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Everything posted by Dilvish

  1. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful --Anton Szandor LaVey
  2. My current character, Osric the Saxon, just picked up a nice blade in the Sea of Destiny mod. Misery Long Blade, One Handed Chop 10-70 Slash 10-60 Thrust 10-40 Condition 1000 Weight 26.0 Value 175000 Cast when Strikes - Absorb Health 40 pts Charge 1000 The perfect accessory for those long walks in Solstheim.
  3. You can make an enchanted item to restore your magicka. Enchant the item with the spell: Drain Intelligence on Self 100 pts. for 1 second. (You can buy the "Drain Blood" or "Distracting Touch" spells at various locations if you don't already know a drain attribute spell.) When your intelligence drops to zero, your magicka will drop to zero too. After 1 second, your intelligence will return and your magicka reservoir will fill up to it's maximum. Remove any intelligence fortifying items first. Your intelligence must drop to zero for this to work.
  4. You can take merchandise from the Outfitter's shop in Suran. Ranosa Gilvayn will yell at you but she doesn't attack or tell the guards. You won't get any bounty either.
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