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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. @Alushun I've merged your thread with the public one which acknowledges this as a known issue. Please check the threads in Website Bug Report for known issues.
  2. I've moved this to a more appropriate forum (I'm assuming Skyrim as you didn't specify the game).
  3. Manually installed the latest version of Vortex. This is almost certainly caused by having a version so old it can't update itself.
  4. This usually happens when something is completely borked in your setup. I can see that you've somehow moved your AppData folder to G:\ which tends to break a lot of Windows libraries. TL:DR It's something you've done to mess with default application and Windows paths that is causing this.
  5. @Ben1281I've merged your thread with the public one which acknowledges this as a known issue. Please check the threads in Website Bug Report for known issues.
  6. @Bernt Merged your thread into the existing topic for the known issue. Please check this forum before creating a new thread as you might already have an answer here
  7. That's the way it has always worked. Perhaps you didn't notice before? Any collection associated with your account is visible in that view. As you say there isn't currently a way to archive/discard them. It is a requested feature on the feedback board though AFAIK
  8. You can says "Never ask me again" and it shouldn't have any significant impact on your game. If it's getting stuck, something on your PC is causing this. It might be file permissions issue, a corrupted file or you have an absolute tonne of files in your "My Games" folder and it struggles to move them all.
  9. I'm afraid if you can't get the payment options available to work (PayPal/Credit or Debit card/Google Pay) then you won't be able to buy Premium at the moment. Most payment errors come from the bank/payment provider's end so we often can't do anything about that from our side. It's also possible your browser addons are breaking the form, so you may want to try with any addons disabled if there is no reference code in the error message you're seeing.
  10. We're aware, that will be fixed at some point soon.
  11. You only need F4SE for mods that explicitly require it. I majority of mods do not, but some popular ones do.
  12. As mod comments don't have permalink you might just want to make a thread here with that info?
  13. There's not an easy way to do this. If you don't mind paying £9 you can grab the GOG version and use that to load the older version? https://www.gog.com/game/fallout_4_game_of_the_year_edition
  14. Not a bad idea, but one that's technically very complex. You can submit suggestions here: https://feedback.nexusmods.com/?query=hide+mod
  15. We're still working on this. I've merged several reports of the same issue here and moved this thread into the area visible to everyone.
  16. Hi all, Just a quick note about the recent Next-Gen update for Fallout 4 (version 1.10.980.0) and its compatibility with F4SE. As you might know, I posted recently on the site news that the update will break F4SE and any associated plugins. I've spoken with Ianpatt of F4SE about this and he had this to say: With this in mind, please be patient while they work on updating it and do not badger them in the comments. You can track the F4SE mod page to be notified when it updates. If you've not updated yet and want to prevent it please see this post: If you've updated and you'd like to roll back, I recommend getting the game from GOG.com as you'll be able to easily roll back to the previous version!
  17. If Steam isn't working either then it's very likely to be a problem with your PC setup. I'm afraid there are just so many possible things it could be it's hard to help further.
  18. If it didn't come back that means the fix isn't necessary. It's possible you did actually click "Fix" and didn't remember doing so. Or another modding tool you've run applied the same fix.
  19. The JSON file will be in your data folder. In theory the error you're seeing should include an exact path but it depends where in the process it failed.
  20. Is the path in the screenshot definitely the one that points to SMAPI?
  21. If you can't log in with Vortex or NMM this is either a temporary server issue (but we'd get lots of reports if it was) or something on your end blocking Vortex from talking to our website properly. Check your local AV/security software
  22. If you're just starting it's probably best you don't use NMM. Install Vortex or Mod Organizer 2 for a more modern/reliable experience. NMM was marked as "end of life" in 2016.
  23. You can include tools to add to the user's dashboard from the "Tools" tab, but there's no way to force them to launch one as default. You can add it to the instructions though.
  24. You might be doing it consistently, but Vortex can't make assumptions without getting it wrong for some of the less consistent uploads. As I alluded to, this is a known issue and we do plan to address it at some point in the future (hopefully within the next 12 months, but I can't promise that!)
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