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Everything posted by TheElderInfinity

  1. A dragon transformation shout would be incredibly badass. I would totally get behind that. Though playing as a dragon full time would only be fun for a dedicated questline.
  2. I definitely support this idea, the current werewolves are lame. I'd also be down with giving the werewolves a sleeker and wolfier appearance; I always thought of werewolves as sneaky hunters (like actual wolves are) rather than "RAWR HULK SMASH" things.
  3. I have yet to actually turn *into* a wolf (Although that quest is in my queue even as we speak) but this seems like a very good question. I presume that eventually there will be a mod that allows hair be all 16 million colors, and the thought of a blue or purple werewolf both frightens and amuses me, though. Without getting REALLY personal I find it hard to visually gender one wolf from another, but a sleeker, less bulked-out shape would probably help matters. As for cleavage, while I cannot actively denounce the appeal of enhanced décolletage, I have to agree it wouldn't be appropriate on a werewolf. Maybe some extra fluffy fur in that vicinity might be an acceptable compromise. ^_^ I agree. I think when I say 'Female Werewolf' everone thinks Furry Porn. Has no one seen 'The Howling'? I very much would like it to be respectful of the Skyrim universe, and not Anime smut. Mainly, whats important is to have a Custom Folder specifically for the Player Werewolf, then you can put what ever mesh and texture you want in it. The good thing about the skyrim werewolf is that the model likely won't need breasts. It's my understanding that the COH female werewolves head breasts because it was basically a bulked up and re-textured version of the default female body with different hands and feet, since actually changing out the players skeleton in a meaningful way is an absolute nightmare in oblivion.
  4. This mod request is basically what the title says: A overhaul of the third person camera view in order to make it viable for players to use. In the short term, there's only a few things I believe are possible, but after the creation kit comes out, the possibilities are greatly expanded. Now there are five main things I'm hoping to see done with the camera and third person gameplay: - Over the shoulder combat camera: I have no idea why Bethesda thought it would be a good idea to make the game camera centered on your character with weapons (or spells) drawn and over the shoulder with weapons sheathed. It's an absolute nightmare to try and target an enemy in third person view, and even melee characters have a hard time figuring out what the hell they're doing. The many benefits of over the shoulder targeting is the reason why it's become the default camera view for pretty much every third person shooter, and it wouldn't. This might be doable without CK, since I've seen a few mods which alter character perspective. - Some sort of aim assistance feature that scales with difficulty: Autoaim is a feature that many third person shooters include in their campaigns for less skilled players, particularly in shooters with RPG elements like Mass Effect. Considering how clumsy TES targeting is, this would definitely be an improvement. If this feature could also be scaled with the player's level in whatever skill is associated with the ranged attack, that would definitely enhance the RPG side of the game. This would definitely need creation kit if it's even possible. - Better targeting reticule: Self explanatory, though a viable third person archer would almost certainly be larger than the one we have now. This could probably be done without Creation Kit. - Light up reticules: In many TPS games, reticules will turn red when pointed at an enemy. This would be extremely valuable to any I'm not sure if this would be possible even with creation kit, but the game can recognize when you're pointing at a hostile creature for companion orders, so maybe we could go from there. - Faster arrows and spell bolts scaled to associated skills: One of the main reasons targeting in TES is so much more cumbersome than in TPS games is because arrows and spells move much slower than bullets. While I'm not suggesting arrows or spells that move at bullet velocity, higher arrow and spell speeds would make up for the loss in aiming ability associated with third person perspective. This has already been done, so it's certainly possible, though I'm not sure about the level scaling.
  5. ^ Maybe try to pull off a cute monster girl look?
  6. ^^ Yiff in he- Oh wait, we can't say that here. I'd certainly appreciate a less bulky model for female werewolves, but that's hardly a priority. Slapping breasts on them is out of the question though. As said, this is hardly a priority, I'd much rather prefer to see that Werewolf overhaul be implemented over this.
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