have no recollection of trading through Amazon... funny that if you check this companies feedback on Amazon they were getting quite a lot of negative feedback... I wonder why. So I've ticketed XFX with the hope that they'll RMA me and not void my warranty for trying to fix the damn expensive card myself. I have received a reply and they are offering RMA, but it means sending the card to Nederland and I'm going through a lot of house moves at the moment. Plus I've had to 'request' permission to apply thermal paste from them to justify the damaged stickers. It's not really what I need right now. I don't think the GPU is dying... it's just pieced together incorrectly or something? Or perhaps an aftermarket cooler would solve the problem? I just don't want to buy one if the problem isn't to do with heatsink contact or whatever... Any more advice would be great, peeps. Thanks!! http://imageshack.us/a/img842/3196/mv7p.jpg
  5. I request this as well... to be honest Ragnar's hair should be pretty easy for any nifscope experienced modder. The vanila Orc hair "maleorchair14.nif" is perfect for Ragnar's hair... unfortantely it's orc race exclusive and the mesh would need to be altered for it to work on the human races. Anyone with a little time to make this an actuality? :)
  6. That actually worked for me as well! This problem has been pissing me off for months. Project Parallax Windhelm was the culprit. Uninstalled it. Ran around Windhelm for 1 hour or so... entering cells... exiting cells, et cetera. No crashes whatsoever...
  7. Oh indeed, I imagine it would take an awfully long time because I envisage truer facial expressions too, which would utilise all facial muscles and not just the movement of the mouth. It would have to be a massive overhaul of sorts. I'm surprised they didn't include it in this instalment of the Elder Scrolls, there was no sign of it in their Skyrim Game Jam either. I just can't help watching this video of Cicero and cringe, somewhat. The voice acting is so animated, preposterous, and maniacal that I imagine him to be flailing his arms about, touching his face, stamping his feet, eyes wide open, with a beguiling grin -- but he's not! He looks more like he's waiting for the bus home after an exhausting day at work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtDkrsmFh7k
  8. If there's one thing that's bothered me during my Elder Scrolls/Fallout play through(s), it's that the NPCs really lack an expressive or emotional presence when talking to the player character or each other. In my opinion, the voice acting in Skyrim is sublime and it's a shame that the NPC body language/acting doesn't compliment that. NPCs tend to stand rather statically or sway gently during the climatic and dramatic parts of the story line, where you'd expect them to show more of a true conviction; have a theatrical way about them, if you like - raise fists, hold their hand to their heart, bow down to their kings, show spirit and joy, nod their heads in agreement, move about more, etcetera... It becomes a little soulless and unconvincing, particularly, for example, the moment where you meet Arngeir, and he's delivering this epic speech and there's just no expression on his face at all! You may all remember The Sound of Skyrim video that Bethesda revealed just before the release of the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtuZb3PV7S0&feature=plcp&context=C41e149cVDvjVQa1PpcFPRCeRV1AYU5Qxtm5RXKH9wSj0zs7nFZsY%3D If you look at Christopher Plumber and how animated he is when reading his lines, despite only his voice being recorded, he really makes himself believable. It needs to be akin to this depending on the versatility of the Creation Engine/ Havok Physics. Now there was a mod for Oblivion named Talk with your hands, and it was brilliant, even if a little simplistic. It did the job: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14669 I would love to see a mod that develops upon this idea, that accentuates and really draws out the spirit of the story, by using timely hand gestures to emphasise their verbal utterances and maybe take it to another level as well by increasing the number of idles and task for the NPCs to do during their day. If only it could match the likes of the player acting in games like Bioshock, Metro 2033, or even the E3 game play video for Far Cry 3. I'd be super happy. Thanks all.
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