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Nexus Mods Profile

About DeGorro82

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls [ESO excluded]
  1. Play it 3 weeks ago, no problem whatsoever. Then come a lot of job assignment, leave DS3 for 2 weeks. Now I can play it but I already forgot where I am and what to do. Need some in-game Map mod so I can follow this game once more. Kinda lost at this time. Note : Does DS1 & DS2 had in-game map mod ? nope isn't it ? :confused:
  2. The Witcher 3 surely a GOTY, but the life span are at the end. After 1st Big DLC, TW3 had nothing to be expected until the 2nd Big DLC coming out. So here they are, making Mod Contest that surely will prolong the game until the next DLC.
  3. I still remember when Nexus was on dire situation, and thanks for those in charge, this site can survive with the new system and even in better condition. Specifically many thanks for the Games Developers that create their game easier to be modded, the Modders themself and the web hosting who finalize it. Dev - Modders - Host ; it's a symbiosis. One try to topple another, and the game itself will be short lived. *F# EA, Long Live Bethesda and similar Devs"
  4. @LHammond & everybody ... I have an odd case right here ... The picture is attached ... The case is, I'm testing to edit a body texture of Fallout New Vegas's BNB belong to Thaumx, by using Adobe Photoshop CS5. His texture are different than the origin ones because his texture got an alpha layers, which if i edited and saved the files, & reload the file, it will get a result a flat blue image and the alpha layer are gone. I'm tinker the "NVIDIA save setup" a little bit and still get a flat blue image (like normal maps). But when I'm download and Install GIMP v2.8, & it can't open dds files. So I'd tried back to Photoshop CS5, and try to open the dds file edit & save, then reload it, and surprisingly, this time i don't get a flat blue image, but the texture i just edit & saved before ... I wonder why... do anybody knows why ?
  5. For Moderator, Please delete this thread ... I know I'm start it wrong placed ... Thank you ...
  6. Okay ... people likes to change their own setting of his/her games... but somehow, they don't have or lack of the program/software to do their jobs. Can we discuss per case of how to became a Texture Modder ? So for example, I have 2 question need help for answer : 1. I have Adobe Photoshop CS5, but i cannot load the DDS files... What should I do ? (I bought the product and it's not cheap ... it's stressful not to have it work for jobs i need.) 2. I have download Gimp v2.8, but i cannot load the DDS files... What should I do ? I hope this thread can live long enough for an amateur like me, because other thread i see is too confusing and advance in their explanation. OR ... if there is another thread like this which will guide a very very beginner modder ... I would be very very appreciate.
  7. This site has many haters, if you traverse to others skyrim community. But for me this site is very user friendly and make modder up-front their creation, this things make both parties and donwloaders happy. I hope many people still play this game, not for it's story anymore (cause 3rd times is enough), but for fun and waiting another big game release. [but still I hate Skyrim for it's memory management can't past above 4GB]
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