@LHammond & everybody ... I have an odd case right here ... The picture is attached ... The case is, I'm testing to edit a body texture of Fallout New Vegas's BNB belong to Thaumx, by using Adobe Photoshop CS5. His texture are different than the origin ones because his texture got an alpha layers, which if i edited and saved the files, & reload the file, it will get a result a flat blue image and the alpha layer are gone. I'm tinker the "NVIDIA save setup" a little bit and still get a flat blue image (like normal maps). But when I'm download and Install GIMP v2.8, & it can't open dds files. So I'd tried back to Photoshop CS5, and try to open the dds file edit & save, then reload it, and surprisingly, this time i don't get a flat blue image, but the texture i just edit & saved before ... I wonder why... do anybody knows why ?