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Everything posted by zrovektor

  1. So, even with havok and 3dmax no one is capable of custom animations yet? I thought at least a few people would be capable of producing animations, but I guess not. How disappointing.
  2. As many posts as I see trying to resurrect the Enclave, you would think the mod section would be filled to the brim with Enclave quest lines. What is the deal? Am I to believe that none of these people are willing to make a DLC sized Enclave story? You could have a team of 40 people by tomorrow. I mean, not me of course. I can only think of one or two viable ways to incorporate them into a current storyline and in general I believe they should stay dead. But nothing is stopping the Enclave loving crowd from Lazarusing the heck out them. While your at it, you can show how they became more technologically advanced than the BOS because they were in league with the Zetans. Wrap the whole thing up in a nice little bow!
  3. Turns out that I am indeed being stupid. All may ignore my stupidity. Nothing to see here folks. Have a pleasant day.
  4. The answer is probably yes. Here's the issue. Say I'm working on a mod I've saved. We'll call it WIP. I've changed WIP in many ways. I wake in the morning, pour some coffee, and open WIP. Everything is in order. Now I change the .nif of a laser projectile and save as WIP2. In the process, I lose the enchantment I attached to shotguns. Is there some way to save a perfect image of the file I have open. I know there has to be. I cannot believe that someone working on a large quest mod has to go back and redo everything every time they attempt to save something and then reopen it later. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  5. No, this is not possible. You may change what an area begins with in the CK, but you cannot import save data.
  6. While this is another level of protection, I don't see that as 100% either. If your adding F4SE dependence to your mod when it doesn't need it (just to restrict people), what stops the pirate from removing the dependence and your mod works now? I just don't see a third party tool as an solution you could depend on going forward. Absolutely no offense to the wonderful work of F4SE, just as a theoretical point. So, what if we tried a different approach. Do you think there might be a way to install some file in our fallout 4 folders and then make that mod dependent on that file? I know I sound like an idiot right now, but I'm pretty sure that consoles are limited on how much they can do with their core files and I know ini changes won't work. Wouldn't a modular design be an option. As it is, you can only download one file at a time on Beth.net, so that may be advantageous to anyone trying to block this.
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