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Everything posted by TheHermit84

  1. That's great news! What did you have to do in the end?
  2. I hope there will be some epic victory feast at Thirsk Mead Hall if you side with the humans. Bjorni could be summoned over from Skyrim to serenade us with his well lubricated lute, telling us stories of his adventures... serving us with warm pullo cheese.
  3. The seq file workaround is no longer working? Is this across the board or just an issue with your installation on your new machine do you think? Is it not something another experienced modder might be able to assist you with?
  4. I realise that this isn’t a democracy as such, but my vote is for potatoes. If they’re gilded, they’ll want to look immacute and more igographical than say some freshly torn off bollocks. Haha! Quite a step up from Skitrskal :D
  5. Hey man, did you get my response regarding Ruk Ruk?
  6. Hey man, I know you didn't ask for it, but I wanted to give the Rieklings a shot seeing as you felt your own attempt was mediocre. I had 5 minutes to spare so I decided to run through a few of the Riekling Chief lines (as presumably you will have one or two Rieklings that speak in the common tongue). They were recorded in audacity on a yeti blue mic and pop filter with some slight noise reduction and '10%' increase in pitch. Otherwise, everything is pretty raw. No compress or whatever. See what you think. I'm not thin skinned so you can tell me it's s#*! if you feel it is ;) http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgd2dcwp2qcdf75/riekling.wav If you like, hit me up with a PM. Been in the community for ages so I wouldn't let you down by going AWOL and due to my working nights as a bouncer, I have a lot of free time during the day to meet your deadlines if needs be.
  7. Damn, you've been busy. Can't wait until the series (circle?) is complete. I intend to do a nord playthrough of all of your nord/stormcloak related mods for YouTube. I'm wondering, will we see anything more of Roderick Redbeard in these forthcoming mods? Whether it be a mere mention, a friend of his, a side quest involving him, a trip to his homeland, it'd be cool to tie together all of the narratives -- kind of like you did with Russell and NVBIII now that I think about it.
  8. Could someone please help me? I’m attempting to create a face using Race Menu and export it so that a vanilla NPC can use it. I Googled some tutorials and I found this one: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim The tutorial was written back in 2014 with Expired's CharGen Extension in mind, but I’ve been told that, since then, Race Menu can perform the export face (as *.nif) function as well so Race Menu users can follow the tutorial as well. So anyway, I made the face I wanted, which I’d planned to give to Gregor, one of the Hearthfires Housecarls. I followed the tutorial to the letter and it hasn’t worked. I tried again from scratch for a second time and it’s produced the same results. The *nif and everything is okay after using the NifMerger tool. It looks as the character should. But when I put the files into the correct folder structures: Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\HearthFires.esm\0000521E.nif Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\HearthFires.esm\0000521E.dds I can see in-game that the NPC doesn’t look right. Yes, he has the right eye colour, hair, brows, but the character gen morphs are all off. The nose and eye shape and general facial structure remains at whatever the original Gregor was set to. http://8.t.imgbox.com/AGKjGxU9.jpg The tutorial doesn’t say anything about this though. It tells you not to mess with it and only select right eye colour, hair and hair colour. The difference in the images above may be subtle at first glance, but look at the eye shape, mouth size, jaw line, nose size. You can see they look very different. What am I doing wrong? And yes, I did the whole Ctrl + F4 thing in the CK. The warpaint I used also doesn’t show up. Is there an easier more guaranteed method of going about this without having to start my character’s face from scratch? Is it not possible to forward the morph values contained in a jslot preset to an NPC in TES5Edit or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  9. So I finally found the cause. It had nothing to do with USLEEP. It only took my close to 24 hours (literally) to find the mod causing it, but I found it. Out of my 110 plugins running, only one of them caused this issue EVERY time: Wet & Cold.esp I'm using the current and quite possibly the final version of W&C. I started brand new game without mods and tested each of my mods that had plugins one by one. It wasn't until W&C that the problem with Faralda ending the walk prematurely started. I disabled W&C and it didn't happen. On over 100 runs (yes, it took a long time loading in and out) I didn't get the bug without W&C, not once. With it installed it happened. Has anyone figured out a fix for this yet?
  10. This was also posted in the USLEEP thread, but I felt it deserved its own thread because the issue is likely not to do with USLEEP. Although I haven't found USLEEP to be the cause of this bug myself, a 'ruvers rab' user by the name of bjornk mentioned USLEEP (or USKP) as being the probable cause, so I decided to report my problem here. You can read that original post here: Original Thread (LL) With that said, I'm having the exact same issue: Faralda prematurely ends her escort up to the college and fires her magelight spell prematurely. Although she doesn't light up the wells with her spell, the gate will still open, but occasionally this won't happen. The gate will be locked and I'll have to use console commands to push the quest. I'd rather not do this... yes... for the sake of immersion. I've taken footage of the bug here for visual reference: So my questions are: Has USLEEP (or its predecessors) attempted to fix this bug in the past?Is a fix included in the current version of USLEEP, but perhaps not functioning as it should?Does USLEEP cause the problem itself or has such a thing ever been reported?If neither of the above, does USLEEP intend to fix it at some point or has another mod fixed it?Is another mod known to cause this problem?USLEEP does appear do make changes to the MG01 quest and the scene in TES5Edit, but no AI/Package changes have been made as far as I can tell. Some help would be appreciated. Thank you. My Load Order: My Rig/OS if necessary:
  11. In response to post #37083415. Currently having the issue with imgbox (not imgur). I spoke to one of their technical staff and they said: "it's because the files are loaded via SSL instead of standard HTTP. Our servers are not configured to support that. We don't provide any URLs with HTTPS on imgbox. I'm going to get a certificate and install it - this is going to take a while thought." :( I don't really have the time or patience to migrate over 500 images from imgbox to imgur now that none of my images show up on the Nexus, but do everywhere else. One of my mod pages alone has about 100 images. How else can I work around this? Shall I just wait?
  12. @fadingsignal, okay, man, but please could we have more solid confirmation? I've been living under a rock for the past few years and only just found that these script fixes exist, but I would like to know whether or not they're necessary with USKP version 2.1.3+. USKP forums suggest that this Steve's scripts are no longer needed and may cause more problems than fix?
  13. See, I'm having this exact same problem. Everything was working perfectly, not a single crash. I decided to try out some new ini settings to gain FPS -- nothing dangerous, just reducing LOD distances. Everything worked flawlessly, but I then wanted to return to my original ini settings. Closed game down, reverted to old ini settings and started a new game... game loads up fine, but every time I fast travel, it doesn't matter where, I get instant CTD, also some buildings, as I approach them, they disappear. It's not a corrupted save file because I'm loading new game. I've refreshed my inis to default and still nothing. It's like something has hooked itself into my game and I can't figure out what. Papyrus logs aren't helping at all.
  14. Apologies for the thread necromancy, but I have the exact same problem. By any chance are you also missing areas in Greywater Grotto? If so, I think it's a bug in the latest SMIM.
  15. That's not what I meant. What you outlined there simply alters the version of NMM that MO interfaces with. I meant Mod Organizer itself! In the latest version (1.2.16) the patchers no longer launch. You need to downgrade to 1.2.15 installer. "Go to the downloads section and download the version 1.2.15 installer. Run the installer and point the installation directory to where you have Mod Organizer installed. Make sure Mod Organizer is not running first. Overwrite all the files and start up Mod Organizer again, the SkyProc patchers should all work now. I tried this and they're now working for me. Unfortunately it seems 1.2.16 is messed up right now."
  16. @Joe360 - Found the solution... problem with latest version of MO. Revert to older version: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=2452534
  17. What's strange is, if I delete the 'Start in' section, mine being "I:\Games\ModOrganizer - Skyrim\mods\Dual Sheath Redux\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch" The Java app will start, but when I try to apply the patch it cannot find Dual Sheath Redux.esp and will automatically abort. It will then add Dual Sheath Redux Patch files to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin" Very odd indeed. I can run the Java app fine outside of MO, but obviously, for MO users, this isn't very helpful. Seems like an issue with MO to me...
  18. I'm having the EXACT same problem and I've not found a solution anywhere. I've totally purged all Java from my system then used the latest offline version of Java. Still no luck. Even tried adding the 4GB patcher... no luck. Whenever I create the executable in MO it sets the binary to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe as well. Whenever I watch a tutorial video, this does not happen.
  19. Hi all! So, I'm modding Skyrim yet again and I want to solve an issue that has been bugging me since the beginning. I've always used a mash-up of textures and meshes for my trees. I don't like the vanilla trees in Skyrim (who does?), but I also don't use SFO 2.0 because it's a performance hog. I basically use a mixture of HD Trees, SFO (heavy snow pines) and a variety of other textures that get merged with the Skyrim Mod Combiner (previously Texture Pack Combiner). The obvious problem I have if that my LODs won't match up because my set-up is so customised. I've tried editing the tamrieltreelod.dds, but it doesn't seem to be as simple as that. It's difficult to tell which tree is meant to line up with which LOD as some of them are very similar. Basically, I want to know how I go about creating a new tamrieltreelod.dds for my current set-up. Is there are method that anyone could follow regardless of what's being mixed together? I can find plenty of tutorials on creating LODs for new worldspaces, but nothing as simple as creating new tree LOD for Tamriel worldspace. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks
  20. Hello all, I'm wanting to have a go at creating my own mash-up armor for Fallout New Vegas. There are lots of armors I like, but none that I feel will suit my character completely, so I wish to try my hand at creating something using assets from several, hence mash up. Could somebody point me in the right direction of a clean/streamline tutorial on how to create mash ups in 3DS Max?? I've tried several youtube tutorials, but they're generally outdated, hard to follow, or not useful for what I'm trying to do. I've tried Blender in the past, but I'm not too keen on it and I couldn't get it to work correctly anyway due to all the extras needed during installation. I have 3DS max and I'd like to use that so it's not just there collecting dust. Thank you
  21. Same here, Billy! Never had a problem with streetlights.esm in previous playthrough! I don't really want to omit it from my load order either
  22. I too get a little headache from trying to decipher Kitty's posts, however, I like her style and it's clear she's very informative, so I respect all the help you've provided, Kitty :) My streetlights doesn't use BSA though? I'm not even sure what the problem is. I've been to the raider encampment a couple of times in this playthrough and all was fine. Now I return it suddenly causes CTD. That to me IS weird and doesn't make me think of a meshes problem. Uninstalling and reinstalling the mod made no difference either. So you're saying another mod in my load order is overwriting and misdirected links between streelight's meshes?
  23. You're right, I won't jump too fast ;) But I decided to do as you said. I disabled EVERYTHING EXCEPT Fallout3.esm and there was no CTD. I did this with all plugins up until the 4th, which is streelights.esm... it CTD. I now have all mods activated with the exception of Streelights.esm and my merge patch.esp. No CTD! But now I'm confused as to why it would crash with streetlights in that area when it was fine several hours before? Very, very, very odd!
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